I have a little bit of time to get this done while my son is off with his dad. Enjoy!

Mr. Wrong

By: Shay Candy

Chapter Six

"Naru honey please, try and play nice tonight. This is a very important event for your father's family. The last thing that I want is for us to cause them any grief," Rin pleaded with her daughter as she put the finishing touches on the teenager's makeup for the evening. "There will already be enough tension from me being in the room as it is."

"I really don't understand why you're defending him Mom," Naru said folding her arms across her chest; bunching up her bathrobe in the process. "The man told you to get an abortion, has threatened not only myself but my brother as well, and you want me to "play nice" because tonight is important for him and his family? If that's the case, then I may as well stay home. Because if anyone says anything under their breath, and you know I'm going to hear it, I can't promise that I'll hold my tongue. I don't care who it is."

"Naru please," Rin tried again, causing her daughter to roll her golden eyes.

"Fine but I won't like it," Naru sniffed, her lips pressed into an irritated line.

"Please don't look like that honey," Rin said as she gently touched her daughter's cheek. "Any issues you have with your father; you can hash them out with him after the gala is over. Now, go put your dress on. The limo should be here in about thirty minutes. And be mindful of your hair. It was already a pain getting it into that French Twist to begin with."

Naru rolled her eyes again before she smiled at her mother, "Alright. You should go get ready yourself. You do still have to take your hair out of those rollers remember?"

Rin touched her head, both of them bursting into a fit of giggles before the elder woman reached forward and wrapped her arms around her daughter. "I love you Naru."

"I love you too Mom," Naru whispered as she hugged her mother back before letting go. Gesturing with her head, she shooed her mother away. "Go on and finish getting ready and I'll do the same. And you might want to make sure that Haru is up and actually has his suit on. He'd be the one that makes us late for the limo."

Rin laughed again, nodding her head as she turned to leave her daughter's room. "You're right, knowing him he's probably asleep again. I'll see you downstairs in a few minutes."

"Okay Mom," Naru called after her before her bedroom door closed again.

She stood from her seat at her vanity before plopping down on her bed, picking up the gold iPhone 5s that lay on the mattress. Using the fingerprint sensor, she unlocked the phone before moving to her text messages to answer a text from her best friend. She really wasn't looking forward to going to this party. Especially if she had to be around her father and his family. Though she was kind of looking forward to finding out what her grandparents, uncle, aunt, and cousins were like. She had done her research but the internet could only tell you so much about a person. Sure they all looked nice in pictures but you never really get to know someone until you're in their presence.

The chime of her cellphone alerted her that a new message had come in. She opened it, laughing at the text that Hotaru had sent her before replying then throwing the phone on the bed again. She stood, grabbing the bag that housed her dress that her mother had bought her for the evening.

Long fingers pulled the zipper of the bag down to reveal the strapless navy blue floor length dress. Removing the bag from around it, she laid the dress on her bed before untying the strap to her bathrobe. Pulling the towel like fabric from her shoulders, she discarded on her bed before pulling down the zipper on the back of the dress and stepping into the evening gown. Reaching behind her, she pulled the zipper up before smoothing out the fabric of the dress around her frame as she turned to her full body length mirror.

"Oh Kami, I definitely look like I come from their family," Naru groaned. "Why the hell did I agree to go to this stupid party again? Oh yeah, because my curiosity about his family got the better of me and I stupidly said that I would be there. At least I won't be alone, Mom and Haru are going to be there too."

She shrugged before sitting down on the bed and pulling on the silver five inch heels that she had picked out to go with the dress. She then moved on to the jewelry that was laid out on her vanity table, putting on each piece before checking her reflection in the mirror once again.

"Alright Naru, let's get this over with," she whispered to herself before gathering her cellphone and clutch; leaving her room and closing the door behind her.

She walked down the stairs to see her brother dressed in a sharp black suit accented with a navy blue tie, vest, and pocket square. His long silver hair had been pulled back into a neat ponytail held together by a twisty tie at the nape of his neck.

"And here I thought you would always look scruffy, you clean up well Haru," Naru teased as she made it to the base of the steps, a smile on her face.

"And if Sesshomaru were a girl you'd definitely fit the bill," Haru teased in return, causing his sister's face to sour. She really hated being compared to their father. "But you're way prettier than he could ever dream to be."

That caused the female half-demon to burst out laughing just as their mother made her way down the stairs. They both turned to look at her, both caught off guard by how beautiful she was. The navy blue strapless, peplum floor length dress hugged her figure snugly, showing off the curves of her body. Her long black hair fell in perfect curls, some resting over her shoulder. The makeup that had been applied was minimal, a bit of mascara and a deep ruby red for her lips.

"Wow, you look great Mom," Haru complimented before he turned his head when they heard a honk outside the door. "Looks like the limo's here. C'mon, we should get out there and be on our way. Otherwise Lord Fluffy Butt will pitch a fit about us being late."

"You sound like your uncle Inuyasha," Rin laughed. "He calls him that all the time. Sesshomaru hates it."

"Thanks for letting me know then," Haru said, a wicked smile on his face as he slipped out of the house, his mother's lipstick tube barely missing the back of his head.

