Hi guys!

This story is a collaboration that I'm doing with Erchu, this story is otome style!

I'll explain more in the A/N at the bottom!

Disclaimer: We don't own Fairy Tail!

Lucy's P.O.V

I felt myself constantly spacing out as Mr Capricorn, the science teacher, talked about microbes. I could see Erza sitting next to me, diligently taking notes. I sighed and took a mental note to steal borrow them off her later. The bell rang; the boring lesson was finally over. Jellal approached Erza and I from behind, casually slinging his arm around an already blushing Erza. "So, you guys gonna join us for lunch? Well I know Erza is." He patted Erza on the head and she elbowed him in the stomach. "Yeah," I said. Recently, I had been hanging out with Lisanna so today I wanted to hang out with Erza. Jellal nodded as we left the classroom and went to his locker. Erza and I were lucky to get lockers next to each other; after all, I am 'Lucky Lucy Heartfilia'.

We got to our lockers quickly and shoved our books in. After shutting our lockers, we turned to see Natsu, Gray, Sting and Rogue heading towards the cafeteria and began run to catch up to them. Casually appearing next to them, we strolled towards the cafeteria door. Rogue grabbed the door handle first and held the door open for everyone. "Thanks," I beamed at him, his face turning the lightest shade of red. Looking inside, I saw Jellal already reserving a table for us. As we approached the table, I gave Erza and 'encouraging' push. She tripped on a chair leg and fell right into Jellal's arms. She immediately blushed a red, as red as her hair. She quickly got off him and went to sit on the other side, only to be pushed by me once again and forced to sit next to him. "I'll go get lunch," I grinned, skipping to the end of the food line, where the other guys were, to collect food for Erza. I gave Erza a small wave, watching her awkwardly sit with Jellal alone.

I returned with lunch in hand and passed the strawberry cake to Erza, who instantly brightened her mood and took the cake. I took the seat next to Erza and Sting went to sit next to me, but Natsu oh-so-casually pushed him off the bench and sat down in the now empty space. I laughed and helped Sting off the floor then sat back down between Natsu and Erza. Sting's face turned pink as he thanked me before sitting in the last seat between Rogue and Gray. Rogue turned to Jellal who was sitting across from him and began to talk about something smart, after all, he is known as 'Intellectual Rogue'. Jellal nodded with an understanding face, but we all knew he only caught bits and pieces of what Rogue was saying. Seeing that Jellal 'understood', Rogue changed the subject. "So I heard that we have to pair up for the next project in Personal Development class." His quiet, stoic voice sliced through the air as we listened to him. Rogue used to be mute to everyone but Sting, but now he is beginning to open up to us. I looked at Rogue and asked, "Do you know what the project is?" He shook his head. "We'll just have to find out." I nodded before finishing my lunch.

Erza's P.O.V

After awkwardly finishing lunch, no thanks to Lucy, we ran out to the rooftop, Natsu bringing a tennis ball along. We began throwing it around to each other, with Jellal, Natsu and Lucy standing on one side and Sting, Gray, Rogue and I on the other. Then Gray pulled a stick out of a random bush on the rooftop and started hitting the tennis ball whenever it came towards him. As we continued tossing the ball back and forth, Natsu asked Lucy, "Hey Luce, did you know that apparently, the further away you are, the better aim you have?" She shook her head and I laughed. When it came to catching and throwing, Lucy was terrible. She could never catch anything and had really bad aim. The ball came to me and I caught it. Throwing the ball to Lucy, I watched as she looked up and ran towards it. Natsu saw Lucy going for it and decided to go for it as well both reaching one hand up to catch the ball. Lucy reached up first followed by Natsu right after. The ball skimmed Lucy's fingertips then headed straight for Natsu's open hand. Natsu's hand moved to the side the slightest bit, causing the ball to hit the side of his hand and spin away. But his movements didn't stop to go and catch the ball before it fell, he kept reaching. A split second later, he was holding Lucy's hand… in midair. I stared wide-eyed at them, shocked that so much could happen in less than 5 seconds. No way… I thought to myself. He intentionally missed?!

Lucy's POV

I stared blankly into Natsu's eyes and he stared into mine, our eyes locked and fingers entwined. I flicked his hand away and chased after the still rolling ball to hide my flushed face. I picked up the ball and calmed myself down before running back to Natsu and Jellal's side. I threw it across to Sting who caught it nicely. I turned to Jellal who was standing next to me as Natsu went to get the ball Sting threw into a bush, "Hey, can you go to the other side?" I didn't mention that I wanted him to stand with Erza. He looked at me with a knowing smile, "What, you wanna stand alone with Natsu don't you." I shook my embarrassed face, "No… Just go!" I pushed him away towards where Erza was standing. I grinned to myself seeing that he was walking her way, then my smile dropped as I realised that I was in fact alone with Natsu on this side. I mentally face-palmed as I saw Erza coming to join me, "I was hoping for a Jerza moment…" She laughed at my failure.

