Just a little drabble Disclaimer: I never owned Dragon Age or Bioware or any associates
That was all that was going through Marie's head as she said good-bye to Soris, her father, and finally Shianni.
Why today? Why Shianni? Why Neloras? Why me?
As she looked down at the ring that was supposed to be her wedding ring Marie remembered the anger and anguish that she felt when she saw her Betrothed cut down by the human basterds and the saddness and regret when Neloras with his last breath offered her the ring and asked if she would still haved married him even if they had made it out of the palace.
Yes she had told him Yes by the Maker yes
and she would have. She had had her doubts before the wedding but she had no doubt when Soris had told her that Neloras had been hellbent on rescuing her and the others she realized that he was perfect for her. Quiet, willing to let others walk over him, but ready to fight to the death to protect those he cared about.
Just like me. Marie thought with a sad smile or rather how I used to be.
Before Marie had been the voice of reason in a group someone who always tried to find a non-violent way to a problem even when humans were concerned Shianni had constantly joked that Marie would replace Valendren as their Elder. But that was before. Before the Arl's son before she realized just how cruel and cold hearted humans were. She had been ready to die when she stepped forward and claimed all responsiblity for the murder of the Arl's son, she had been ready to end it all to be with Neloras at the Maker's side or in Hell's embrace or anywhere in between. She had no doubt that's what she wanted.
But before she could be taken away the Grey Warden, Duncan, stepped forward and invoked the Right of Conscription and saved her life and also sentenced her to death in a way the guards had left bitter and Duncan gave her time to say her good-byes then they left the Alienage and that's where she was now looking down at her simple ring the last tie to her old life. of what could have been.
"Come child Ostagar awaits." Duncan said gently
Marie looked up at the old Grey Warden and nodded. Duncan wasn't like other humans he had proven that and maybe others would prove to be better then Denerim's rulers but even if that was so Marie had no doubt there was always going to be a part of her that resented humans there was no way to change that it wasn't a wound but a scar and scars never heal fully thry always show just like there would always be a part of her that belonged in Denerim always thinking on what mught have been.
So with that last thought Marie put her Betrohed's ring on her finger and and looked to Duncan who smiled knownly and nodded his consent and so Marie followed Duncan out of Denerim into her new life which withouy a doubt would be the adventure of a lifetime.