Togetic managed to fly back to the others and had to tell us the sad news. Obviously, we cried and hugged each other, but the sad part is that we can never have another. Vaporeons and Flareons can't have eggs with each other, that was just a once-in-a-lifetime chance. Vaporeon isn't a dad now, I'm not a mom either. Togetic doesn't have a friend anymore, and they don't have a home. The forest is gone, along with it's protector. It's like we have nothing except for our lives.

"I should've took her with me..." Vaporeon sobbed. "You couldn't have... you were going so fast she wouldn't make it..." I replied and lied in the grass. Vaporeon sighed and lied next to me. He glanced over at Togetic, who was sitting on a mossy rock all alone. "He's been sitting there for hours..." Vaporeon said. "I bet he's not going to move." I sat up, looked over at the sulking Pokemon and replied. "This is no time for bets... he just lost his only friend... his best friend, in fact.." Vaporeon continued to stare. "I've lost friends before..." He finally said. "..But I haven't been THAT sad over it..." I sighed and lied down again. I looked up at the blue, cloudless sky. How can you be blue at a time like this? I thought. Not a single cloud rolled by for days. It's been about a week since the incident occurred, but the only thing that stopped were tears. We were depressed and mournful ever since, as if happiness, joy, and life had all drained out of us. Nothing could cheer us up now. Our protector is even gone, so who's there to help? No one. But there is only one good outcome of the crisis. Both trainers had perished in the fire. Their Pokemon were passed out, so there was no way to escape for them. But even that didn't bring any joy to our spirits. Not even a miracle could save us.

Celebi was back in the forest, when it was green and full and luscious, right before the big crisis. The time travel had worked, he thought, and went off to search for the Pokemon. "It's 11:00 now..." He said to himself as he flew. "Only 1 hour to rescue the Pokemon." He saw the forest Pokemon, happily playing in the grass. There wasn't many Pokemon in the forest, so this was gong to be easy. Celebi lifted his arms and used his powers to make the Pokemon levitate. Some of them panicked as they flew, but most of them were enjoying the flight. Celebi dashed through the forest, searching for the rest of the Pokemon. He was almost finished when the hour was almost up. I still feel life in this forest.." He mumbled and flew towards the remaining life energy. He saw my past family, doing just as they were doing before. "Yeah... I thought I heard something..." Togetic said, and I commanded them to come in just like what happened. As Eevee and Togetic scampered inside, Celebi took Eevee so fast no one could see it. "Only one minute.." He said with all the Pokemon swarmed around him. He stopped time to think about something. "Should I rescue the trainers or not..." He thought out loud. After a few minutes of thinking, he decided to rescue the trainer's Pokemon instead. It wasn't their fault, their trainers made them do this. He swooped down and took the Pokeballs out of their bags. Once he got at a safe distance, he unstopped time and went back to his timeline.

I was being as gloomy as I usually was, when I felt something. It wasn't someone touching me, it was like some distant energy. "I knew it..." I said. "She's alive!" Vaporeon woke with a start as he heard me. "What are you talking about?" His question had no life in it. "Can't you feel it? In that huge amount of energy? She's in there somewhere!" I exclaimed. He gave me a confused look, but then he sensed it. He was about to tell Togetic, but he was already up and ready. Together, they dashed towards the energy, excited to finally reunite with their beloved one. Celebi released the Pokemon gently, and they all stood in the perished forest. Celebi was the only one that stayed in the sky, while all of the other Pokemon stood confused on the ground. He lifted his arms once more, and it gave all the Pokemon from the past the memories from the future. So in the end, it was like all of the deceased Pokemon were revived. Eevee, after regaining her memory, felt really bad about making the others think she died. But then she heard the running of her friends and family coming towards her. She began to run towards them as well, and they finally met up and hugged. Tears were shed, but this time, in a good way. "I missed you so much!" Eevee cried, in the arms of her parents. "We missed you just as much..." I said, hugging her as tight as I could. Togetic stood beside Vaporeon, doing nothing besides looking over at her. After a few minutes, she freed herself from my arms and walked over to him. Togetic looked a bit nervous, but Eevee was as happy as she could be. "Are... aren't you mad at me?" He asked, a bit scared. "No.." She replied with a smile. "It wasn't your fault I died! I was just so weak I fell off. No biggie." Togetic looked up at her and smiled, relieved that she wasn't angry. I saw some sparkle in front of me and walked forward. The sparkle turned into Celebi, and I smiled. "Now tell me," I started. "How did you do it?" Celebi looked at me for a moment and began to tell us. "At the last second, I went back in time. I used my powers to get all the Pokemon that were alive from a different timeline and took them back to the future. I gave them the memories they had in this timeline, which basically made all the Pokemon that died come back to life." Vaporeon was confused. "Say what now?" He asked. Eevee hopped onto Celebi's head and said "Thank you sooo much!" A question popped into my head, so I asked it. "You saved all the Pokemon..." I said. "But what about the rest of the forest?" Celebi smiled and replied "I'll show you." He began to fly up with Eevee still on his head. He dashed through the forest with his arms spread wide, and when he did that, everything bloomed and flourished. The forest was regaining it's color. Togetic laughed and began to fly after them. After a few moments, we began to fly up as well. We dashed after them and we eventually caught up with Celebi, Togetic, and Eevee. Celebi reached out his hand towards me, so I grabbed it. I felt some sort of emotion spark through me when I did, so I grabbed onto Vaporeon's hand and he felt it, too. Togetic held onto his hand, and together we dashed through the forest, restoring the luscious trees and plants once more.

Celebi lived in his shrine again, we lived in our house, and we finally lived at peace without having to worry about those trainers. Togetic admitted to being in love with Eevee, and she admitted the same. It's like how Me and Vaporeon were, two Pokemon of different species being in love. Nothing is wrong with that to us. They couldn't have any eggs, such as we did, but that didn't separate them. They were growing up, and we were growing old, so it was time to let them go. I'll never forget those last moments before they flew off into the forest, leaving us old ones to live in peace at our house. I was sad to see them go, but happy for them at the same time. But there was one thing connecting us, which was Celebi and this whole forest. As you know, every story has an end, and that's what happened to us. Me and Vaporeon stayed together until the very end, at our last moments. I was actually a bit excited for this. I'd be able to reunite with my old trainer. That may sound weird, but it's true. Without him, I'd never met Vaporeon, and this wouldn't have happened. I had a rough start with him, but in the end, I guess I liked him after all.