Brick's P.O.V

"Just say the chant you idiot! I won't wait much longer!" I smack my brother, Butch, in the back of the head as he attempts to find the right page in the large dusty book.

"I'm trying to find it! You wouldn't be able to find it any easier than I could and you know it!" He growls back at me through razzer sharp teeth.

I grip the book and pull it, forcefully, from his hands. Flipping for only a moment before finding the right chant. "Right there." I say showing it to him. "This will bring them to us. Now read it, I'm getting impatient!"

He rolls his eyes. "You were born impatient Brick." He mumbles before turning to the book, only to turn back to me. "Tell me again why you aren't reading it? You're the leader aren't you?" He says the last part sarcastically, thinking he's backed me into a trick question.

"I am, and you're reading it because if there's a curse or anything on the chant I don't want to get it." I smirk back as his eyes widen in the realization that there very well could be a curse on the spell, it hasn't been used in centuries.

He practically throws the book into our other brother, Boomer's, hands. "You read it then blondie, I'm more important than you could ever hope to be." He says backing away.

"Boy." Boomer says. "You guys call me a wimp a lot, but you won't even read a simple summoning chant." He rolls his eyes and walks in front of the mirror, speaking the chant into it.

Blossom's P.O.V

"Do you guys hear that?" My sister, Bubbles, asks looking around the room as if in search of something.

"I don't hear anything." My other sister, Buttercup, rudely replies. Tossing a small rubber ball against the wall and letting it return to her, then repeating the action.

I hold still and strain my ears, trying to hear what ever it is she's talking about. At first there's nothing, then all at once I hear it. A voice, deep and slow. "I hear it. . ." I say walking in the direction of the voice.

"It's coming from the mirror. . ." I say, looking into the mirror as Bubbles comes up from behind me to get a closer look. Our reflections. . . That's all that's there. . .But the voice is still speaking.

"Can you tell what it's saying?" I ask, turning to Bubbles who shakes her head no as a response.

Before another word can come from anyone, a bright purple glow surrounds all of us, lifting us into the air.

"What the hell is going on?!" Buttercup yells angrily, trying desperately to get down as the purple glow pulls all of us to, and through, the mirror.

Butch's P.O.V

She lands directly into my arms, her big eyes staring innocently into mine as they adjust to the light here. The quiet of her surprise lasts only a moment before she screams and slaps my face, causing me to drop her.

"Oww!" She yells, hitting the ground with a loud cracking sound and rubbing her short, pitch black, hair. "What the hell is wrong with you? Where the hell are we? Who the hell are you? What the hell are we doing here? Why the hell was your hand on my-" I cut her off.

"There's nothing wrong with me. You're in my world now. I am Prince Butch. You are here to be my bride, and because you're hot." I finish with a seductive wink.

She stands up and slaps me again. "No." She says turning and pulling her blonde sister out of Boomer's hands, and her ginger sister out of Brick's hands. "We're going home." She says pulling them and leaping into the mirror, falling as it falls and shatters into tiny pieces on the ground, covering the three of them in tiny glass shards.

"The hell?!" She screams getting back up and examining the broken mirror pieces that lay around her.

"That was a great idea Buttercup." The ginger one says standing up and rubbing her, now bloody, arm. "Now you broke it."

Buttercup growls and turns to the ginger girl. "Like you wouldn't have done the same thing if you had gotten out of carrot top's arms first!" She yells angrily.

"I wouldn't have." She replies. "I would've made one of them tell me HOW they brought us here, then demanded them to tell us how to get back!"

"Yea." Buttercup rolls her eyes. "And if you were tied up in the back of a van you'd ask if you could use their phone to call the cops. Because OBVIOUSLY they'd let you." She finishes the sarcastic remark with her arms crossed.

The blonde one chooses this moment to stand up and stare blankly at Buttercup. "I don't think we should be fighting right now guys. . . " She says, her eyes growing wide. "We should be looking for a way out. . ."

Boomer comes up behind her using his super speed. "Sorry, but we can't let you girls leave. We've been watching you since we were six and we discovered that mirror, the one you just broke, that leads into your world. We watched you all the time, and we fell in love with every thing about you. Imagine our surprise when, just last week, they tested us and told us that YOU were our soul mates."

Brick interrupts, wanting to tell some of the story as well, probably because he wants to sound smart and shit for the ginger girl. "We had been so angry about getting our brides picked, because we had already fallen for you three, and when the Royal Ad-visor said your name Blossom" So that's her name. "I was so delighted, I could've passed out."

I laugh. "Yea, like Boomer did when they called out Blondie name!" I say pointing a finger at, a now red, Boomer.

"Okay." Buttercup says scowling. "I have more questions. First, how the HELL did little boy blue over there" She gestures to Boomer "Move so fast. Second, They PICK the people you guys marry? Why the HELL would they do that? And third, and last, what the HELL makes you think I'm going to marry you? You've been watching me since you were six, what could've possibly make you think I would be cool with this? Are you stupid?"

I clear my throat. "First, that was more then three questions. Second, He moved 'so fast' because humans move really slow compared to us. We're not humans, we're more like. . . Well, you would call us demons, but your legends about us aren't exactly right. . . Hm, but that's the best way I would be able to explain that. Third, our brides are picked by the divine book, it connects everyone in our world to his or her perfect soul mate, the only one they could ever love as much as they love themselves." I raise my eye brows seductively, to which she raises her middle finger, a human custom I think means she wants to get in bed with me. . .Alright, I'm in. "Fourth, I think you'll change your mind about marrying me when you see how perfect we are for each other, you don't have much of a choice anyway. I'm taking you back with me even if I have to drag you by your ankles."

My brothers both take this chance to pick their brides up, but Buttercup just plops herself onto the ground, lying down completely. "Go ahead then." She says gesturing to her legs. "You'll have to drag me by my ankles."

I can already tell today's going to be a long day. . .

(A-N) So? You like it? Yes, no maybe? I would've posted this sooner but my cousins came over and dragged me outside to play with them, I caught my three year old Kalie a frog and put if in her hair. . . It was a fun day. . .