A/N: This is based on a site RP that my friend is apart. We are co-writing this short (mainly him) but I am having fun reading and watching the story progress, so naturally I'm excited to help write this.
The short and long of it: The cage Lucifer was trapped in has been reopened. He and his brother, Michael, are walking earth again but Michael has disappeared and Lucifer has been running rampant, spreading discord. In an attempt to regain more power he handed Crowley all the darkness inside of him, promising protection and practically handing over his former title to the self proclaimed king of hell. With a newly restored Grace, Lucifer's reborn state is exploring the aspects of humanity while his shadow of evil is tormenting Crowley, it's root nestled deep inside of him as he carries the burden of Lucifer's egg of darkness.

Disclaimer: I do own Supernatural or any of it's characters. I simply draw from their creative awesomeness and do absolutely no justice to their amazing creation, but one can dream.

Warning: We weren't going to go there but it's been decided by many that it will. Angst, tension, and some explicit graphic material may be present up to and including: Violence, strong language, blood and gore, and sexual context (Yes, with Lucifer and Crowley.) You've been warned.