Sorry for the wait, again. I should be writing several assignments, but I can't seem to do it. I hope you enjoy, please remember that this story does not have a beta and is written on my iPad as my laptop is broken. So there are bound to be mistakes. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Harry Potter stared at his companions who stared back at him eagerly. Truth be told, Harry was scared, he could sense that there was something different about these people, but he didn't know how he knew that, it was simply a feeling. Harry knew that first impressions weren't everything, heck, he was three years old but far beyond his age in one simple way. He knew how to do things that other three year old little boys and girls did not, he was confused by a lot of it. Whenever Harry was scared, and he was right now, he would soothe himself by picturing the only people he ever felt were nice to him. He didn't know who these people were or what they meant to him, but there presence in his head would soothe him down enough so Uncle Vernon didn't hit him for crying. It was his method.

He closed his eyes and he saw them once more, sometimes two people, sometimes it was more than two, but they always helped him. This time it was just two people, little did Harry Potter know that these were his parents, the two people that loved him more than anything. The woman had long red hair that almost glowed in the sunlight that the pair were in, she had green eyes, bright green eyes that were an oval shape and had a breathtaking smile, a smile that warmed anyone's heart. The man had glasses on that almost hid his eyes from Harry's view, his eyes were a light brown, the colour of kindness and warmth, and maybe a little mischief in there. His hair was black and stuck up at all different angles, it was almost like he styled his hair like that on purpose, but Harry knew he had the same uncontrollable hair. He was also smiling and laughing. The both of them were in each others arms, talking, but they weren't talking to each other, they were looking right at Harry. In his mind he could hear the laughter of a child much younger than himself and in that instant he knew, as he took in all the similarities, that those two people dancing in his mind, were his parents.

"Edward, what is he thinking?" Some voice asked impatiently.

"He's thinking about a memory, he has no idea who they are. But I think from the similarities we can safely say that they are his parents. His mother had red hair and green eyes exactly like his, his father looks exactly like I would expect this one to look when he's older, apart from the eyes. They're dancing and singing to him in front of his crib. It's so sad." Edward said, locking his eyes on the small boy, who had his eyes closed tightly.

"I wonder what happened to them?" Esme asked from the hall, deciding to give the poor boy some space.

"You don't have to, he's thinking about it right now." Edward replied.

And indeed Harry was, his memory had gone from this happy moment of the two people he now realised were his mum and dad. A man entered the room, blasting the door from its hinges somehow. The man stood there as the woman ran upstairs with the boy, once the man in the hood, covering his face had finished his father, he began gliding up the stairs towards the mother.

"Step aside you foolish woman!" Said a voice that sounded pure evil.

"Not Harry, please not Harry. I'll do anything. Take me! Take me instead." The woman cried as she blocked the crib from the view of the hooded man.

"Step aside, at once!" The man commanded.

"Oh, please? Have mercy, have mercy. Kill me, kill me instead. Please, just not Harry."

"Avada Kedavra!" The man bellowed as the woman screamed and collapsed on the floor. The hooded man now face the little boy who had years rushing down his face as he realised what happened. "Goodbye, Harry Potter! Avada Kedavra!" The man shouted and instead of doing what it was supposed to, it bounced from the little boy and back onto the hooded man, which crumpled to the floor as a spirit left the room.

"Wait, what did the hooded man say, what was that curse?" Emmett asked, his voice had gone quiet from shock about what he heard.

"Um, I think it was Avada Kedavra, or something along those lines, a burst of green light came from the stick. Does that mean something to you?" Edward asked curiously.

"You guys know that I was a wizard before I was turned, right?" They all nodded, "Well, a way to kill someone in the Wizarding world is by saying that incantation, from then green light will come out of the wand and kill the person it is aiming for." Emmett said distantly.

"What does that mean?" Rosalie asked, trying to soothe the crying boy.

"It means that his parents were killed by a wizard." He said sadly.

