Rated: M/A , NC-17 for cursing, violence, and sexual themes .

Summary: Kohta is sick of how he's been treated, so leaves the group. He goes Solo for Seven Months, had has some self-discovery's. When a Pack of zombies drive the old group into Kohta's Sanctuary, how will every one react to the new Kohta?

WARNING: Sex, cursing , and violence; everything needed for a decent HSOD story . An Oc Kohta and Also some Takashi and Saya Bashing. (I do not own HSOD and am getting no money for this)

A/N:All my mistakes are my own.

The day after I had my " I'm A Super General Mc' Badass Moment" , I realized that maybe I was a bit too harsh.
(Of course by realized I mean Ren came barging into my humble abode, and gave me one of the harshest theoretical punches to the gut I had ever received.)

Sure maybe telling them I'd kill them multiple time in our one-sided conversation could be considered a couple of inches over the line, but did I really deserve the 'You suck stamp', from my best, good friend Ren?

...Okay maybe I deserved that earth shattering look of disappointment just a little.

But it's not like they were super saintly saint people, who had never wronged me in any way, they had actually done the equivalent of shiting on my porch, and in my eyes, they deserved the cruel explanation of the rules; death threats included.

Maybe Ren just didn't understand the level of 'fuck you' I had in my heart for those people.
A very small part of me wished Ren would be a little more like Geoffrey, his 'I give no fucks because i'm fucking Clint Eastwood's reincarnation' attitude was extremely (for lack of a better word)- groovy.
He either, A) understood my motives; or B) just couldn't bring himself to care enough to comment.

But whether I wanted to or not, I realized I was a douche who was over reacting.
Ren's words made me realize a few things.

"Kohta, I don't know if you realize this or not but you're living in the goddamn apocalypse man! There aren't very many people left in this dead mans land. You need to get a grip, I know they suck as human beings; but at least they are human beings...
I know you're feeling sour about seeing her again babe, you love her and don't know why; but we don't live in a world where you have the luxury of being a Drama Queen. It would be best for the whole group if we lived like we don't have a past.
I love you dude, you are family to me now. I don't want to lose you because you're too stuck in the past to fight for the future."

She was right.

I was losing myself again.
I was letting my hate consume me and that wasn't good for my family.
I decided later that night that I wouldn't give them the pleasure of watching me fall apart again.

I'm going to be the better person, and act like the man I know I could be; even if it literally sickens me to play nice.

So, when I awoke the next day, at the ass-crack of dawn as usual; I quickly dressed, stopping at one of the many gun closets (which I assume was not meant to be their purpose) to load up on my way to the living room.

Looking through the selection this particular closest, my eyes widened as I noticed an Armalite AR, and my memories laced with facts about this gun began smacking me in the face, like I had done it wrong.

The AR-10(T); produced by Armalite, and was the original design of the AR-15 (M16).
My eyes looked it over remembering all the little details of this particular weapon.
The rotating lock bolt and I already knew it was magazine fed.
If I remember correctly, which I'd bet my left nut on, it primarily uses 20 round magazines.
It's weight is 4.88 kg, and ammunition is...7.62x51 mm!

This was the first REAL gun I had ever shot a zombie with... of course before that I had fucked around and made myself a little makeshift nail gun, but that was nothing compared to the gun I five-finger discounted from that Rita chick, who Mrs. Shizuka was all friendly with.

Of course the one I was holding now was far less impressive than the one I left behind with the group.
That one was pimped out beyond belief with external parts.

SpiderFire Folding Bipod

Sling mounts (neither the AR-10 nor the original SR-25 have sling mounts)

Rail system and rail pads from an original SR-25

Leupold M3A scope and Magpul PRS (Precision Rifle Sniper) Stock.

I smiled at the upgrade-less piece of machinery, and stocked up on ammunition for it.

"I think I'll call you...Arty" I said to it, slipping the thin strap around my shoulder, before picking up a variety of other weapons.

I then closed the door that lead to the small space and turned with a spin towards the staircase, taking the steps two at a time.

My mood was positive and when I met Geoffrey's slightly furry face from where he lounged in the living room; already ready to go and looking very much like a pack mule, I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows before galloping over to greet him.

"Geoffrey! My sweet, sugary honey comb; filled with the sweetest of honey, How are you on the lovely zombie infested day?!" I replied, trying not to crack a smile as a thick eyebrow raised on his previously serious expression.

He blinked before sighing, and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Kid, Its too damn early for this shit. I love you, brother but please don't make me shoot you." He said no humor lacing with his tone.

"Awe, G don't be such a mood kill. Today is a joyous day my friend! For today is the day we get to pick the first victims to take with us on our zombie hunting adventure!" I said enthusiasm rising with every word.

