Hello again. We're counting down to the end of my story. I am so glad you have stuck around. So without further ado, here this the latest chapter.

Please read, enjoy and review.

Chapter 29


From the moment we entered the room everything seemed surreal. With my hand clasped firmly in his, the entire ballroom quieted as Edward and I slowly descended the grand staircase and were announced to the awaiting crowd. I glanced around and located my parents as they stood on the raised platform that held their thrones.

The look in their eyes was that of happy parents, but their stance was rigid and ready for what the night held. As we reached the bottom of the stairway, Edward lifted his free hand, which instructed the orchestra to play. Without missing a beat, he took me in his arms and we began to dance to the excitement of our onlookers.

Little by little, guests joined us as the song continued. Applause echoed around the room, as the song stopped and Edward and I began to mingle with our guests. I was introduced to many courtiers from the French Court, all of whom seemed very excited to meet me.

A tap on Edward's shoulder caused us to pause as we were making our way towards my parents. Turning, we came face to face with Carlisle, who had a heavily pregnant woman on his arm. I was far too shocked to speak, and I stood there staring at her.

"Ah, my brother I see you have returned," Edward spoke breaking my stare

"Of course! You know I would never have missed this night." He quickly embraced Edward before coming to me.

Placing a kiss on my cheek, he whispered into my ear. "Breath Bella, you can do this."

"Isabella, my beautiful god-daughter," Carlisle turned to Esme, who bowed at me.

"I would like to introduce you to Madam Esme Bonnaire," I nodded my head at her.

"It is truly an honour to meet you, Princess," She smiled at me, but I found it impossible to return the sentiment. I felt like a traitor to Gianna, so I turned my attention to Carlisle.

"Uncle, I was so worried that you wouldn't have made it. I am indeed happy to see you," I forced a smile at him, as he frowned slightly. A slight squeeze of my hand forced my attention to Edward, who smiled encouragingly at me.

"We must be going," I paused before continuing. "And it was very nice to meet you Madam Esme."

I turned and felt Edward do the same as we walked towards my parents. I was so lost in my thoughts of Esme, that I did not realise that there was another couple with them.

"Mother! Father!" Edward exclaimed.

As they turned towards us, it finally dawned on me that this night would be harder than I anticipated.

Coming to a stop, I watched as Edward embraced his parents. There were kisses from his mother, who fussed over him slightly. I realised that the last time she had seen him, would have been when he was attacked in France. Finally, they all turned to me and Edward reached for my hand.

"Mother, Father, I would like to introduce you to Princess Isabella Marie." His hand slid to my hips and he gently pushed me forward.

With a deep curtsy to his parents, I quickly stood up and spoke, " King Carlisle, Queen Helena, it is an honour to meet you."

Queen Helena walked over to me, gently placing her hands on my face before leaning forward to kiss both my cheeks.

"No, Isabella, it is an honour to meet the woman who has captured my son's heart. It warms a mother's heart to see her son choose a wife, and it makes me even happier to see he has chosen such a beautiful woman at that."

She smiled at me, before moving to stand by her husband's side. With a nod at me, the King smiled and slapped his son on his shoulder.

However, before we could speak further with his parents, our presence was called upon elsewhere. As we once again mingled with our guests, I had the strange sensation of being watched. Looking up, my eyes landed on those of Jasper. His stare penetrated my entire being and I clasped Edward's hand painfully hard catching his attention.

Without drawing any attention, he moved us away from Jaspers' prying eyes and further into the awaiting crowd.

"Are you well?" Edward asked after failing to gain my attention.

"Yes... just a bit unnerved," I explained as he rubbed my hands in his.

"Do not worry, I won't let you go," he whispered before being greeted by another courtier who approached us.

The night carried on and at some point, I had stopped bracing myself for the inevitable and had begun to enjoy myself. Edward and I danced and mingled. We tried unsuccessfully to have a few moments alone with our parents to tell them the good news, but were deterred each time.

Finally, Rose was able to steal me away, allowing me a few moments of relief.

"You looked like you needed me to rescue you," she said as we stepped out onto one of the lower level terraces that led to one of the minor gardens. The fresh air did wonders to cool my heated body and I smiled at Rose before speaking.

"How selfish of you to only save me, but leave poor Edward to the wolves." I said as we both laughed.

"Edward is the least of your worries, Princess." A cold voice came from the darkness before us, causing both Rose and me to stop. His English accent was mixed heavily with a French one.

Footsteps came slowly towards us, the person taking their time. I reached out to Rose, pulling her behind me in the direction of the door.

"I wouldn't do that Princess," the voice was low and raspy, one I didn't recognise.

"I won't hurt Lady Rosalie, kill her maybe, but not hurt her." A maniacal laugh echoed as Rose stiffened beside me.

Finally he stood before us, his face covered by a mask, his body clad in all black. And he wasn't alone. Behind him stood Mary Alice.

"I thought I would have to forcibly remove you from Edward's side," she said as the man drew a sword from his belt.