"Not just any wizard either, the most powerful and dark wizard since Grindelward." A voice said that filled the room. Everyone looked around sharply and couldn't find the source of the voice until it materialised in front of them.

"We do not have much time, the higher beings have allowed us to come down here to help you set things right." Lily Potter said, turning around to face the people in the room.

"Firstly, you must not fear us, we are simply spirits of those you have just witnessed and we are able to come down with the help of those greater than us to help you. Harry is destined to destroy the wizard you saw killing us and this knowledge will help him get his best start." James spoke seriously.

"Who are you?" Emmett asked curiously.

"We are James and Lily Potter. Are you Emmett McCarty?" The man asked curiously.

"I am? So why are you questioning that?" Emmett asked curiously, whilst James and Lily grinned at each other.

"You were married to Dorothea before you died by being mauled by a bear?" James asked again, just to clarify the facts.

"The very same, why, how do you know this information?" Emmett asked again, Rosalie was giving the Potters daggers.

"We're you aware that the day you died, Dorothea found out she was indeed pregnant?" Lily asked, trying to hide the wide grin.

"What, no, that's impossible." Rosalie said whilst Emmett sat there, staring at them unbelievingly.

"We're you aware that Dorothea later remarried Charlus Potter? Under the pretence that your child was his?" James asked patiently waiting for them to connect the dots.

"Wait a second, Potter? You guys are Potters! And so is Harry. This has to be a coincidence!" Emmett said.

"Nope, I am James Emmett Potter, I am your son! Hi dad!" He added with a mischievous grin on his face.

"What, no, you can't be. If your my son, then Harry, then Harry..." Emmett continued, looking at the shocked faces of the people he loved.

"Harry is your Grandson. I finally found you, It took years and finally, my death for me to find you. I knew you were a vampire with a coven that paraded as the Cullen Family, but I was looking for years and then fate decides that you will be the one that adopts my son as your own! Unbelievable." James said in frustration.

"Ok, yes, you finally found him, I get it. Can I hug my baby boy, now?" Lily asked impatiently, looking around at the Cullen's questioningly.

"Well, I suppose you really are his mother after what we saw. So go ahead, you've probably been wanting to do this for a while." Esme said kindly, she knew how much it would mean to her if the roles were reversed.

Lily Potter rushed forwards and picked Harry up and started cuddling him, whispering soothing nothing's into his ear, tears streaming down her face while James talked to the Cullen Family.

"So as you may have guessed, Harry is a wizard who, at the tender age of one and a half, survived the killing curse from Voldemort, who vanished. We can tell you that Voldemort is still alive and waiting for an opportune moment to regain his powers. He was able to do this with the use of Horcruxes."

"Oh, ok, so if he does come back and gets killed again, he'll be gone for good?" Emmett asked.

James shook his head sadly, "Voldemort decided to make 7 Horcruxes, unfortunately, he mistaking lay made one the night he fled Godrics Hollow on Halloween. Harry is a Horcrux, but instead of the path that Dumbledore intends to take, we will supply a different way, because that soul in his head can and will overcome his very soul. We are going to take it out right now, it will not hurt Harry at all." He added at the look of Rosalie. "I am assuming you are my step-mother? It is a pleasure to meet you and I would never dream of doing anything that would hurt Harry at all, trust me completely, I am his father, after all." James added, seeing Rosalie's face.

"How will this work?" Carlisle asked curiously.

"I am assuming that you are my step-grandfather! It's a pleasure to meet you too! Simply, Lily will make her hand able to penetrate Harry and take it out. It will not affect him at all, it will tickle a little, but if I remember correctly, Harry loves a good tickle."

"I still don't know." Rosalie said.

