The day had went- splendidly in Double D's opinion. As his cousin had promised, they went to the clothing stores of the city. And usually Double D would find shopping in general to be a hassle especially in the company of the opposite gender.

But with Kenzie, he actually enjoyed himself. She never hassled him into wearing anything outrageous, always made sure he was comfortable in the clothing, and never forced her opinion when it came to his choices.

She even let him buy a few set of clothes himself. After much pleading about his self pride dwindling by the microminute.

With almost a whole new wardrobe for the upcoming school year, shoes and accessories included, Double D actually felt like he was being well upgraded. When Kenzie spoke of said accessories, until she laughed at him and explained, she only met belt suspenders, scarves and such.

Nothing to exaggerated, like earrings, or tongue piercings. Though he did show visible disgust to them, he didn't necessarily disregard the idea. It would be something he would ponder on, on his own. well he did visibly show discuss them he didn't necessarily this is disregarded that idea it would be something he would ponder on on his own.

He gave himself an internal pat on the back for a job well done. In all today, had been quite a successful day, and it was only mid afternoon, as the two walked down the street, hands full with their result.

They had decided they would eat out for lunch, before going back to the Cul De Sac. As they walked on, they noticed a homely looking coffee shop, and both agreed it looked promising. They went inside, sat at a booth like table, not too far back but not in the front either, with Double D facing away from the window. Not noticing a pair of fierce hazel green eyes boring into the back of his head.

They chatted jovially about a few songs they heard in the stores they were in, like Daft Punk, 1991, Houdini, and Sleazy.

Double D spoke of his observations that even though he would prefer his type of music not to be tainted with such curse words, he wouldn't mind that much as long as it was kept to a minimum.

Kenzie commented with a hint of a smirk, "Well, I'll be damn. I never thought I'd see the day Mr. Primp and Proper actually condone the use of curse words."

Double D had a combination of a scowl and a pout on his face, as he replied sassily, "I do not condone them Kenzie. I just find them appropriate in certain songs."

Kenzie put her hands up in mock defense to pacify him, "Okay, okay. No need to get your beanie in a twist."

The glare he threw at her could kill, if she weren't used to his by now, and couldn't help but snicker.

The waiteress came and took their orders, Kenzie a turkey, cheese sandwich on rye with light mayo and mustard, with a pomegranate iced tea. And Double D, a vegetable panini, with an apple juice.

When the woman left, Kenzie let her eyes wander to the window, outside, looking into the store across the street.

Her heart nearly stopped at what she saw. Her eyes must have gone wide, because she heard her cousin gasp silently.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" He looked up and down to see if there was something wrong with her physically.

She waved her hand dismissively at him, never taking her eyes away from what she was looking at.

"Look Edd, I have to go get something. I'll be back by the time our food gets here okay?" She didn't even wait for a response, as she got up from the table, and headed out the store, across the street.

"O-okay." Double D mumbled, as he watched as his cousin move. He watched her walk out the door of the coffee shop, he noticed the hair of a certain jock and teal haired boy walking in.

He eeped and tried to turn back around before the other boys could notice him. He hoped he was looking inconspicuous as he didn't feel. There weren't that many people there today.

He heard two sets of feet walking in his direction, praying they would walk right past him. When he heard feet stop right at his table, he opened his eyes and looked at the handsome face of Kevin Lee, and the mischievous smile of Nathan Goldberg.

"G-Greetings gentleman." Double D spoke with a hesitant smile. "How are you this afternoon?"

Kevin looked at Double D hard, making him think he was about to get yelled at. Then he gave a half smirk, that would have made Double D swoon had he not forgot where he was.

Nat responded with an obvious flirty tone, "Hey there Double Sweet Cheeks. Doin' pretty good now that I've got to see your adorable face. Me and Kev were just in the neighborhood when we noticed you and that pretty girl you are hangin' with. Is she like your girlfriend or somethin'?"

"Kevin and I, Nathan." Double D automatically corrected without hesitation. Then he looked at the two with a look of confusion, "G-Girl?"

"Yeah, that cute little brunette you came with? Aren't you two dating?"

Double D then became flustered. They were speaking of his cousin, they thought Kenzie was his girlfriend! He looked at Nathan, and then at Kevin. Kevin stood with a stony expression no emotions filtering through those perfect radiant emerald eyes, that held a hint of hazel he possessed. He began to stutter, not knowing what to say. He had never been placed in this sort of situation.

"I would hope we are not dating. That is not socially and morally acceptable. Nor do we hold any non-platonic emotions towards each other anyway." A voice spoke up.

Both boys turned around to look at the person, and noticed it was the same girl they were talking about.

Kevin got over his initial surprise and asked, "What do you mean 'not socially moral'?" He air quoted. "What are you cousins or something?"

"Actually Kevin, yes, she is my cousin." Double D stated in a matter of fact tone. "Nathan Kevin, this is my cousin, Kenzie Trese. Kenz, this is Nathan Goldberg and Kevin Barr. They live in the cul-de-sac. I've known since I've moved there when I was a child." Double D said with a smile, while he turned to each boy.

Shifting the object she had in her hands to her left, she lifted her right to give each a handshake.

"Sup. It's nice to meet the both of you." She gave a small smile in each of their directions.

Kevin nodded shaking the girl's hand, "Likewise."

'At least I don't have to worry about this one,' he thought to himself.