The bell rang all too soon, and we began to walk back to the locker bay. Erza and I's locker weren't that far from the boy's lockers, so we walk together. I walked next to Rogue in silence, he's never really been one for talking… I suddenly felt the hood of my jacket being flipped onto my head and turned around to see the culprit. It was Natsu. I lightly smacked him on the side of his arm as we continued to walk. He just chuckled and we all parted ways to our lockers. Erza smiled at me, "What is it?" I asked, "Oh… It's nothing." The smile on her face said otherwise as we grabbed our books from our lockers. We had maths then personal development, Sting and Gray were in my maths class, we were in the intermediate class. Erza, Rogue and Jellal were in the advanced class, while Natsu was in the foundation class. I said goodbye to Erza as I went to walk with Lisanna to class.

When I got to class Sting and Gray were already there, so I told Lisanna I would sit with them for a change. I had always sat with Lisanna during maths, but it's okay because she still has Milliana. The room was set out with four rows on each side, and each table could seat four next to each other. I sat in the spot next to Sting, who was sitting next to Orga, who was sitting next to Gray, "Oh hi Lucy!" I smiled at him, "You don't usually sit with us." I nodded, "I thought I would today." He smiled back, "That's nice." Our row was at the very back of the room, I looked across to the front row of the other half and cringed when I saw Hibiki sitting with the trimen there. I had never been a big fan of him, he's too much of a flirt…

Erza's POV

I sat waiting in the personal development room for Lucy, Sting and Gray to arrive. Their maths class is normally late, so Rogue, Jellal, Natsu and I had saved seats for them in the classroom. I thought back to the brief argument Rogue and Natsu had of who could sit next to Lucy. Rogue didn't have to say much as he easily won by saying, "You got to sit with her during lunch." Natsu gave in and it made me wonder if Lucy knew that these boys even had an interest in her. I shook my head, I was a big supporter of Nalu, they're just too cute! But then again, Rogue is the quiet type, and everything he does for Lucy is so gentlemanly… And there's also Sting and Gray… They're both energetic like Natsu, and they're both perverts… My little Lucy is gaining plenty of attention…

I waved my arm in the air when I saw Lucy and the others enter the room. They quickly sat down with us ending in this order, Rogue, Lucy, Me, Jellal, Natsu, Sting and Gray. Our PD teacher, Miss Strauss walked in. She liked us to call her Mirajane, but we had to call her Miss Strauss for 'school reasons'… "Hi guys! I know it's the last period, but don't fall asleep! We've got an exciting assignment! It's based off married life!" I heard Lucy make a sound of confusion, but Miss Strauss continued, "The girls will pull the name of a boy out of a hat, and then together as a married couple you will go through things that would happen! It's like a game! We'll have competitions on which married couple cooks the best, cleans the best, handles kids the best, and you'll even have to be together 24/7, well almost…" Married couple huh… I hope I end up with… I carefully looked at Jellal who was sitting next to me, he happened to look at me at the same time. I quickly looked away with a light blush on my face to see a grinning Lucy. I thought for a moment, who's the lucky boy Lucy will pick out?

Lucy's POV

One by one the girls picked a name out of a jar that Mirajane had on her desk. Erza took her turn and came back, before she opened it, she waited for me to go up to get mine too. I breathed deeply and went to take a slip of paper. I stuck my hand in and dug around a bit, I didn't wanna end up with some random person because that would awkward… I pulled one out and walked back to Erza so we could open it together. I sat down again and we looked at each other. We agreed to open the paper for each other, so we exchanged our slips. Opening the slips of paper I took a look at what Erza's said and held in a laugh. I looked up to see what Erza's reaction was, she look normal, I wonder who it is… "So who did I get?" Erza asked me. I smiled, "You got… Ichiya." She froze and her face paled. "You mean that creepy old guy who hasn't been able to graduate?!" I nodded, "Sorry…" She sighed, "What about me?" I watched her with anticipation as she opened my slip. I leaned over and saw that it was…

Votes for this chapter has closed

Okay the way this story is gonna work is at the end of each chapter, you will select either Natsu, Gray, Rogue or Sting, and the one with
the most votes will be selected. When it comes to the final pairing, the one who collected the most votes in all the chapters combined will
win. So we won't be able to update without knowing who gets the most votes! We'll try to update often!

Over and out, chu-chan and erchu