Someday we'll walk together again

Oh dear. I can't believe Enjolras and Eponine made me write again after literally AGES.
It's just a very short drabble, but I couldn't get it out of my head. All those mythological fics inspired me I guess. If - and it's a big IF - inspiration strikes again (also, if rl permits it) I'll write a follow-up.
I hope it doesn't suck and I hope my English isn't too bad…
Oh, I made a photoset for this on Tumblr (I'm elenlith there too)!

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A long time ago a god and a goddess fell in love.

Requited love should be cause for rejoicing. Their union wasn't. Every deity cried bitter tears when they saw the golden god and the dark goddess together and happy, because they knew it wouldn't last. Fate had decreed that their love would wreak havoc and destruction upon mortals.

You see, when two divine beings fall in love they shine. They're ablaze with affection, desire, bliss and lust. Water gets purer, the winds blow stronger, the earth sings.

But if the lovers themselves are already unbelievably powerful, a force such as love burning in their veins will only generate chaos. Water will boil, the winds will turn into hurricanes, the earth will shake. And the god and the goddess were the brightest, the mightiest, the most gifted of all.

So the Father and the Mother of the gods summoned the couple, though with a heavy heart, and told them the sad truth. And with tears in their eyes, they ordered them to say goodbye.

No words, no language on earth will ever be able to convey the desperation that filled the eyes of the goddess. No curse whatsoever will ever be as terrible as the rage that the god felt.

They refused to part. They refused, and hand in hand they challenged the entire pantheon. All the gods hung their head in sorrow. Nothing was more magnificent and heartbreaking than the two lovers right then and there.

The Father of the gods sighed. He took his wife's hand, and together they started chanting. A strong wind rose and blew through the pearly halls of the palace. The other gods cowered and hid behind the translucent columns, sensing the insanely great power of the spell. There was a bright flash of light and then silence. The lovers had disappeared.

"What… what was that, Father? Where are they?" asked a curly haired god, his blue eyes almost feverish.

"We sent them back to their realms. But… we also erased the memories of each other from their minds." answered the Mother with a sad shake of the head.

"And I hereby command" said the Father "that the god Enjolras only walk the earth when the sun shines in the sky, and that the goddess Eponine walk the earth under the moonlight. They will never meet again."

A thunder shook the heavens, as if to validate the order.

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In a meadow blooming with poppies and cornflowers a golden god walks with a spring in his step. His hands caress the smooth flower petals. He sniffs the sweet summer air, tilts his face towards the warm sun, sighs in contentment. A white dove flutters by.

Down in the underworld a dark goddess dips her toes in the crystal waters of a cave; the soft sound of a thousand drops falling gently from white stalactites soothes her. A pair of bright blue eyes follow her every movement from the shadows.

The dove finally perches on Enjolras' shoulder, cooing and rubbing her tiny head against his cheek.

A midnight black cat appears next to Eponine and pushes his head against her hand, purring.

They don't know the two animals are a gift from the Father and Mother. They don't know the spell they were subjected to extracted from them all their love. They don't know the Mother took Eponine's love for the golden god and modelled it into a white dove. They don't know she modelled Enjolras' love for the dark goddess into a blue-eyed cat.

These gifts are an apology, but they have no idea: no idea of what they have lost, no memory of having lost anything. They would be surprised to know these two animals are meant to make them feel less lonely, to make them feel somewhat loved. They have no idea the other exists.

And if sometimes they sense a shadow of sadness in the eyes of the other gods, they dismiss it as a trick of the light.