Hey, fellow Naley lovers! Is there anybody still reading fanfics? :) Anyway, I'm back with another story. My life is slightly less chaotic now so I figured it was a good time to post a new story. I have a decent portion of this story finished so it should make updating quicker and easier. At least I hope so. ;)

Well, I'm not going to bore you guys with too much. I hope you enjoy this story and please let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: I own nothing having to do with One Tree Hill or anything related to the New York Knicks or Duke University.

April 13, 2010

The crowd rises to their feet with six seconds left on the clock. New York is down by two. The ball is in their possession,
and they have six seconds to make the play. Double teamed, Owen Morello fakes right before quickly snaking around his defenders, passing the ball to his teammate, number twenty-three Nathan Scott, who takes a step behind the three point line. Three seconds now remain on the clock. He shoots for the win, sending the ball soaring towards the net.

"Scott for the game!"


"Knicks win!"

The crowd goes wild and Nathan barely has time to respond to his game winning shot before not only Owen, but his other teammates, jump into him - all overcome with excitment. A wide smile formed on his face as he thrusts his fist into the air.

This was honestly nothing new for Nathan Scott but it still got to him every time. He lived for this sport - the adrenaline and the game itself. He was addicted to the game; it was his drug. He loved it. Basketball was his whole life. Nothing else mattered. Not that he really had anything else at the moment.

After a series of celebratory hugs and praises as well as a few autograph and picture stops, Nathan followed his other teammates off the court, pausing to hand over the signed game winning ball to a little boy with shaggy brown hair who looked no more than seven or eight. Excitement spread over the boy's features and body as he smiled broadly up at his dad who thanked Nathan for his gratitude. He nodded at the older gentleman and then continued his walk through a small hallway that led towards the dressing rooms. More reporters stood waiting. He did a couple of short interviews before finally sneaking away to take a shower. He didn't mind talking to the press but right now, his body was sore and all he wanted was to feel that hot water cascading down onto him.

Taking a quick ten minute shower, he dried himself off before dressing into a dark pair of faded jeans and a long-sleeved, black, button-down shirt. He threw on a pair of shoes and then ran a comb through his damp hair, styling it his normal way. Finally, he was ready to go. He heard a pair of feet shuffling towards him, and he didn't have to turn around to know whose they belonged to.

"Nate, you ready?"

Nathan turned around, giving Clay a slight nod as he grabbed his wallet and his keys. He glanced up, looking at the inside of his locker door; after a few seconds, he sighed before slamming it shut. "Let's go." He declared as Clay slapped his hands together, rubbing his palms against one another. All Nathan could do was laugh at his over-excitement.

Clay Evans - Nathan's agent and friend. Shortly after Nathan played his last game as a Duke Blue Devil, Clay approached him and insisted on signing him. Once word broke out that Nathan wanted to go pro, agents were hounding him left and right. It was all so exciting and overwhelming. At that particular time, his life was pulling in so many different directions. He honestly didn't know what he was going to do. There were so many factors involved when deciding which agent to sign. Along with that, there was the possibility of whether or not the NBA was still in his future.

After some time, he decided to take a chance. Something in his gut, though he couldn't really explain it, was telling him to give the smooth-talking blonde a shot. Nathan Scott signed that dotted line, and he found himself a part of Fortitude. Boy was that the right choice. Clay Evans was a damn good agent and quickly became a good friend. Nathan and Clay have developed a high level of respect for one another and their professions over the past two years which only deepened their friendship outside of work.


Nathan followed Clay into Marquee New York, ready for a night of cutting loose and partying - basically what his life consisted of right now anyway. He had reasons to celebrate, though. Two years ago, he had graduated from Duke University and had been drafted by the Knicks - now, he was their starting shooting guard. He had so many endorsements it was hard for him to keep track; his latest gig - his biggest one yet - was an endorsement with Pepsi. He was also busy with magazine and television interviews and photoshoots. He didn't care, though. He loved the busy, hectic lifestyle; it helped keep his mind occupied. And he wouldn't lie, he also loved the money. But most importantly, he loved his job.

