I do not own the characters or places, only the original story is mine.
She could only fly higher. The wind stung her cheeks and her hair fluttered behind her and her climb in the sky brought her further and further away from the world below. She could hear planes soaring under her and around her, she should stop now before she went to high but something kept her going. Monsters and demons chased at her heels urging her up, up, up.
'You stole us, you murdered us, thief, murderer, THIEF!' The tears froze to her skin as she continued to climb, her lungs burned uncomfortably in the freezing air. She slowed and froze on the edge of perpetual twilight, the stars unobstructed from her view and the clouds floating lazily under her. Nothing came this high, nothing could survive this high.
'Cept meh.' The woman curled against herself trying to find comfort in the only person she could touch. Her clammy hands pushed against her burning eyes, the voices inside pounded against her mind urging her further.
'You stole us, you murdered us, thief, murderer, THIEF!' She sobbed against her hands, their words pulling against her sanity. She never found her solitude, she had constant reminders of her "gift".
'Why am I fightin' this? Their right, I can't… I don't think I can do this anymore.' The woman turned her gaze up towards the stars, their distant light twinkling, mocking her. They called tonight as they did every night. The promise of a wish upon their soft light, a wish that could never come true. She reached her arm upward, cupping one of the stars in her palm. She smiled slightly as she gazed into it's light, remembering the light from another time, another hand that cupped it's beauty with her. She remember the quiet nights, the wondrous nights they had together. He brought her so high, so high. She pulled her arm back to her chest and squeezed her eyes closed, The voices would protest, they would grow louder if she let herself go somewhere happy. They always protested, a moment of silence here, a soft smile there, contentment was not allowed when she was a thief and a murderer.
The woman stared at the stars for another moment before leaning backwards in the air, her arms outstretched at her sides. Breathing as deeply as the thin air would allow she felt the free fall begin. The voices quieted instantly and she smiled. The wind gave way under her, faster and faster she fell and the clouds swallowed her hole. She turned and with bleary eyes watched the lights of the city below reach to meet her. How far would she go this time? How long before she chickened out and pulled back? She reached the sky scrapers now, their darkened windows flew past her, the lightened street rushed to meet her. Closing her eyes, she waited to see if this time… this time it would happen.
All at once the descent stopped, her body jerked as her hips were pulled upward. She turned, prepared to break whatever she snagged on and was surprised to see nothing. Her belt was pulled away from her body by an unseen force. She slumped and closed her eyes allowing the force to pull her up slowly. When she felt warm hands on her covered arms she opened her eyes again to stare into the darkened helmet of Magneto.
"My dear, if I didn't know any better, I would say you were trying to have a thrill at the expense of my sensibilities." Magneto released her arms allowing her to walk away a few steps turning her back to him. She clenched her hands at her side, the voices were screaming again, reminding her of her faults and failings. Their combined screams echoed in her mind turning into a chorus, a demented opera to her numbed ears.
"Magneto… I didn't expect ya to be around. What brings you to the city of lights?" He chuckled darkly and she felt him walk behind her to the edge of the building.
"You my dear Rogue, I've heard some… disturbing things of late and had to see for myself." Her cheeks flamed hot at his words and she could feel her anger simmer just under control.
"I'ahm sure the show was worth the trip for ya. Send me a post card when ya'll are home again." Her anger simmered and cooled and simmered again. She didn't need to have this conversation tonight, not this night. He sighed behind her and she felt his presence just inside her personal space. She turned and looked into that dark helmet, open eyes stared back at her, concern and something else glinted back through the darkness.
"My dear Rogue, what pains you so to play these death games with yourself?" She broke contact first turning and jumping into the air, her eyes stinging from more than just the New York winter air.
'Your fault, will always be your fault…. Thief'. Rogue breathed deeply trying in vane to erect the barrier the Professor had taught her all those years ago.
"If ya don't mind Magneto, I'ahm a bit tired for our witty exchange this evening. I think I'll have to take a rain check." She started to pull away but was stopped yet again by the cursed belt around her waist, it tightened almost painfully forcing her to turn in the air. He was yet again close behind her, his hand hovered just above the skin of her face. His expression was unreadable beneath the thick darkness of his helmet. He lowered his arm and Rogue felt her belt loosen. This time it was he to turn away first and with his cape flapping like a menacing comic book character he disappeared into the darkness. Rogue took another moment and stared up into the muggy sky, the stars hidden by the thick clouds. It was going to snow tonight, the white pristine powder would blanket the city and for a lease a little while the city would look clean.
'Murderer, thief, you don't deserve your peace!' Gulping back her tears Rogue turned and made her way back to the X-mansion and back to the crowded halls and loud students. Back to the pretending and hoping for another day she wouldn't crack.
If you would like this continued let me know, thank you for taking the time to read :)