Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail

It was 6 a.m. already they've all been in complete silence for the past two hours. Wendy and Gemini were now exhausted since they both spent the night trying to heal Sting and Lucy, hurt in their previous encounter with Lili. That was until Mirajane spoke.

"Wendy you should go back to Fairy Hills, and get some sleep." Mira said while looking at the little Dragon Slayer that was having troubles to stay awake. "We can handle it from this point." Mira said while looking at Lucy, she had her left arm and left leg bandaged while Sting had his entire torso bandaged. "You both did a good job, I don't think this two would have made it alive if it wasn't because of you guys." Mira said while looking again at Wendy.

Wendy nodded shyly "No problem, just call me if you need anything else." Wendy said while heading out of the infirmary with Carla walking next to her.

"Oh, and say Thanks to Gemini too Loke." Mavis said while smiling at the leader of the Zodiac 12.

Loke nodded and made a mental note, to thank his Zodiac partner that had disappeared few minutes ago due to the lack of Magic Power.

"Loke, we must go back too. You have to rest a little bit" Virgo said to Loke.

"I won't go back, no with Lucy in this state. What if that bitch appears and attacks her again?" Loke said while clenching his hand into a fist. Virgo sighed at this.

"Ok as you wish, just call if you need anything." Virgo said while disappearing into the Celestial Realm.

"You guys do care for Lucy" Mavis said while looking at the Celestial Mage.

"Why wouldn't we? She is our master." Loke said while closing his eyes. "No, she's more than that to any of us. She's the most important friend any of us has. Even Aquarius cares for her in her very own way." Loke said while opening his eyes once again and then he continued to speak. "Since the day I met Lucy I've always been happy. I owe her my life and happiness and I'm sure the others feel the same too. That's why as Lucy's friend and as the Leader of the Zodiac 12 I can't allow myself to lose her, but most important I can't let my fellow spirits go through the pain of losing her." Loke spoke as a tear escaped from his eye.

Mira smiled and nodded at him. Telling him that Fairy Tail members would always protect each other no matter what.

"By the way Loke… Why did Aquarius appearance and magic changed? I'm sure she was able to use Water magic, but I wasn't aware she could use Wind and Lightning Magic too." Mira asked Loke while a huge question mark appeared over her head.

"Hmm well I don't know much about it, but Crux said it had something to do with Aquarius real powers awakening. Sagittarius went through the same process too." Loke answered Mira. "But I'm not well aware why they are the only ones that are able to do that… As I told you I really don't know much about it, I guess I will have to ask Crux or the Spirit King when I go back." Loke said while Mira just nodded at his words.

Silence filled the room once again. Loke was starting to get tired but he was too worried for Lucy to go back. Mira was thinking of ways to get that damn girl in a ballet dress for hurting their Master. (A/N: none of them now Lili's name since she never told it to Them). And finally Mavis was thinking of the great work The Fourth had made with her guild, she was happy to see her guild as a big and united family. But with Makarov in that state Fairy Tail was very exposed to an attack, so she had to think quickly for a replacement for the Fourth until he was able to resume his job as the Master.

They all stood there thinking until a voice brought them back to reality. "Loke you should go back, I'm going to take care of Lucy now. And I'm not asking you if you want to leave, you're leaving now!" Aquarius said with a frown on her face.

Loke sighed, he didn't want to leave but Aquarius gave him no choice and well… he knew very well how Aquarius was when things don't go the way she wants. He said Goodbye to Mira and Mavis and went back to the Celestial Realm; at least he knew Lucy was going to be safe with Mira and Aquarius around.

Just as Loke left the Infirmary door opened. The three girls turn around to see Erza, Gray and Juvia entering the infirmary and walk towards them.

"Mira we've been looking for you!. What are you do-" Erza stopped talking when she saw her teammate lying on one of the infirmary's bed.

"Mira! What happened to LUCY?" Erza and Gray asked Mira with a high tone of voice.

"She had to fight 2 extremely powerful spirits that's why she got so injured. Then she was attacked by a weird girl with Ballet dress but Sting somehow manage to protect her from most of the attack" Aquarius was the one to answer Erza's and Gray's question.

