Narrator: It was a totally nice day, Luke was left home alone because Jessie, Bertram, and Ravi were at some play center, Zuri was at a slumber party, and Emma was at a "fantabulous" fashion show then staying the night at a friends. But then it started to rain...
Luke's P.O.V.
Rain great. (sarcasm)
Narrator: Luke was fine with rain, I mean who's scared of rain? That would just be stupid. But then there was a flash and a boom...
Luke's P.O.V.
That wasn't thunder was it? *thunder* Oh Crap. I ran to my room and locked the door. Oh crap, Oh crap, Oh crap. *boom* I crawled under my bed and covered my ears.
Please stop, Please STOP! Memories came back that I didn't want to come back. The thunder boomed louder, and I hate to admit it but I started to cry.
I cried and cried and cried until I heard a huge boom and the lights flicked off. Dammit! F**king storm! I tried to stay there and ignore the darkness but it was IMPOSSIBLE.
So, I eventually had to crawl out from under my bed and get some candles.
I grabbed Kenny the Koala and slowly pushed open the door. The hallway was pitch dark except for some shadows from the window.
When I started to go down the stairs I heard thunder and crouched on the floor, crying again and squeezing Kenny.