Disclaimer: I. Don't. Own. Prince. Of. Tennis.

A/N: Another Atosaku.. kyaaa~~! spread the love~!

Atobe Keigo is running around his mansion, frantically searching for his daughter. His daughter had just decided to play hide and seek, and being the loving and overly paranoid father that he is, he panicked, and for good reason. His daughter is a very adventurous, curious little girl.

He has two children actually, thankfully the youngest, Hikaru, is just a baby and doesn't fuss a lot since he's only 8 months old. He's currently sleeping along with his wife in the nursery. His daughter, on the other hand, is a very active young girl, very common in her age group but very tiring to look after.

As he neared the tennis court of the mansion, he heard the familiar sounds of tennis balls. Weary from running, he slowly walked near the courts and was unsurprised at the sight of his eldest trying her hardest to hit a ball from her racket. He placed his hands on his hips, silently chuckling while shaking his head at his own mistake. His daughter became a fan of tennis ever since she heard the story on how he and his wife met. Ever since then, she frequently came to the courts and tried practicing tennis.

He slowly walked towards the toddler and gently took the racket from her chubby hands. Ami looked up in surprise as she saw her tou-tan towering over her. Oh-oh….

Atobe bent down to his daughter's level.

"Do you want tou-chan to teach you tennis Ami-chan?"

Ami's face lit up and nodded enthusiastically. He ruffled her hair and smiled softly. She has her mother's doe eyes. So similar to his Sakuno, they really are mother and daughter.

"Come on. Let me teach you how to serve. You grip the racket like this…."

The duo both had a great time together.