"What spirits and why did Lucy went to a mission like that by her own!" Erza asked Aquarius while raising her voice.

A tick mark appeared in Aquarius head. "Arggh! Because your Master told her not to tell anybody about that mission and that she had to do it solo!" Aquarius said while scowling.

"Hmm, Aquarius do you by any chance know what happened to the two Spirits?" Mira asked The Storm Spirit.

"Yeah, I asked Crux about it. He said that when they were about to give Lucy the blessing the girl turned them into fuchsia crystals with an spell called Soul Drain he's not very aware of what the spell can really do, the only thing he know at the moment is that with that spell your able to encase that target in the crystal." Aquarius answered.

"What girl are you two talking about?" Erza asked, they were pissing her off since they didn't explain her anything about the situation.

"Calm down a bit Erza." Gray told her while placing his hand on her shoulder. "What matters right now is Lucy's safety. Is she ok now?" Gray asked while looking at Mira.

"Yeah, she's better now that Wendy healed her but she hasn't woken up yet." Mira told them.

"And what is Sting Eucliffe doing with her?" Gray asked once again.

"I'm not really sure why he's with her; the only thing I know is that they like each other." Mira said while hearts appeared in her eyes.

"EHHH? Lucy likes him?" Erza, Gray and Juvia asked at the same time. Mira just nodded since she was too busy thinking about blonde Blue-eyed babies.

"That means Lucy-sama is not more Juvia's love rival! Juvia is glad about it!" Juvia yelled. Gray sweat dropped at this and Erza just shook her head.

"Mira I don't understand, what spirits did Lucy fought?" Erza asked her S-class fellow. Mira nodded and started to explain her about Helio and Luna with Aquarius's help.

"And what about the girl you mentioned before?" Erza asked once again.

Mira's hand clenched in a fist, she was trying to control the anger she felt towards that girl. "Well you see, the girl that attacked Lucy is the master of the Voidfiend that attacked our Master. And as Aquarius already said she took both spirits with her, for an unknown reason." Mira said with a frown.

Erza nodded at this. That girl was going to pay for messing up with Fairy Tail, first Master Makarov and now Lucy.

"We have to find that girl and then I will personally make her pay for all what she has done" Erza said while a deadly aura appeared around her.

"No way Scarlet! She's mine I'm the one that is going to take her down!" Mira said with a mischievous grin while glaring at Erza.

"Hmph, stop it you two!If anybody is taking that whore down is Me! That bitch(Lili) was the one that took the other bitch(Luna) away from me before I was done with her!" Aquarius said with a frown in her face and a deadly glare.

The 3 girls started to argue, the three of them wanted to crush Lili with their own hands. Gray wanted to get the hell away from the infirmary, Erza was hard enough to handle but it seemed that both Mira and Aquarius had adopted Erza's personality. He knew soon enough one of them would burst in anger and destroy the whole infirmary and he didn't wanted to be there to experience that.

"Hmm girls, Juvia thinks Lucy n-needs rest right now and you might w-wake her up with your little argument. So d-do you mind taking it to another place?" Juvia asked the three of them nervously.

The three of them sent Juvia a murderous glare. Mira and Erza got out of the infirmary to continue their 'little chat' while Aquarius just sat back on one of the free infirmary's bed.

Gray raised an eyebrow at Aquarius he was expecting her to follow Erza and Mira, or to just disappear into the Celestial Realm.

Aquarius noticed this and then told him. "Listen you kid! If you tell Lucy that im worried about her and that I stayed here to take care of you I'm going to murder you with my very own hands! YOU GOT IT!?"

"A-Aye Sir!" Gray said while nodding constantly.

Mavis just laughed then took Gray and Juvia out of the infirmary, none of them wanted to go out but she told them Juvia was right and right now the only thing Lucy needed was to rest. They had no choice but to unwillingly follow her.

Aquarius disappeared. Her guarding shift was now over and she was replaced by Gemini. They had somehow recovered really quickly and they both wanted to take care of Lucy, at the moment Aquarius didn't wanted to fight with them so that's why she let them stay and protect Lucy.

