A/N - Ok, I absolutely HATE myself for doing this to you guys, because I hate it when authors post a note and then you get that email that's like, "So-and-so has posted a new chapter." And then you get all excited because it's a new chappie and then it just turns out to be an author's note. I AM SO VERY SORRY! DX
But, seriously, this is REALLY important. I was stupid and dove headfirst into this story without really thinking. I thought I had the plot all figured out and everything, but it was not so. There are a lot of holes and things that, as I read back through it, was like, "WTH?! What has that got to do with ANYTHING?! And how DARE I forget Hunny to say goodbye to Kyoya in the chapter three lunch scene!" (I felt so bad about that! Poor Kyo-chan!)
So, I hate to do this, but I have a question. Would you, as readers, like me to figure out the entire plot (which could take a LONG time, as there are some MAJOR holes and I can't really think about it at work)? Or, the more preferable option, would you like me to rewrite it? I'm confident enough in my writing abilities that I think I could recover the story by this point, but it would take me quite a while. However, if I rewrote it, I could come up with a better…Not really a better plot because it would basically be the same thing, but…better. It would overall just be better. Both could take a long time, though.
Because, in all honesty, I kinda wrote chapter one on a whim and then posted it to see what people would think of it. It was relatively well received so I was like, "What the heck, let's keep going with this!" and none of the chapters were really well thought out or edited at all… I am ashamed. DX
So, which choice is it?
A) Figure out the holes in the plotline, which I have no guarantee that it will be updated soon if that is the case.
B) Rewrite it to make it better (which, again, could take a long time.)
Just leave me a review or shoot me a PM saying which you prefer. Just keep in mind, both will take a while. And, again, I am SO SORRY for doing this to you guys because I know how much I hate it when authors do this!
To semi-make it up, though, I will work on both until I get a head count for both choices. I will accept…opinions, I guess? VOTES! That's the word. I will accept votes until the end of July, and that's my goal for getting chapter four up. It may or may not be the last chapter of this story, decided by you readers.
Until then-ish, Fading Hero out!