Disclaimer: I don't own Scandal, if I did, that finale would have been totally different.

AN: So this is my new story that's been stuck in my head for a minute now. Don't fret, I haven't given up on Until You and that will be updated soon. Anyways, I hope you enjoy :)

"Come on Liv, it's your bachelorette party, we have to go to a strip club," Abby tried to convince her for the umpteenth time that night.

Abby set her drink down on the coffee table and adjusted her party hat. Olivia was set to get married tomorrow to her college sweetheart and had begrudgingly agreed to allow her friends to throw her a party. The night had started off fine with loud top 40 music, fruity drinks, snacks, and fun, slightly sleazy party games. Now with the music starting to repeat itself and the drinks all dried up, the girls wanted to go out into the night to seek out excitement.

"No. Absolutely not. I don't think that Jake would appreciate me getting grinded on by random men while my friends throw bills into his g string," Olivia wrinkled her noise in distaste at thought.

"Do you honestly think that Harrison and Stephen aren't dragging Jake to a strip club as we speak?" Quinn pointed out.

"That's what men do on their bachelor party night though. Us women are supposed to drink martinis while my girlfriends give me cheap lingerie and oversized dildo's for gag gifts," Olivia explained.

"But we already did that. Now we want to go to the strip club. Come on, Liv, stop being such a grandma," her other friend Sarah teased.

At twenty-five, Olivia was the same age as her friends, but was by far the most mature. They had taken to calling her the 'grandma' of the group because she was always being sensible. Sensible or not, the thought of going to strip club wasn't in the least bit appealing. Besides, she had all the man that she needed in Jake Ballard. They had met in college as freshmen, him majoring in pre law and her majoring pre-med. Having just recently graduated medical school and him just graduating law school, they thought it was the perfect time to get married.

"I didn't want to have to do this, Liv. I wish you would've agreed on your own but you leave me no choice. I triple dog dare you," Abby challenged, pulling out all the stops.

She and Abby had been friends since elementary school, going to same college and medical school and now doing their internships and residencies at the same hospital. The red head knew that if there was something Olivia couldn't say no to, it was a dare.

"Dammit, Abby, fine. Let's go," Olivia huffed.

"Uh, not looking like that we're not," Abby stopped her.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" Olivia asked, smoothing her hand down her white silk top and flared dress pants.

"Aside from the fact that you're wearing a business suit to your bachelorette party and you have your hair in grandma curls? Absolutely nothing," Abby replied in a sarcastic tone. "Come with me. We wear the same size and I have a little black dress that is calling your name." Abby pulled her towards her bedroom.

"Lord, help me…"were Olivia's famous last words before Abby closed the bedroom doors and went to town.

"Stop fidgeting, you look great," Quinn chastised as they stepped into the club.

"What kind of name is the Naughty Kitten anyways," Olivia grumbled as she tugged the bottom of her dress again, trying to make more fabric magically appear.

"The name of a strip club," Sarah offered in a way that made Olivia feel like an idiot for asking the question to begin with.

Olivia removed her hands from the hem of the dress that stopped way above her knees and instead combed them through her hair. Abby had turned her grandma curls into sexy waves that framed her face perfectly. The black lace dress revealed more than it concealed and left the majority of her back exposed. The too high black pumps that Abby insisted she wear made her footing unsure and she nearly fell outside, causing the people around her to chuckle at her expense. Abby also redid her makeup, giving her smoky eyes, va va voom lashes, and soft pink lips that made her look like a sex kitten. She had to admit it, she did look hot.

Not that anyone was paying any attention to how she looked. All eyes were focused on the hot men of all shapes, sizes, and colors walking around shirtless and oiled down. There was abs for days. Some of the guys were carrying around drink trays, they had on tight black pants and a bow tie, while others were dancing on platforms that were surrounded by screaming women and dollar bills. Stopping one with a drink tray, Olivia took a shot and downed it, needing all the courage she could get.

The foursome moved further into the club and closer to the main stage. The music pumped out of huge speakers and the fog machine and colorful lighting gave the place a typical strip club ambiance. They maneuvered their way to open seats, Olivia literally having to drag Sarah away from a particularly handsome man, but not before her friend slid a dollar bill into his waistband. The girls had settled in at their table, a round of appletinis on its way to them when the DJ cut the music and made an announcement.

"So I hear that we have a bride-to-be in the building," the audience went crazy and Olivia sank a little deeper into her seat, hoping that he wasn't referring to her. "Will a Ms. Olivia Pope please come to the stage?"

"Are you kidding me? There is no way I'm going up there," Olivia half screeched, completely embarrassed.

"I dar…" Abby almost got out the magic word before Olivia's hand clamped over her mouth.

"Don't you say it. I'm not doing it." Olivia warned her best friend.

