I am busy. My apologies. The same old same old. That, and I lost my muse for this story.


Enjoy, if anyone even still cares to read this.


Chapter Three


The world was spinning around me, laughter slurring through my ears like thick goopy water; it stuck and sloshed around making me even dizzier. It was giddying and exciting and as I stumbled around, staring at the stars Dancing feet filled my senses and the people around me kept moving to a silent beat, faces full of disconnected laughter and drunken ruddy smiles. I tripped and fell to the grass staring up at the kaleidoscoping stars, watching as the solar systems spun in their countless rotations in sickening speed, making my heart race.

Something wet splashed in my face, and belated the smell of tequila filled my senses. Ikkaku was cackling, sounding as though he was five rooms away, and he was staring at me; the bottle in his hand tilted too far to hold anything in it. I watched as more spilled on him before he realized and let out a pained yelp, saving what he could and guzzling what was left.

The world tilted again as heat engulfed my legs and my stomach shifted itself a bit unpleasantly. Whipping my head around at the speed of light in spinning slow motion, I stared at Rukia who had fallen into my lap having tripped over my legs. Her skirt was fluttered down around her stomach and her bottom stuck up in the air, her face dug into the ground. I could feel her tiny breasts pressing against my legs, jumping with each heaving chuckle she gave, mouth full of dirt. Renji and Ikkaku both were roaring with laughter, pointing at her.

I stared at her lacy panties and felt heat flooding my face as the dizziness lowered my inhibitions and I really wanted to touch the seam just in the middle between her legs, mostly curious and only slightly turned on; fleeting and hard to grasp like whips of smoke. But then, Renji was there, twisting her around and suddenly his tongue was in her mouth and they were slobbering and she was wrapped around him and they were crushing my legs.

I stared in my drunken daze and began laughing hysterically as Ikkaku cat called. I lifted my bottle to the sky in a mock toast and hollered and threw it back as the world continued to spin and my head disconnected higher from my shoulders. Until gravity was pushing my head closer and closer to the ground and I couldn't sit up because I had no strength left and still the laughter was surrounding me and filling me and pouring out of me.

I watched the stars, and my god I was dancing and spinning among them too.


Waking up with no memory and a tumultuous feeling in your stomach was not a great way to wake up. Ergh, where the hell was I even?

Blinking my eyes open, I stared at a white ceiling and squinted against the harsh pounding of blood in my temples. I glanced left and right, spied an unfamiliar couch with a snoring Ikkaku hugging onto a naked Renji and a topless Rukia sleeping with feet on them and back on the floor, arms spread wide. Trying to blink that vision out of my mind forever, I couldn't stop myself from noting that Renji was positively covered in tattoos and that Rukia really did have boobs.

Ugh, it won't go away ever now.

Stretching my arms, I just so happened to glance above my head and spied legs crossed at the knee at the armchair kitty corner to the couch. Startled, I jumped and twisted off my back and up on my arms, staring into this guys eyes. His long black hair pulled elegantly back from his face with little clips, his serious eyes unblinking back. His foot rocked back and forth before he switched knees and turned back to his newspaper as if the pile of people in varying states of undress on his couch and floor were perfectly normal.

Speaking of… What the fuck happened?

Noting with dissatisfaction that my shirt was also missing, I slowly stood up and nearly toppled back over as the room spun a little and my knees quaked. My stomach lurched and I grabbed onto the table and ignored the look the man shot me. Holding my head in my free palm, I shook it to clear the vertigo and looked for a clock.


7:53?! Shit! I have to be at work in 7 minutes! Panicking, I quickly hopped to my feet, kicked the table leg, cursed, and ran out the door. Slamming it shut behind me, I glanced around and realized I was only a couple doors down from my apartment.

The fuck? Convenient though. I ran to my apartment, fighting to get the uncooperative key into the lock and booked it to my room. Throwing my sweats off as if they were on fire, I hopped into the closest pair I had and whatever shirt was hanging next to them.