"Well, hello cutie. Double Sweet Cheeks, you never told me you had such a hot cousin." Nat grinned and waggled his eyebrows at Kenzie.

Said girl merely raised an eyebrow before returning to look at her cousin. "Double Sweet Cheeks huh? You let him call you that, but won't let me call you Lil' Beaver," she shook her head in mock disappointment.

Kevin smirk widened, while Nat snickered next to him, "Lil' Beaver D?"

Double D then became a bit flustered, cheeks darkening. "Oh hush you two." He glared before turning to Kenzie, "it seems you and Nathan have something in common cousin dear."

"Oh?" She inquired.

"Yes, you both like to call me names you know are embarrassing."

"But cousin dear, you were my Lil' Beaver, before you were his Double Sweet Cheeks," she narrowed her eyes at the teal haired boy, who lifted his hands to appease her. "And I have already told you my reasons for the name I have given you," she pouted slightly, looking back at her cousin.

Double D sighed, before smiling gently. "I suppose your justifiable reasons surpass the overall excruciating silliness of the name."

Kenzie smiled widely at her cousin, "Sweet!" Before she placed the object she had been holding, against the side of the booth so she could slide in and sit down.

Double D stared at the object, wondering why his cousin seem to have possession of it. "Cousin dear?"

"Hmmm? "

"What is that?" He pointed to the object.

"Oh! That's called a longboard. It's like a skateboard, but uh, longer."

"Yes, I know what they are. But why do you have one?"

"Oh well, I used to ride them all the time back in Southern California. And when I noticed the store across the street sold them, well I just had to have one." She shrugged non committedly.

Kevin and Nat then turned to look at Kenzie, both a bit surprised.

"You longboard?" Kevin asked trying not to let his surprise show.

"Yeah, I also do a little dirt biking, rock climbing, and bit of parkour."

Even Double D looked surprised by the last one. "Kenz, you know how to parkour?"

"I learned a couple years ago, even though its been awhile since I last practice." She tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"Wow, that's remarkable," Double D smiled, showing his gap.

"That is pretty awesome," Kevin said with a nod of approval.

"Dude, that's better than awesome!" Nat added with enthusiasm.

"You think so? Well, if you want, I could teach you."

Double D thought about it, wondering if his body would even allow it, "I don't know, cousin dear."

"Look Edd, if you don't like it, we don't have to. But give yourself a bit more credit. When you put your mind to something, you go through with hundred and ten percent.

"Well," Double D paused for a second, "I suppose I wouldn't be totally opposed to learning a new physical activity such as parkour."

"That's the spirit, cousin dear!" Kenzie clapped joyfully.

Their waitress then came to set their food down for them.

"So gentleman, would you like to sit and have lunch with us? Or do you have other errands that require to be done?"

Kevin look at Nat, silently asking if it was cool. The teal haired boy just gave a shrug, and nodded. "If you guys don't mind of course."

"Of course not! The more, the merrier." Double D gave a wide grin. "Right Kenz? " He turned to his cousin, only for his face to drop. Both looked in her direction, as well.

"Wah?" The brunette asked with a mouth full of sandwich, head poised to the side so you could see everything in it. In her hand was her phone, arm extended, tapping on the screen of the phone.

"What are you doing?" Kevin and Double D asked simultaneously, causing both of them to look at each other, and then look quickly away with flushes on their faces.

Two pair of watchful eyes taking note of this.

"Ah ahking a ahaht-" Kenzie took the sandwhich out slowly, so not to make a mess, flushing slightly.

"I'm taking a snapchat. My friend Rian and Ashtynn me one."

Nat and Kevin both 'ooohed' in understandment, while Double D seemed more perplexed than before.

Kenzie was about to send off the picture, when she noticed the confusion on her cousin's face. "Double D, sweetie. Do you not know what snapchat is?"

The boy pouted slightly and shook his head. Besides him, he heard a small laugh, before a groan, and look to see Kevin glaring madly at Nat, who was nursing his side, like he had been hit. Strange. Turning back to Kenzie, who was grinning at Nat, before changing her back to him.

"There's nothing wrong with not knowing what snapchat is. It's just another social media site or app, that helps you keep in contact with friends and family, through pictures and sometimes messaging." Kenzie explained.

"So you take a photograph with a message attached, to another person? How is that different from just regular text messaging, with the photograph attached?" Double D had his eyebrows arched up.

Kenzie got up out of from her side of the booth, and to her cousin's, to show him the picture her friends sent her. "Because you can have save the picture that was sent to you, and you can choose how long the other person is allowed to view the picture."

She lifted the phone up, extended so she could capture a selfie of her and Double D, who smiled shyly and nervously.

"See, they can only see the picture for six seconds, before it's gone forever." She showed him all the buttons and the functions, as he nodded an understanding and amazement.

Kenzie showed them a picture of Rian blowing a rather big gum bubble, and Ashtynn attempting to bite it.

In response, a picture of Double D, Kevin, Nat and herself. Kevin had an arm slung around Double D's neck, his mouth opened wide to show his pearly white teeth, attempting to bite one of Double D's puffed out cheeks that were red all over. Kenzie puffed her cheeks out, while Nat looked like he was going to bite them as well, and take a taste, with a winky face.

The caption saying, 'We got to bubble popping boys. Beat that!'

Double D, couldn't imagine his day going about any other than with his best friend, cousin, and crush.