Not deterred, Abby licked Olivia's palm and as soon as she pulled her hand away, said "I dare you."

"Ugghhh, I hate you." Olivia mumbled, getting out of her chair and making her way to the stage.

"I love you, too," Abby called to her friend's retreating form. "Have fun!"

Olivia nervously walked up the three steps to the stage and took a seat in the single chair that was positioned in the center of the stage. She could hear random, "You go girl" calls from the audience that would have made her laugh if she wasn't dreading what was about to happen.

The instrumentals to America the Beautiful started to play and two men with dark shades and ear pieces wearing no shirts took post on the sides of the stage. They reminded her of secrets service men. Then a single spotlight beamed down on Olivia and the song changed to a familiar Usher. He was started singing about making love in the club while another spotlight signaled the main dancer.

The stripper wasn't anything that she expected. He was absolutely gorgeous. He looked to be about her age with rock hard abs and curly brown hair. He looked to be about 6'2 and 180 pounds of pure muscle. He wore a patriotic costume complete with a red, white, and blue top hot and Olivia assumed that he was supposed to be the president. He danced to the beat as he neared her. Olivia's breath stilled as he started dancing around, his body moving to the music. His pants wear hanging dangerously low on his hips and Olivia couldn't help but let her eyes drift lower. She unconsciously licked her lips as she eyed the bulge she saw there.

Lowering himself so that he was hovering above her lap, he started to grind into her, making an unfamiliar ache start to build in her stomach. Her nipples tightened against her bra as his skin made contact with hers when he lowered himself further. Taking her hands in his, he rubbed them down his body, her finger tips zinging at the contact. She could feel moisture begin to pool in her panties as he continued his sensuous dance, his hips pressing harder into hers. Looking up and making eye contact, she made a big mistake. She immediately got lost in the desire she saw swimming in his blue-gray eyes that she was sure was not part of the act and the rest of the club faded away.

There was something that unnerved her about the way he was looking at her, about the way he was running his hands up her thighs. Maybe it was the fact that she didn't want him to ever stop or that his simple touch got her hotter than she'd like to admit. Whatever it was, it was enough to make her push him off of her and rush off the stage.

She could hear her friends calling her name, but she needed to find a reprieve and some cold water to splash on her overheated flesh. Once she made it to bathroom, she was thankful that it was clean as she rested her palms on the granite countertops. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and could barely recognize herself. Her skin was flush with red undertones that attested to the blood boiling in her veins and her eyes were nearly black with desire. She just needed a few minutes to gather herself and then she'd be fine.

Fitz had never reacted so strongly to a woman in his entire life. For him, this was just a job, a paycheck and nothing more. He had done hundreds of lap dances in the few short months that he started working here and never once had one affected him the way this one had. From her pretty brown skin to her full lips that taunted him, he wanted her. When he first got onto the stage, he had to suppress a groan at the sight of her dressed in that little black dress.

He made sure to give her the dance of a lifetime, giving her his best moves. He could tell that she wanted him too from the way she bit her lip to the slight moan she let out when he 'accidently' ground his erection into her lap. And when they made eye contact, he knew it was more than just physical. But then his little minx suddenly pushed him away and ran to the bathroom. He should just let her be, but he couldn't. Exiting the stage the back way, he made sure no one was watching and he made his way to the bathroom.

Olivia finally felt calm enough to go back out and face her friends when she heard the door creak open behind her. She didn't even have to look to know that it was him. All the air was sucked out of the room and it was filled with his presence. She could barely breathe and the whole five minutes she had just spent calming down went right out the window. Her heart beat faster in her chest as he got closer and closer.

Their eyes connected in the mirror as he pressed his front flat against her back and a palm to her stomach. Her belly quivered under the heat of his touch. She pressed back into him, completely unable to stop herself from doing so. She could feel the stiff bar of his arousal against her ass and she had to bite back a moan. She told herself repeatedly that she didn't know this man but then he lowered his lips to her neck. He opened his mouth against her pulse point and the wet heat caused the throb between her legs to grow stronger. Her head fell back against his shoulder and his hands traveled up to ribcage to cup her breast.

Olivia nearly fell when his fingertips passed over her nipples, causing a streak of fire to shot straight to her core. He continued to grind into her, setting her whole body up in flames. When she didn't think she could take anymore, one calloused hand started its journey up her thigh and under her dress. One finger found its way inside her panties and it was amazingly adept at finding her pleasure point. He rubbed his middle finger against her heated flesh, making Olivia let out a strangled sob between parted lips.

"You're so wet," he groaned and she nearly came at the sound of his deep voice.