"Never mind how long it took, I have you here now and I will finish what I started in that marketplace. You, Isabella, will die tonight."

My attention moved between Mary Alice and the unknown assailant. I didn't know how I would protect Rose and myself but somehow I had to get her away from this and to get help for us.

I knew someone would die tonight.

And it might be me.


Isabella had been whisked away by Rose leaving me to fend for myself. My eyes followed them as they left my side, but my vision was soon hindered by dancing couples. I decided to follow, feeling uneasy now that she wasn't by my side.

I made to follow her, but I was accosted by a horde of Ladies who wished to know more about Isabella's and my relationship. These women lived for gossip and if I refused to tell them anything, they would never let me leave.

However, before I could say anything I heard my name being called out. Turning I saw Jasper. He ran over to me out of breath, his face dripping with sweat. He tried to speak but his words came out muffled.

"Jasper, what is the matter?" My fear spiked as I looked at his face.

"It's Isabella..." he said and pointed in the direction of a dark hallway and I took off before he could say another word.


"Oh, poor Bella," Mary Alice mocked me as I stood my ground.

"How will you save your pregnant friend? How will you defeat this skilled fighter? Where is your beloved Edward?" She laughed as she began to circle us.

I needed her to stay in my line of sight, where I could monitor her and the armed killer. Reaching under my skirt, I quickly removed the knife Emmett had given me earlier tonight. He had shown me how to use it, but at the moment all lessons had been forgotten.

"Oh! Prepared are we?" Mary Alice was out of my line of sight, but I knew Rose could see her as I felt her grasp on my hand tighten.

"It makes no difference. I will get what I deserve tonight. For years, I have worked hard to to get where I am. I lost my parents and my throne, and with Charles, I had found a way to be Queen. Then along came you and your mother and I was forgotten." she stopped speaking and moving.

"I was the only daughter that he had, but did that matter when he found you? No! He threw me to the side. So now, I will take the most important thing from him and then, I will take his wife and I will watch as he slowly dies on the inside."

Her voice was steady and filled with hate, which caused my heart to quicken. I knew I had a small window to get out of this situation. As I began to formulate a plan, I felt Rose's hand roughly pull away from mine.

Turning, I saw Rose with a knife to her throat, Mary Alice's hand over her mouth. Rose's frantic eyes darted at me then behind me. I tried to run to her, but I was roughly pulled backwards by my hair.

I hit the ground on my back, knocking the air out of my lungs, my knife lost somewhere. Coughing, gasping for breath I was able to pull my body upright. A muffled scream caught my attention and I looked up to see Rose struggling in Mary Alice's grasp. My eyes darted between the man behind me and Rose.

Struggling to breathe, I tried to stand only to be kicked back to the ground. Rolling I came to a stop at Rose's feet. I could hear her worried but muffled screams behind Mary Alice's hand, but I was consumed by the pain that radiated throughout my body.

"Stop fooling around and kill her you imbecile," Mary Alice snarled at the man, who just grunted in return.

Looking up I saw Rose's body as she jerked and pulled, trying to break the hold Mary Alice had on her. However, I knew she could not do it by herself. Reaching out quickly, I pushed my hand under Rose's skirt and grabbed someone's ankle, at this point it didn't matter.

With one final burst of strength, I pushed Rose back as I pulled at the ankle in my hand. Both women went down hard, Rose on top on Mary Alice and for that I was glad. Mary Alice's scream was cut off as the wind was knocked out of her. A loud knock was heard as her head slammed onto the hard floor. Her hands went limp, releasing a startled Rose.

I had all but forgotten the sword wielding man behind me until that very sword was drawn against my throat. He pulled me to my feet, my back against his as we both looked over at the two women laying on the floor.

"It doesn't matter what happens to Lady Alice, I am here to do one thing and nothing will stop me." He said before spinning me to face him.

"Please, you don't have to do this." I pleaded as I tried moving around him.

We moved in a circle until I was standing where he started. I was unarmed and I was not sure where Rose was. Panic settled in my stomach as I envisioned my death. It was inevitable and I could no longer stall.

"Please..." it was all I could say as he plunged his sword into my stomach. My eyes widened as I saw a sick smile grace his face.

"I would much rather draw out your death, after all, you are the reason I am here." I could make no sense of the words he was saying. However, I knew his first blow was not to kill me but to wound me. Dropping to my knees, my hands clutched where he stabbed me. Blood flowed and I added pressure to my wound.

"She..." he said pointing behind himself. "Kidnapped my wife and child and forced me to kill you. I am no traitor to the crown, or my people. Nonetheless, I will do everything possible to get my family back."

He approached me as he finished his monologue, sword raised in hand as he prepared to drop the final blow. I raised my hand, in a weak attempt to block his attack.

The sound of a blade piercing skin echoed around us, followed by a loud howl. I dropped my hand in time to see the man before me fall to his knees and onto his side.

