Bella's POV
Jasper and I made our way to the bounty line and waited for a wolf to show up. Once one came into view I knew it was Seth.
"Hey Seth, Can you get Sam for us? It's not an emergency or anything I just want to talk to him about something." He nodded his head before running off. Not long after Sam was standing in front of us alone.
"What's up?" He asked.
"I don't really know how else to phrase this so let's just go for being blunt about it. I've been keeping one of my powers from everyone until it was time to use it which the timing is now. My gift is to be able to see what a person most desires and being able to grant it so I want to do that with you guys." I told him.
"What do you mean grant it? How does that work?" He asked.
"Basically it's like a wish. All I have to do it touch the person and let my power do its thing." I said.
"And you want to grant the pack's desires?" He asked confused.
"Well yeah but not just the pack's everyone here. The pack, the imprints and you're families." I smiled.
"Um… wow that's nice of you." He smiled back.
"So however you want to do it. We can all meet here or everyone can go over to the house. Whichever way is easier for you." I said.
"Just give me a second." He said before he ran off to phase. I could have easily listened to what he was going to tell the pack but I try not to. It takes away the element of surprise. After about two minutes he came back.
"Ok well why don't you guys come over to my house." He said.
"What about the treaty?" Jasper asked him.
"You've proven yourselves. You're not a threat. You're welcome onto our land for tonight." He told us.
"Are you sure?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.
We followed him back to his house and into his back yard where everyone was at. They were all cautious of us being here but otherwise didn't do anything. I told them the same thing that I told Sam and answered any question that they had about it. They were interested and a little scared but at the same time willing to do it.
"Does anyone want me to do it?" I asked them. Some nodded so I asked who wanted to be first. People looked around before someone spoke up.
"I'll do it." Billy said. I smiled and let go of Jasper's hand. I slowly made my way over to him and looked him in the eyes. Once I knew what he wanted I smiled.
"Are you ready?" I asked him.
"Yes." He said. I nodded then placed my hand on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and let my power flow. After a few minutes I opened my eyes and removed my hand. I stepped back and smiled at him.
"It's done." I told him. He didn't do anything and just started at me with fear in his eyes.
"Dad?" Jacob said.
"What happened?" Someone asked.
"Nothing he's just a bit freaked out and thinking it through." I answered.
"Billy it's okay. You can do." I said as I extended my hands towards him. He nodded and grabbed both of my hands before letting me gently pull him out of his wheelchair. When we stepped away from it everyone gasped. I let go of his hands and he walked around for a little before returning to me and giving me a strong huge. Billy was full of happiness and joy while he continued to walk around.
People were more willing to allow me to use my power on them. I made my way over to Paul and smiled at him. He nodded but looked down at the ground. Slowly I placed two fingers under his chin and lifted his face to meet mine. I looked into his eyes and smiled.
"I could it you know. It'll make your life easier." I whispered. He gave me a small smile before nodding. I let my power flow for a while before removing my hand from his body.
"Thanks." He whispered.
"No problem." I smiled.
"Paul what was yours man?" Embry asked.
"My anger problem." He said.
I went to Sam and Emily and smiled when I noticed theirs was the same thing. I placed my hand on Emily's shoulder for a minute and right away people started to gasp. The three long scars on her face slowly started to disappear. Standing in front of Jacob I smiled and placed my hand on him only for a second.
"In five days go to the diner in Forks sit in the booth closest to the far wall. Her name is Sarah." I whispered. He smiled and hugged me. I went to Seth and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"When you start school there will be a new girl named Eleanor. She's in your first period. Bring an extra pencil." I smiled. The last one was Leah. She froze when I placed my hand on her but didn't do anything.
"Next Friday on first beach at noon. His name's Dean. He just moved here." I told her.
"Thanks Bella." She smiled.
After talking to everyone and telling them you're welcome a million times Jasper and I finally went to his house near the Cullen home. We laid on his bed holding each other going over everything that's happened since we met. I finally felt at peace with my life. Everyone I loved was happy and I finally found my soul mate. Jasper was hands down best thing that's ever happened to me.
I didn't want to confuse anyone with the whole granting of desires so here's what everyone got:
Rose and Emmett: ability to have a baby
Esme and Carlisle: ability to have a baby
Billy: got the use of his legs back
Paul: in control of his anger
Emily and Sam: removed Emily's scars
Jacob: where and when he'll find his imprint
Seth: where and when he'll find his imprint
Leah: where and when she'll find her imprint
All the others were happy without their desire being granted. The wolves that already had an imprint were already complete. I'll be wrapping up the story in about another two chapters. Thanks for your reviews and PLEASE GO REVIEW!