Geoffrey once again raised a manly looking eyebrow ( maybe he has a facial twitch thing or something) and gave me an accusing look.

"So let me get this straight ...you're saying you actually want to do this?"

"Of course I do! I mean who knows, maybe one of them will get lost or eaten! Lets take Takashi and Saya with us. I won't even argue about keeping the rest of the fuckers." I said smiling innocently like I hadn't just said something horrifying and terrible.

"Kohta! What would Ren say, if she heard you plottin like that?" Geoffrey said tone actually raising for once.

"Oh hush, I'm kidding...Kinda... Not really, but in any case what she doesn't know won't hurt her, and you better not tell her I'll hide your hydration pack again!" I said in an eye twitching at the thought of an angry Ren after him for his murderous thoughts.

Geoffrey gave me a calculating stare before shrugging in a whatever manner.

Clint Eastwood just can't be bothered can he? haha

"I reckon my silence is worth a happy Ren, but you best be kidding Kohta. Cause we don't kill anyone we don't have to. Got it?" He said with heavy glare that was barely visible under his brown cowboy-like hat, but that some how made it all the more scary.

"Oh yes Masa." I said with an eye roll, trying to play off the wave of fear I felt.

"Alrighty, well we best get moving, we're burning daylight with all this chit-chat. Are we really bringing Takashi and Saya today?" He asked, rising from the recliner he dubbed 'his' upon moving here.

I glared as his booted feet easily avoided that bastard coffee table I tripped over at least twice a day, before replying.

"Yes, I'm in a good mood and more likely to be pleasant despite the fact they're the ones I hold most distaste for, so I'd like to get that over as soon as humanly possible." I replied honestly.

He nodded his consent and we both went up the stairs to wake up our students for the day.

I stood at Saya's door considering what I would say before actually knocking.
Because there is just no way in hell I was going to let her berate me while I stand here stuttering.
Nope I'm not the old Kohta who runs in to social things head on thinking he can handle them... Nope.

Fuck. Why couldn't Geoffrey just let me wake up Takashi?!
I know how to handle him.

One wake up fucker before I barge in, and if he swings I punch him in the snoz.
But no, I got Saya the one who makes me have these disgusting feelings, that don't even make fucking sense!

Normally when people hurt you, you hate them!
It's a natural fucking reaction, but for some strange reason I've got the hots for her.
Hell, I have more than the hots for the bitch; I don't just dream about pounding her into every surface within a ten-mile radius.
Sometimes I dream about her being proud and holding my hand and shit...but usually its just the pounding for ten miles thing.

She's not even that hot!
I mean she's hot, but not enduring torture worthy.

Ren is so much sweeter, and cooler, and- and easier to love, but for some fucked up reason I just can't love her.

Maybe I have some fucked up, twisted ass version of Stockholm syndrome.

Ugh, my brain hurts!
Just forget it.
No more thinking just wake the bitch up.

I raised my fist and brought it down harshly on the white-painted wood 1.. 2...3 times; before letting out an unnecessarily deep "Yo Takagi" from my throat.

Now I assumed many things would happen. I could see her ignoring me, or yelling at me to go the fuck away. Hell I could see her sprouting wings and stealing canes from the elderly, before I could picture this.

Saya never did as I expected though.

"Kohta?" a sleep riddled voice said from behind the thin door.

"Uh yeah!" I replied stupidly.

'Way to go genius!'

"O-oh, umm you can come in if you want." she said sweetly with a yawn.

Surely she is just sleep retarded right now?
There is no way in hell the Saya 'Bitch face' Takagi I know would say anything sweetly to anyone, with the exception of maybe Takashi...on a Tuesday ...in the Sahara Desert.

What the fuck is happening?

Is this a Trap?


A/N: *Avoids gun shots*

Haha hey guys, Nice to see yo- err Type you again!

First off I'd like to apologise for the ridiculously long wait, and also for the lame action-less chapter i just typed out.

I'm really really sorry for being a douche and abandoning this for so long. I just lost my idea, and took a break.
That doesn't excuse my douche bagness, nor my lame short as fuck chapter.

I just hope some of you beautiful people still wanna read this fic!

I wouldn't blame you if you didn't, but it's still going to be an awesome tale of an awesome zombie slaying adventure that contains super steamy romance and well...zombie slaying!
Any who Leave me a rage review explaining how i'm a douche bag or just a review hell give me a criticism if you want call me an oaf or a dingleberry just tell me you still love me!
Also if you're a new comer leave me a fav or a follow if you want! You'd be one groovy cool cat if ya did!

Love you guys

have an awesome day!