Looking up, I saw Rose, her face red from tears and anger, her hands covered in blood. She raced over to me as I dropped to the floor. I was losing blood quickly and feeling light headed.

"Bella, Bella..." I could hear her, but the howls of the man next to me drew my attention.

I could not take my eyes from him, as he tried to reach the blade lodged in his back, my blade to be exact. Then a whirlwind of activity descended on us. I could hear loud metal footsteps as the royal guard flooded the area. Hands prodded at me and I was quickly lifted off the ground.

I watched as guards grabbed the still howling man. The blade was pulled from his back and the loud sickening sound grated on my nerves. As I passed him, I barely had the strength to look up, but as I did, I saw Rose as she forced Mary Alice to stand with her own knife at her throat.


I ran down the hallway calling out to Isabella but only getting my echo in return. Something was not right and I stopped. Turning, I saw Jasper as he approached me.

"Where is she? I asked him.

He smirked at me before speaking. "Dead by now."

"What are you..." However, my words were lost as I watched him draw his sword.

"And now you will join her in the afterlife," he said as he attacked me.

I did not have the time to draw my sword in defence and caught his first blow on my upper arm. The sting of the blade cutting through my skin hurt less as the sting of having my own brother try to kill me.

Drawing my sword, I was able to deflect all of his attacks. Compared to me, Jasper was like child wielding his father's sword. He was never one for combat. However, the drive behind his blows told the story of a man motivated by greed and want.

We continued to battle, I blocked all of his attacks, but my shots landed at all of their intended targets. I knew I could kill him if I wanted to to, but I hesitated.

"I wish I could be there right now to see her face as Mary Alice drives her dagger into her heart," he taunted me, his breaths coming out in harsh pants.

"What have I ever done to you?" I asked as I deflected another weak shot.

"You were born. The bastard son from one of Father's affairs. And instead of Mother having you killed, she raised you, loved you more than she loved me, her own flesh and blood." I watched as tears ran down my brother's face.

Memories of Jasper as a child, hiding in the shadows watching as mother fussed over me. When I fell she rushed to pick me up, shushing me as I cried. As we grew older and I showed promising skill on the battlefield, she would fuss over every cut and bruise I received. Yes, Jasper was right, Mother did dote on me, but she never neglected any of her children.

"You deluded man; you did all this because you believed our mother didn't love you enough?" I shouted at him as he shook his head.

"No, I did all of this because you got everything I ever wanted. All the glory on the battlefield, the love of the people. And when the people have mourned you, I will be the Prince they will realise they have always wanted."

He said all he needed to and now it was time to finish this once and for all. Jasper rushed at me, but I saw his attack coming and I was able to block it before landing my own deadly blow. I watched as the light died in his eyes.

"It's a pity brother..." I whispered as he sagged into my arms. "We should have been closer; we should have loved each other more. And now, the mother whom you said didn't love you enough, will be the one to mourn you the most."

I felt him take his final breath and his body went limp in my arms. I lifted him in my arms and slowly made the walk back to the ballroom.

Upon my arrival back at the ballroom, I realised that the doors were all locked. Panic consumed me as I began pounding on the door. My knocks went unanswered until the door was pulled open just a crack and I saw someone peek through the barely there space.

As I was recognised, the door swung open wide and I shifted Jasper in my arms. A path was made for me as guests moved out of my way, cringing as they saw my dead brother's body. Walking directly to where my family stood, I saw Isabella on the floor, her mother at her side.

Her face was drained and she looked dead. A loud cry tore from my lips, alerting everyone of my presence.

"Edward!" Someone shouted my name as the weight of what my eyes saw, as well as Jasper's body pulled me down to the floor. I could feel my arms become lighter as someone had taken his body, but I did not care. The love of my life lay before me, dead, all life gone from her body.

I roared as hands grabbed me, forcing me to stand.

"Edward, listen to me." I tried to focus on the person in front of me, but my eyes couldn't leave Isabella.

"She's alive Edward." I finally looked at Charles, who was trying to gain my attention.

"Alive?" I asked as I grabbed his shoulders.

"Yes, she is injured, but she's alive. Go to her." I stumbled out of his grasp and made my way to her.

Her breathing was shallow but it was there. Grabbing her hand in mine, I drew it to my lips. Her skin was cold and she shivered at the feel of my skin against hers. Looking up, I saw Rose as she sat on the King's throne with Emmett at her side, her hands covered in blood as she shed silent tears.

Over to the side, Mary Alice and a man clad in black kneeled at the bottom of the thrones, with four guards surrounding them. Her eyes were filled with utter devastation as she stared unblinkingly at Jasper's dead body

Loud murmurs began to rise, as the Royals could no longer contain their silence. A loud bang startled the room as Charles had brought all attention to himself.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the court, tonight we end this once and for all."

I really enjoyed this chapter, it felt like everything just came crashing down. I loved the chaos. Tell what you thought of this chapter.

Thanks for reading