Pulling his finger away, she watched in the mirror as he drew it into his mouth. He made a noise that made her tremble as he sucked the digit clean of her essence. Turning her around, he dropped to his knees in front of her. She aided him in hiking up her dress, eager to feel his mouth on her most intimate parts. Her tore her panties from her hips then buried his face between her thighs.

"Oh god," Olivia moaned throatily and slid her fingers into his curls to clutch him closer.

He was doing things with his mouth that couldn't be described and she found herself quickly climbing towards orgasm. The feel of his tongue and the sounds he was making as he ate her turned her on further and before she knew it, she was hovering at the edge. But before she could fall over, he pulled away and stood up.

"I want to hear you scream my name when you come. It's Fitz. Can you do that for me, baby?" He asked, moving his hand to where his mouth previously was.

Unable to speak, Olivia nodded and ground her hips into his palm. He gave her a crooked grin that had her practically dripping before resuming his previous position on his knees. This time he didn't stop until she came screaming his name, the appellation sounding oh so right on her tongue.

Straightening up, he settled between her splayed thighs. Leaning down he captured her mouth and groaned when she parted her lips and let him in. She tasted so sweet and he couldn't get enough. He swirled his tongue around hers, hungrily devouring her mouth in a deep kiss that was taking both of them under. She tugged his bottom lip, nipping at it before sucking it into her mouth. She was moaning loudly and didn't even realize that she was mashing her hips into his until she felt herself on the edge once more.

"I want to be inside you this time," he whispered into her ear, causing her to shudder.

Tugging at his pants, she quickly got them down his hips. She wrapped her fist around his erection, her fingers not able to meet. She licked her lips and guided him to her core. Taking the reins from there, Fitz began to push into her warmth, both of them groaning at the feel of being joined. He didn't stop until he was all the way in to the hilt, completely buried in her tight heat. Olivia was whimpering as he stretched her walls. Then he started to move and she was done. She anchored her nails into his back and held on as he took her on the counter in the bathroom of a strip club.

"This never happened," Olivia told him, not being able to meet his gaze.

"Like hell it didn't" he yelled back, not willing to let her belittle their experience.

"I'm sure this is a normal occurrence for you seeing as how you're a stripper, but I don't usually make a habit of sleeping with strange men in bathrooms." Olivia pushed past him on her way to the door.

"Contrary to popular belief, I don't sleep around either. This was different. I know you felt it," he told her, pulling her back into his arms.

Pushing him away, she put a safe distance between them before she spoke again. "I am getting married in the morning. This never happened," she repeated and exited the bathroom.

Fitz dropped his head in his palms. He couldn't believe what had just happened. Never before had he lost control like that. There were a lot of misconceptions that came with being a male stripper and he never cared what people thought of him before. He has a reason for doing this, but for some reason, it mattered what she thought of him. Before exiting the bathroom, he vowed that he'd find his little minx, no matter how long it took.

Making her way back to their table, she noticed that Quinn and Sarah were laughing hysterically as they each got a lap dance while Abby made it rain to some stripper up on the main stage. They looked to be having a good time and she really hated to ruin it, but she needed to get out of the club before he found her.

"Liv, where have you been?" Abby asked as Olivia approached.

"The bathroom. Look, I don't feel too good, can we just go?" She pleaded, hoping that Abby wouldn't question her any further.

"Uh, sure," Abby agreed, sensing that there was something else going on. "Sarah, Quinn, let's go," she called to the other two while heading to the table to collect her clutch.

"Awww, do we have to?" they whined in unison like two year olds.

"Yes. Liv doesn't feel well," Abby informed them and they gave Olivia a once over to see if anything was truly wrong.

"Okay, let's go." The girls could see that something was wrong, but they knew it wasn't physical.

Once outside, Olivia filled her lungs with fresh air and tried to banish the memories of Fitz driving into over and over again from her mind. She was thankful that he hadn't left any visible marks, knowing that there would be no way to explain it away on her honeymoon with Jake. Jake. His name ricocheted through her brain and with it, brought an immense feeling of guilt. She was never the cheating type and didn't know how she'd walk down the aisle tomorrow knowing what she did.

"Did you have a good time tonight Liv?" Sarah asked as they all piled into a cab.

"You have no idea," she muttered and leaned her head back against the leather of the seat as the cab sped down deserted seats towards Abby's apartment.

AN: Mmmm...hot stripper Fitz, lol. So this may or may not have been inspired by Magic Mike, but I promise there's more to the story than a half naked Fitz gyrating on a stage for ones. So next chapter Jake comes. Do you think Olivia marries him? Do you think she tells him she cheated? Did he have some fun of his own during his party? Also, just curious, how many of you actually like Jake and Olivia together on the show? Personally, I like Jake as a character, but Olivia is Fitz's. Plain and simple. Anyways, let me know your thoughts in a review below.