Wow, I didn't think this story would actually be popular! Glad people like it!

This is a very short fic, I'm sorry for the way it ends...

But please enjoy 3

Chapter 2

Jack slid closer to Yusei and just sat there, saying nothing. He had no idea what was going on, why Yusei asked him to stay. Yusei shivered under his blanket, curling up slightly and gripping the blonde's arm tightly. He wasn't sure why, but he didn't want Jack to leave.

He lay there in silence, shivering slightly, trying to figure out what this feeling was. Jack, finally deciding to test the waters, gently placed his hand on Yusei's. Yusei snapped out of his trace and gasped very lightly under his breath.


"Hmm? What is it, Yusei?"

Yusei looked away, with a slight blush on his face.

"N-nevermind, it's nothing…"

Jack chuckled.

"Heh, if you say so…"

Jack was ecstatic. Yusei didn't even try to move his hand away. He looked away in an attempt to hide the huge grin that was forming on his face. He wanted nothing more than to be close to Yusei, and he was allowing it.

Yusei was blushing, trying to not let Jack notice. He was surprised that he actually liked having Jack's hand on his own. He shivered, trying to cover up more. Jack noticed this, and reluctantly removing his hand from Yusei's, placed an extra quilt on top of him.

"T-thanks, Jack…"

"No problem Yusei."

Jack sat back down next to him, this time a little closer. He immediately placed his hand back on Yusei's. Feeling a little braver now, he began to curl his fingers lightly, trying to grip Yusei's hand in his own. To his surprise, Yusei allowed him to do so.

His heart was racing. He really thought that Yusei actually felt the same towards him! Yusei looked up at Jack, who happened to be looking down at him.

"Yusei, are you hot or something? Your face is all red…"

Yusei, realizing he was blushing, quickly tried to hide his face.

"N-NO! I-I'm fine…"

Jack smiled. He knew that he was blushing, and just wanted to get a reaction. It was so cute when he got all flustered.

"If you say so, Yusei…"

Jack knew that Yusei obviously felt something for him. He was just too shy to say anything. He decided he'd try to see just how far he could go before Yusei got uncomfortable. Cautiously, he scooted a little bit closer to him, and placed an arm around him. Yusei blushed brightly.

"J-Jack…what are you doing…?"

"Nothing at all. Just trying to keep you warm."

"O-oh…I see…"

Yusei was absolutely loving this. He'd never felt this way about a man before, but he wanted Jack to hold him in his arms and never let go. He sat up, his blankets falling from his shoulders. He quickly hugged himself and shivered, trying to stay warm.

"Yusei, you're going to get sicker if you do that…"

"I-I'll be fine, Jack…" He was blushing bright red.

Jack could tell what Yusei wanted him to do. He wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him into his lap, his other arm helping to cradle the black haired boy. He laid his head on top of Yusei's hair, breathing in his sweet scent. Jack sighed in contentment.

Yusei was slightly surprised, but quickly adjusted to this new position. He felt comfortable in Jack's arms, his warmth helping to cease his shivering, but most of all…

…he felt safe.

He wrapped his arms around Jack, hugging him tightly. Jack looked down at him with a smile, and Yusei quickly turned away, blushing. Jack placed a hand under Yusei's chin, bringing the boy's gaze up to meet his own. They stared into each other's eyes for a brief moment.



Jack slowly leaned down and placed a deep, passionate kiss on Yusei's lips. Yusei closed his eyes and returned the kiss with the same passion. Jack pulled back, leaving one hand on Yusei's cheek, the other around his waist, holding him close to him.

"I love you, Yusei…I always have."

Yusei blushed.

"…I…I love you too Jack…"

Yusei sneezed softly. Jack chuckled.

"You're going to need a lot of rest…here, lay down."

Yusei laid down. Jack followed, bringing the blankets over both of their bodies. He held Yusei close.

"J-Jack…y-you'll get sick too…"

"If it means being close to you, Yusei, I'll take that chance."

Jack kissed him again. Yusei complied. He gently started to lift the hem of Yusei's shirt up, and looked lovingly at him.

"I hope this is one sick day you'll never forget, Yusei."

He smiled at Jack.

"Me too."