As soon as he entered, Nathan was bombarded with countless greetings, not too mention several gorgeous women who quickly saddled up beside him and greeting him with their soft, purr-like voices. He was getting used to this. He should be, though. It was the same way in high school and in college. Nathan sent the ladies his trademark smirk, playing up to them and promising there would be plenty of time later before he gently escaped and followed the rest of the guys up to their usual spot in the VIP Lounge.

A waitress arrived with a tray full of shots as well as other drinks - their usuals. The wait staff was more than accustomed to their orders and as soon as they see any of them walking through the doors of the club, they would start mixing their drinks. Nathan looked around him. Most of the guys he usually went out with were there - some teammates as well as some mutual friends among them all. A few were missing, though. Those who had wives and/or children at home usually skipped out on the after parties. They all gave each other a bunch of slack, either for "being whipped by their wives" or "being manwhores" but it was all in good fun - they never took each other seriously.

Some Kanye West began blasting through the speakers. Where they were seated, they could feel the vibration through the speakers on their seats. Nathan threw back another shot with the rest of the guys before picking up his beer and taking a sip of that as well. Various conversations began flowing between all of the guys but he tuned them out and turned to Clay who was sitting to his left.

"Have you heard anything?"

Clay shook his head. "Not yet. We're negotiating, Nate. This isn't like choosing a drink or something to eat - this is much bigger than that. It takes time."

"But if the Knicks love me as much as you say they do then I should have a new contract already. It's not like we're asking for some absurd amount of money so what's the hold up? All I care about is playing."

"Just relax, Nathan. You're my client - my best client - and I would never do anything to put your career in jeopardy. I am working to get you the best deal, and if I had any doubts or negative feelings about what I'm offering then I would change things. You're a very valuable player to this team - more than just playing. They don't want to lose you. I'm meeting with them tomorrow, and we are going to go through all of the best options for you."

"I just worry." Nathan sighed, gulping back another drink. "Basketball is all I have right now, and I've busted my ass to get here. I can't lose it."

"Well, then you just have to trust me to do my job. You won't lose basketball, and you won't lose the Knicks. I promise you that. Try to relax. You have been playing an amazing season so far but it's not over yet. The playoffs are in one week. Focus on that - the training and the games. We're gonna win this year."

"Thanks for the pep talk."

Clay shrugged. "That's what I'm here for."

The next three hours flew by. The guys drank. Some of them found a few willing partners and ended out on the crowded dance floor, grinding along to the music. Nathan, however, spent the majority of his night up in their VIP section - his butt planted on the cushioned seat of their booth, only getting up to fetch more drinks or to use the bathroom. He sucked down the remainder of his beer and sighed. He was done for the night, having had his fill of beer and JDs. He wasn't drunk, though - slightly buzzed but not drunk. Nathan stood up, stretched his arms and bent backward, feeling and hearing his back crack. He let out a satisfied groan.

"Well, I think I'm gonna call it a night." He told his agent who stood up as well.

"Come on, man. It's still early - stay longer." Clay tried pursuading.

Nathan shook his head. "No, I'm tired and sore. I have practice tomorrow, and I don't want to kill my body for the playoffs." He watched as Clay nodded, all the while rolling his eyes at the same time. "And you..." He paused, looking pointedly at his agent. "You need to call it a night soon as well. You have an important meeting tomorrow. Don't screw it up."

"Have some faith, man." Clay said as they both chuckled. He looked down to the first floor. "Well, it looks like you've got your pick of admirers tonight. You gonna at least end your night with a bang?"

Nathan smirked, glancing over the railing where at least twelve girls were standing, staring up at him. Smiles illuminating their faces. Eyelids fluttering. He shook his head. "Not tonight. Why don't you take care of them for me?" He suggested, patting his friend on the shoulder before making his way down the stairs.

"I would like to make a toast," Clay began, standing up with a beer bottle in his right hand raised up, "to the man who is responsible for this little soire. Mr. Nathan Scott."

Cheers and clapping echoed through the room.

Nathan laughed, waiting for his friend to continue.

"To the man who played two very successful seasons for the Knicks. To the man who has and continues to work his ass off, and it's paid off. The Knicks love you. They love the time and dedication you've shown them. They love your basketball abilities. They love your image. And they love the publicity you bring them. All of this is the reason they've signed you to another five years with a twenty-two million dollar salary. They're not the only ones who love you. I love you, man. You make my job so easy. I am so proud to be your agent and your friend. To Nathan Scott!"