It was only Lucy, Sting, Gemi and Mini in the guild's infirmary now. Sting slowly opened this eyes, he started to look around his eyes landing on the two spirits flying right above him.

"Where am I? Where is Lucy?" Sting asked both spirits while trying to stand up.

"You are at Fairy Tail's Infirmary" Gemini said. "Lucy is right next to you" Mini said while pointing at the blonde girl that was at his right side. "You have to rest a bit you took a lot of damage" both said at the same time.

"I don't care about that, I'm fine. How is she?" Sting said while sitting in his bed.

"She's still in recovery, you're both doing better because we got to Wendy-san just in time" Gemi said.

"Tch, it's going to take more than a simple attack to take me down" Sting said with a cocky smirk. Both twins started to laugh at this and he couldn't help but laugh with them too. The three of them stopped their laughing when they heard Lucy groan in pain.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER?" Sting yelled wide eyed, he was seeing Lucy constantly groan in pain. Her right hand was starting to turn dark green. (A/N: just like when Erza got poisoned by Cubelius but in dark green color). "Didn't you guys say that the Sky Dragon Slayer had healed her." Sting said he was starting to freak out, he didn't liked to see Lucy suffering like this.

"Yes, Wendy healed her but we don't know what's going on with her." Gemi said while looking at his brother. "We have to get Wendy right now" Mini said looking back to his brother too.

"No, there's no time for it! We have to do something." Sting told them, the dark green color was spreading quickly over her body it was now all over her right arm.

"What's wrong?" Mira said while entering the infirmary, she had heard Lucy's shriek just a little time before she rushed to see what was going on. She then directed her gaze to the dark green color that was starting to take over Lucy's white skin. Mira was too shocked to move but after a few more seconds she was able to regain control of her body. "It was that girl's attack" Mira said in a low voice.

"Of course it was! But how comes I'm not affected by that poision?!" Sting said whit a frown.

"It's not a poision." Gemi said. "If it was a poison Wendy would had already dispelled it" Mini said. "It's more like some kind curse left by the attack" both twins said.

Mira shook her head. "I don't know, but we have to do something and fast before it spreads all over her body. I-I'm going to call Wendy!" Mira said while running out to Fairy Hills to get the guild's healer.

"Grrr, there's no time for that!" Sting said while clenching his hand into a fist. It made him feel so weak not being able to help Lucy he couldn't do anything for her at the moment and his magic wouldn't help him either. His magic was only good for destroying things not for healing. Wait my magic! Maybe I wasn't affected by that Bitch's curse because of my Magic, I need to give her my magic Sting thought.

"Hey you two" Sting called getting the attention of the Twins spirits. "Help me get to Lucy's bed I think I might now how we'll save her" Sting said while standing up both spirits rushed and helped him walk over to Lucy's bed when he got there he cupped her face with his hands. He then gave her a peck in her forehead.

"You'll be fine. I'm not going to lose you" Sting whispered in her ear as he said this, his body started to emit a White Light which was all absorbed by Lucy's body.

Gemi and Mini were both watching how Sting was successfully healing Lucy from the curse. Sting landed on Lucy's bed right beside her. He had no energy left she gave it all to the beautiful blonde next to him. He pulled her into a hug and started to fall asleep.

"Please don't" were Sting's lasts words before sleeping.

Both Gemi and Mini nodded understanding that he didn't wanted any Fairy Tail member to take the Celestial Mage out of his grip.

Authors Note: This was the sixth chapter :o hope you liked! Ty for Review, Fav/follows!

~Some of you guys had some questions from the last chapter so I hope, I cleared your doubts with this chapter the only one I didn't answered yet was the one from Eeveexme! But don't worry I will answer it in other chapter! :3

~Grr! Im really sorry guys It took me too long to write this chapter! But my self-confident problems and an Author's Block made this a really hard chapter for me to write! Even though I'm not 100% satisfied with it! Anyways I hope you guys will be able to forgive meh~!

Thank you for Reading!