"Step-mother? It will be far worse having that in his head, and Dumbledores current plans are for him to be killed, which he may or may not survive. Trust me, this is a lot better. I would never do anything that would purposely hurt Harry. I know the environment he was placed in and if you read our will we have had so many back-up plans for places he could go, we also stated that under no reasons was he to go to Lily's sister. We knew that she and her husband hated magic and we knew they would try to "put him right." So fate made it so you two would walk past that house and save Harry from there, you were the best candidates chosen and I am honoured that it was actually our extended family." James said almost impatiently.

"Dumbledore wouldn't do that!" Emmett said in an outraged voice.

"Open your eyes," Lily snapped furiously, "he put Harry with the Dursley's, he knew what would happen and he knew what was happening and he never helped. Dumbledore is only concerned about the greater good, he knows of the prophecy that states it either Harry or Voldemort. He's grooming the perfect weapon that would follow his command." Lily finished gazing into the eyes of her son who was giggling back to her.

"Ok I can see where you are coming from, but I trusted Dumbledore with my life." Emmett said.

"So did we, yet, somehow, all three of us are dead and I swear, Dumbledore has never shown remorse, we are just trying to give our and now, your son the best possible chance he can get. Like we said before though, we don't have much time, we need to do this now, we can argue about Dumbledore later." Lily said calmly.

"Ok, if you say this will help him, then do it! I'm sorry I questioned your love for Harry, I just, I think I love the little guy." Rosalie said.

"Well, that's what we hoped for anyway. We swear this will not hurt him a single bit." James said.

Lily put her hand in front of Harry's face and smiled at the boy distracting him. She made her hand become corporeal and gently placed it, reaching forwards into Harry's head and taking out the dangerous Horcrux that struggled to back into a living space. Lily closed her hand tightly, crumbling the object and sent the particles up towards death so he could torment him.

"It is done, you will notice that he has lost his scar. He has also lost several abilities such as being able to speak parstletoungue and the ability also the ability of Voldemort to penetrate his mind. These are all good things to lose, he is a healthy baby boy again. Please take good care of him, our sacrifice for him entails whoever loves him the most, their home will be protected from harm. I am sure that this is your family." Lily said sadly, still holding her son.

"I am sorry we never got to properly know one another, but the spirits have given us a few minutes to talk about Harry's future. I have always wanted to get to know you, Mr. McCarty. I hope that young your family can get to know me and Lily through Harry, he is a precious boy and unfortunately he has been chosen to lead the war with Voldemort, and with your help and love and the people he meets along his way can help him. Beware of Dumbledore, he insists Harry to be friends with a boy named Ronald Weasley, he is not a good friend at all and is too influenced by the fame of Harry. The sister of Ron is a fan girl to Harry and will try to give him love potions to persuade him that he loves her. The true friend for Harry is a muggle born girl named Hermione Granger, she keeps him straight and this is the reason that Dumbledore does not want Harry to be friends with her. Along with a couple of other friends at Hogwarts, Harry will be able to fulfil the prophecy and ultimately end the war. We also want you to know that when the time comes, or earlier if you prefer, you can move into the Potter Manor, Harry is the last of the Potters, although he truly isn't even a Potter, but he is the last in that line by adoption. It has an incredible fortune and land throughout the continent, the most prominent is Potter Manor, which is at the end of the street to Hogsmeade, although no one can see the house, so it is well hidden from the Wizarding society that lives in that manor, we have arranged for a goblin to be here soon to talk to you about it, it is up to you what to do with it. Also, in Harry's third year of Hogwarts a man named Sirius Black escapes from Wizarding prison, we can assure you, he is innocent of his crimes and just wants to get to know Harry, as he is Harry's godfather. That is all we can think of for Harry to have his best possible future, take care of him and love him. Goodbye, it has been a pleasure meeting you all." James rambled off all the information he could think of in a very short amount of time, luckily, these guys were vampires with good hearing and excellent memories.

James hurried over with his wife and hugged and kissed his baby boy as they faded into nothingness and disappeared, Harry safely sitting on the sofa as he remembered the faces of his parents.