Yearning For Recognition
Bilbo didn´t think that one day he would recklessly leave his house, where he lived peacefully. That was until Gandalf paid him a visit with thirteen dwarves. And one of them certainly caught his attention. It was the leader of their small group, Thorin. But the man didn´t like him. Not one bit. He was against Bilbo joining his group.
At first, Thorin´s cocky behaviour got on Bilbo´s nerves a lot. Others have accepted him, but Thorin didn´t. And that was the only thing Bilbo longed for since he joined them - he wanted Thorin´s recognition, no matter what.
His life was dull and boring, even he admitted it. His resolve has changed a lot as they encountered more dangers, the first major danger began when they faced the three trolls. They all got caught, because of him.
Not a good start. Not when he wanted Thorin´s acknowledgement. He somehow managed to keep the trolls busy, while Gandalf returned and saved them from a very ugly death. As Bilbo thought, Thorin blamed him for it. Gandalf stood by his side and said that Bilbo at least kept them talking and distracted, while he and other dwarves didn´t think of it.
At least someone was on his side from the start. A lot of things happened along the way and Thorin still hated his guts. That day, at the mountain was the last straw for Bilbo. He was doing his best and Thorin won´t even look his way.
The raining got worse as they carefully walked on the mountain path. Dwarves and Bilbo were tired from a long walk, so when the mountain started shaking and moved, Bilbo thought he must be hallucinating.
"Oh, no! Watch out! Thunder giants! Legends are true!" Bilbo´s heart skipped at least two beats when he saw the bizzare scene ahead of them. A stone giant threw a rock in their direction and then the path separated. He, Kili and other dwarves were trapped. It wasn´t a mountain, it was another stone giant and they were fighting for some reason. "Hide!" Someone yelled in his ear, probably Bofur. Bilbo did his best to hide, but it was very slippery and another rock came flying right at them.
Bilbo thought that this was the end. He closed his eyes as it came closer. He waited for pain, but it didn´t come. It missed them. The giant stopped moving suddenly and Bilbo slipped and in the last second, he held on the edge. Thorin came running. "No, Kili!"
Bofur was the first to notice that Bilbo was missing. "Where´s Bilbo?!" They looked around and Bofur saw him barely hanging on. He and Bifur extended their hands, but Bilbo was losing his grip. He fell a little and quickly grabbed on again. Thorin took the matter into his own hands as he climbed down a little and pulled Bilbo up.
Dvalin then pulled him up. "Whew. We almost lost him." Bifur said, relieved. Thorin turned to face Bilbo. Thorin´s face was nowhere near friendly. "He is lost since he left his comfortable home. He shouldn´t have come with us. He has no place among us." He turned back, and Bilbo´s hope collapsed on the bottom. Thorin hates me, Bilbo thought. But why did he save me? He should have let me fall...
This and all other thoughts spiralled in his confused mind. "Dvalin, let´s go." Thorin walked away from him, Dvalin glanced at him and then followed Thorin.
The storm stopped, but a new one was raging on in his small body. He wanted to ask Thorin why the heck did he save him, but he was afraid of his answer. What did he expect? He´s the prince of a kingdom. Once he regains it, Bilbo will never see him again.
Thorin and Dvalin, who were leading the way found a cave. "Caves are dangerous around here. Let´s check them out first." All dwarves and Thorin took a look around it. " Everything is fine." Thorin nodded. " Good. We catch a nap here and then we move on." Gloin wanted to make a fire, but Thorin didn´t approve. "No fire. We don´t know if some orcs aren´t nearby. We sure don´t want to be stabbed in sleep. Bofur, you´ve got the first night guard."
Bilbo and other dwarves made themselves as comfortable as possible. Bilbo tried to sleep, but he couldn´t. His eyes were stuck on the back of Thorin, who was sleeping.
Why is he with them? He doesn´t belong with them... How could he be so stupid and believe that he had a place among them? He wasn´t a warrior, he wasn´t a thief, he was just a simple hobbit.
Bilbo made up his mind and looked around. Everyone was sleeping. He packed up his belongings and walked carefully across the sleeping dwarves, praying that he wouldn´t tread on their feet. He approached the exit and there, Bofur was keeping guard. Bilbo forgot about him. He will try to stop him.
He walked past him. "Where are you going in the middle of the night?" Bilbo turned to face him. " Back to elves." Bofur touched his shoulders. "You can´t leave now. You are a part of our group." Bilbo shook him off. "That´s the problem. I am not a part of the spoke the truth that I don´t belong here.I don´t know what made me come all the way with you. "
Bofur gazed at him as if he knew what Bilbo was thinking about. "You are homesick, aren´t you? I understand that." Bilbo formed a weak smile. This was the least he thought about. He missed his home, that´s true, but he wanted... it doesn´t matter anymore. "No, you don´t undestand. None of you do. You are dwarves, you are accustomed to living this kind of life. Everyday traveling further, you don´t stay anywhere, you don´t belong anywhere."
Bofur´s expression changed and Bilbo felt a wave of guilt washing over him. "I´m sorry, I didn´t... " He looked away. Bofur gazed at the hobbit before him. "No, you are right." Bofur looked back, at the sleeping dwarves. "We don´t belong anywhere." Bilbo didn´t know what to say.
"I wish you all the happiness in the world. Really." Bofur smiled at him and put his arm on his shoulder. Bilbo smiled at him and he was about to leave, when Bofur asked him. "What is that?"
Bilbo looked at his small sword, which was shining with blue light. Bilbo took it out and Gandalf´s words played in his mind. The sword shines bright blue when orcs are nearby.
The cave started shaking and the ground was split in half. Thorin instantly woke up. "Wake up. WAKE UP!" Other dwarves, half asleep got on their feet or were getting up, when the ground cracked and all of them, including Bilbo fell down a big tunnel.
It was slippery and they fell all the way down, Bilbo was very afraid. The tunnel was long and it seemed it had no end. Then, finally, he landed as the last one on Bombur´s stomach. (Talk about soft landing.)
Immediatelly following, hell broke loose as orcs came running and poor dwarves and Bilbo were captured by them. Bilbo tried his best to get at least one of his hands free and he managed to get away from his attacker. Bilbo ducked while Thorin and others were getting captured. They were outnumbered. Dori saw him for a split second, but then he and others got dragged away. Bilbo watched helplessly as his companions got captured.
He pulled out his sword, which was still shining and ran towards them. He might be scared, but he won´t leave them behind. He was catched by suprise, when an orc appeared and threw himself in his way. Bilbo reacted on reflexes and defended himself the best he could. Bilbo stumbled and the orc climbed on his back, trying to choke him. Bilbo shook him off, but he fell down, he let go of his sword, trying to grab on something, anything, but it was futile. He fell down into the depths, screaming his lungs out.
He fell and fell and fell and fell... Bilbo thought he fell right into the bowels of Hell. Bilbo´s fall ended when he fell on some sort of mushrooms, which slowed down his fall and probably saved him. After all that he went through, he felt awfully tired and his eyelids closed on their own.
He was saved for now, but who knew what dangers were ahead of him?