"Idiot," Naru sighed before she and her mother walked out of the house, Rin locking the door behind them as Naru stopped to pick up her lipstick again. They both made their way to the limousine and slipped into the back of the car before the driver closed the door behind them. When she looked up, she was met with the sight of her father staring at them. "And here I thought we would be taking this ride on our own."

"Are you really so surprised to see me," Sesshomaru asked, his brow irked.

"More so disappointed but for my mother's sake," Naru answered; not missing the glare that her mother cast in her direction. "I'll deal with it. She did tell me to try and be nice tonight."

"Hnn," Sesshomaru huffed; turning his head to look out the window.

"What a coincidence," Naru spoke, more so to herself. There was a roll of her golden eyes as she turned to look out the window she was sitting beside, one leg crossing over the other. "It looks like we're all wearing navy blue tonight. What a picture perfect family we seem to be."

The remainder of the car ride was spent in silence.

Naru's eyes fluttered opened when she felt a hand tap her bare shoulder. She glanced over, noting that it had been her brother that had tapped her. Her brow irked, her silent question obvious to him. And he answered with a smile. "We're here sis. C'mon Sleeping Beauty, the public awaits us. Apparently word got out that we would be here somehow and paparazzi are just waiting to snap our photos."

"Oh great," Naru said rolling her eyes before she followed her brother out of the limo, painting a faux smile on her face as she walked down the red carpet at his side behind their parents.

She had to continuously remind herself not to try and jump at several reporters and rip their throats out. All the questions that they were asking, very personal questions she might add, were really pissing her off. They didn't need to know why it was never known that Sesshomaru had children. Hell, if not for the fact that he had run into their mother then heard their Aunt Sango speak their names, he wouldn't know about the twins.

She breathed a sigh of relief when they finally made it into the gala, glancing around the large room. It was absolutely beautiful in there, looking like something straight out of a Hollywood movie. Two sets of golden eyes blinked before the male voiced what they both were thinking. "Wow."

"Keep up you two," Sesshomaru said turning to glance back at them over his shoulder. "You'll have time to look around later. First, you are to be introduced to my father, his wife, and my mother."

"Are Inuyasha and Kagome not attending," Rin asked curiously.

"They will arrive later in the evening," Sesshomaru answered as he continued forward towards a large group of people; Rin and the twins walking several steps behind him. He placed his hand on a man's shoulder who turned to look behind him when Sesshomaru whispered something to him. Naru couldn't help but be uncomfortable when everyone's attention was turned on them. "Father, Mother, Izayoi, you all remember Rin. And those two there are my children, Naru and Haru Takahashi."

"I never thought that I would see the day I could welcome more grandchildren into the family. Of course I'm seventeen years late but better now than never, wouldn't you agree," Touga, a tall fair skin, silver haired man said smiling brightly at the twins and Rin. "And Rin, I never thought that we would see you again after you disappeared. You are looking well."

"Thank you Touga," Rin said before discreetly elbowing the twins that stood to either side of her. "It's a pleasure to see you all again."

"And it is our pleasure to meet you," Naru said, her faux smile returning to her lips. She didn't like the way that his mother was looking at them.

"Humph, and here I thought that he would be the one to keep the bloodline pure," InuKimi, a beautiful demoness with long silver hair that reached her hips, sniffed. "It would seem my son is more like his father than I originally thought. He certainly does have an appalling taste for mating with humans. Especially common ones like the two of you." This caused Naru to snarl at her, drawing everyone's attention from her mother to herself. InuKimi's brow irked, an amused smile crossing her red painted lips. "Oh, is the pup annoyed?"

"Naru, no," Rin whispered, placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"I promised my mother that I wouldn't pick a fight tonight for the sake of saving face," Naru hissed; ignoring her mother's pleas to not say anything further. "But there is only so much I will be able to take when you talk down about my mother the way that you are. If you even so much as breathe one more insult in her direction, I will personally rip your tongue from your skull."

"Now, now, there is no need for violence," Touga said stepping between Grandmother and Granddaughter. The absolute last thing he needed was his gala being turned upside down beside of disagreeing demon women. "Kimi please, let's not taunt the girl. You did go a bit far, not only insulting my wife, but her mother as well." He then turned to Naru who had folded her arms over her chest, turning her nose up in the air. "Naru, correct?" She nodded before he continued. "Please forgive your Grandmother, she is not quite fond of humans. Don't take anything that she says to heart."

"Hnn," the silver haired teen hummed, earning a chuckle from the elder demon.

"You sound like your father when you do that," Touga pointed out. "Now, let's all get along and enjoy the evening." He turned to Sesshomaru, his brow irked. "Where is your brother, Kagome, and the children? I thought that they would be attending the event tonight as well?"

"They'll be here," Sesshomaru answered the question for the second time that evening. "They'll be coming later on. The half-breed had something to take care of before they can make it here."

"Don't call your brother that," Touga reprimanded before turning to everyone else. "Well, while we wait for them, let's enjoy the festivities. Rin, twins, why don't you join us at the table?"

"Of course Touga," Rin happily agreed before dragging the twins along to the table Touga had been talking about, each taking a seat in the chairs that had been placed around it.

Naru definitely isn't having their shit; especially when it comes to them talking about her mother. So much for playing nice lol. Well, hopefully you all enjoyed? Maybe I'll be able to get another update done soon if my son allows me time to do so or someone takes him again and I can actually focus on writing lol.