Everyone cheered once again, loud clinks from their glasses sounded throughout the apartment before they were all gulping back the various liquids.

"And, and..." Clay added. "To the playoffs that begin in two days. We're gonna win! This is our year!"

Even louder cheers and whistles erupted.

The next hour flew by. The food was being devoured. The drinks were flowing. Everyone was relaxing, having a great time conversing with one another. There was an old Knicks vs. Celtics game playing on Nathan's big screen television which was always an entertaining match up to watch. Clay was sitting on the black leather couch with beautiful girls surrounding him; Nathan was plopped on the loveseat with two of his teammates, Owen and Nino.

A knock sounded at the door.

"Do you want me to get that?" Clay asked, making a move to stand up but halted when Nathan held out his hand.

"I'll get it." Nathan said, standing up. "You stay right where you are and enjoy yourself." He sent a knowing smirk Clay's way as he watched the girl sitting on his friend's left whisper something in his ear.

He chuckled, walking away and bypassing some of his guests until he reached the door. When he opened it, his smile faltered. He stared, in shock, at the girl standing on the opposite side. She was dressed in a deep purple, strapless dress; it was skin-tight and stopped about an inch higher up her thighs. Her straight, light brown hair framed her face perfectly. Her beautifully tanned face was coated with very light makeup - shimmering lavender eye shadow that accentuated her green eyes and black mascara that highlighted her long lashes. A flattering brown lipstick adorned her lips with a shiny gloss spread over them.


The girl jumped into him, her arms wrapping tightly around his neck. Her movements caused him to stumble back slightly. He didn't embrace the hug. Instead, his arms dangled tensely at his sides.

"Carrie," Nathan began, gently untangling her from him as he stepped back to put some distance between them, "what are you doing here?"

Carrie shrugged. "Well, I heard about your new contract deal, and I wanted to come by to congratulate you. This definitely calls for a celebration, don't you think?"

Judging by her sugary, sultry tone and her flirtateous smile, Nathan new exactly how she wanted to celebrate.
He was not about to go down that road with her. Not now. Not ever.

"I'm sorry, Carrie, but I'm a little busy right now." He apologized, gesturing towards the people in his apartment behind him.

"That's okay." She smiled.

Nathan felt that he had successfully dodged a bullet until she stepped around him and into his apartment, purposefully brushing her breasts against him as he caught a whiff of her flowery perfume.

"The party has to end eventually." She stated, turning to look at him. "And then we can finish what we barely got started." She winked before joining the others after finding a drink.

Great, alcohol is just what that girl needs. He continued to watch her in disbelief. What was she doing here?
Why is it that some girls can't or won't take a hint? They went on one date two months ago. A date that wasn't his choice - he was set up. By Clay of all people. Nathan has been ignoring all of her phone calls and never once returned any of them. Take a hint!

"Is that Carrie?"

Nathan nodded, glancing at Clay. "How did she find out about tonight? You didn't tell her, did you?"

"Heck no." Clay quickly answered, holding up his hands in defense. "I learned my lesson the first time. And I already gave you my word that I would never set you up with anyone ever again."

Nathan sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. "I can't deal with her tonight. You're gonna have to help me get rid of her later. And please, please help me dodge her for the rest of the night as well."

"Fine. Since this is technically my fault, I'll help you."

"Damn it! I was actually enjoying myself." Nathan grumbled just as the doorbell rang, echoing through the house. He tensed, glancing at the door and then at Clay. "You're answering that - I am not taking any more chances. And right now, I really need a drink."

Clay laughed. "Okay."

The two parted, Nathan heading into the kitchen as Clay turned to face the door. He swung it open. His forehead wrinkled as his eyebrows raised. His eyes raked over the girl standing on the opposite side of the door. She was short, probably stopping at his shoulders. She had brown hair that was thrown up in a loose ponytail. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a blue hoodie that was zipped up over a black undershirt. She had a black duffle purse wrapped around her left forearm as both of her arms were crossed together against her ribcage.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Umm...I was looking for..."

He waited for her to answer but she paused. Her neck inched forward, taking a look into the apartment. His eyebrows quirked. Who was this girl, and what did she want? He was about to ask those very questions when she spoke again.

"I was looking for Nathan."

"What do you need him for?" Clay crossed his arms over his chest, a slight defense mechanism.

Clay was protective of Nathan, as his agent and as his friend. He's never seen this girl before - he wanted to make sure she was on the up-and-up, especially with Carrie showing up unexpectantly. He wanted to intimidate her- let her know that he meant business. Whatever the reason she needed to see Nathan better be legit. Clay has been Nathan's agent for two years. He's kept tabs on everyone coming in and out of Nathan's life.

The guy was a celebrity - a professional basketball player who made a lot of money. Nathan was also very good-looking guy - he wasn't placed in People magazine's Sexiest Men Alive at number five for nothing. Girls were always throwing themselves at him. Clay wanted to do everything in his power to keep his client protected.

Clay watched her mouth open but she didn't say anything. Instead he saw that something had diverted her attention as her eyes were now locked on something behind him. Clay turned around. Nathan was back in the room and heading their way.

"Hey, Clay, who was..." Nathan stopped mid-sentence when he saw who was at the door. "Haley?"

"Hey, Nathan." She whispered.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, mentally scolding himself at the harshness of his tone. Even though he was angry with her, he didn't intend to be so harsh - she just caught him by surprise. His blue eyes locked with her brown ones. He immediately felt bad when he saw how glossy they were. She was obviously trying to keep her tears from falling. "I'm sorry."

She shook her head slowly. "It...it's okay."

Her voice was quiet, lower than a whisper. Nathan barely heard her. He took a few steps closer. He almost reached out and touched her face - not fully believing she was here. It has been so long since he's talked to her and now she was standing on his doorstep. Nathan took the time to look over her. She was just as beautiful as ever - despite her sad, tired features. There were a few differences about her, though. Her hair was a darker brown color. She had a slight tan. Haley has always had fair skin tones, but she had some color now - living in the desert most likely attributed to that. She also gained a little weight which was a good thing considering how she looked the last time they saw one another. Nathan noticed a look pass over her features as her eyes broke from his.

"I'm sorry - this obviously isn't a good time."

He watched as she turned and suddenly realized why she was in a haste to leave. He gently grabbed her arm, stopping her from taking any further steps - he wasn't about to let her walk away from him again.

"Don't go, Haley." Nathan said, his voice almost pleading, and waited for her to face him once more. "Come on. We can talk in the bedroom and have some privacy."

She nodded, following him into the apartment. He wrapped his left arm around her, trying his best to shield her from his guests. He heard their whispers. He saw their eyes locked on them. The world was far too privy to drama and gossip.
People were always trying to butt into problems that weren't of their concerns. He was used to it by now - had to get used to it pretty quickly with his lifestyle. She wasn't, though. He wanted to protect her. He wanted to comfort her. He wanted her to know that she was welcome here. But most importantly, he wanted her here. He took a couple of steps, leading her away from the door.


They stopped, turning to face Clay. His face was screaming in confusion, and it was clear that he wanted to know what was going on. Nathan knew Clay wasn't going to stop until an explanation was given, especially not while there was a party going on around them with at least forty people.

He glanced back at Haley and said, "How about you go wait in my bedroom - up the stairs, to the right. I'll be right up."

She simply nodded and turned away, disappearing up the stairs.

Nathan led Clay out of the living room and into the kitchen. Luckily, there wasn't anyone in the room. He opened his fridge, pulling out a couple of bottle waters. He closed the door and turned around to find Clay standing on the opposite side of the island, his hands firmly planted on its surface. Nathan rolled his eyes at his friend's actions. He understood,
but at the same time, this wasn't any of Clay's business. Okay, maybe it was a little bit his business as his agent.

"So I'm guessing you guys know one another." Clay stated.

"Way to state the obvious."

Clay rolled his eyes. "Well, do you want to explain things? There's a room full of people next to us who I'm sure are spinning stories in their minds as we speak. You know how the press loves a good story."

"That they do." Nathan mumbled.

"So...who is this girl?" Clay asked impatiently.

Nathan took a deep breath, setting the waters on the island surface. He closed his eyes for a brief moment before opening them once more and looking at his agent. "She's my wife."

Anyway, let me know what you think. Also real quick - I don't use a beta so please forgive any grammatical errors. :)