Running back out the door, I barely remembered to lock the door behind me on my way out. And not once did I even think of that dead guy living with me.

All I could think about was how I'd never hear the end of it from Mrs. Toru if I was late. And I could feel the already pounding headache turn into a migraine. Fuck, I was going to have an aneurism…


"Ichigo!" I glanced up from the pile of books I was alphabetizing, and watched as my sisters and father approached me, father having restraint only due to it being a library. They all three stepped up to me, Yuzu and dad smiling while Karin burned holes into the floor.

"Dad. Yuzu. Karin. What are you guys doing here?" I was honestly surprised. They hardly ever visit, and never in tandem like this.

Yuzu giggled and threw her arms around my stomach. "We wanted to see how you were liking the solo life and since we knew you were working today, we knew we could catch you here."

Dad smiled and pointed a finger to the ceiling. "Yes, she's right my boy! I just had to know how my little boy was doing." He looked at me and his eyes filled with tears. "It's just so crazy to think my little boy has moved out already and living on his own and I miss you sometimes and – oh god – if you ever have need of anything, you can always come home. Daddy's doors will always be open to you, Ichi-poo! Daddy will always welcome you home-"

I glared, irritated as he continued on and on. Sure, I was grateful, but man… Holding up my hands in placation I shook my head exasperatedly. "Woah woah, slow down, old man. I'm fine. It's great. And I don't need anything but if I do, I'll let you know so calm down."

That was just enough for my dad to slow down and breathe, a smile pulling at his lips.

They stayed for a while, Yuzu and dad chatting with me as I worked. Karin sat in a chair nearby, and glared at the floor, but that was nothing new. I could feel tension growing in my back the longer I knew she was there, not speaking to me. I was so tired of the silent judgment.

After about an hour or so, dad and Yuzu said their goodbyes, told Karin not to be too long that dinner would be soon, and left. With my lips pressed in a grim thin line, I ignored my sister's presence, and continued sorting. The silence was strangling me for so long, too long.

Until, "Ichigo," called softly from the chair, and my eyes glanced up to see Karin staring at me with red teary, glaring eyes. She sniffled and swiped at them angrily. She stood up and walked over to me. I stood up straight and stared at her, wanting to comfort but not sure how.

Her glare grew as her eyes watered more. Her lips trembled and she threw her arms around me tightly, squeezing almost desperately. We stood like that uncomfortably, until I slowly leaned over and hugged her back. I could feel the tension sweep out of her and she sighed into my stomach.

"… I'm sorry, Ichigo. I didn't mean to chase you away… I-I… I'm just so worried about you." Her face was burying deeper into my chest, hiding from my questioning eyes. She sniffled loudly. "I miss you."

Blinking owlishly, I huffed out a laugh and I rubbed at her head. Her head lifted from my chest and she was glaring again. "Are you laughing at me?"

My smile growing fondly, I shook my head. "Of course. Who wouldn't?"

Her face turned red with anger and she socked me in the gut, the air rushing out of me with a painful rush. She turned and started stomping towards the library doors. "See if I ever try to come see you again, ya idiot!"

I watched her, heart feeling a little better. Calling out to her, "Hey, Karin!" She stopped at the doors and tilted her ear towards me. "… Love you too."

I saw the side of her face turn red and her head tilt down. I heard her mutter, "… idiot." And then she was walking out the doors and I couldn't help but chuckle. Turning back to my task, I continued sorting.


On the way down the corridor to my apartment, the white haired guy from yesterday was sitting outside his apartment, head in his hands. I stared at him in confusion as I walked past, not caring enough to talk to him. Five paces after I had passed him a voice called out to me.

"Hey! You're the new guy, ne? Jus' moved in a couple days ago, righ'?"

Looking back over my shoulder at him, glancing him up and down, I frowned. I watched as a tired smile pulled at his lips, his eyes shut tightly in a forced grin. He stood up and held out his hand to me, his movements weary and sad. I watched his hand like a hawk, wondering what he'd touched with it, trying to think of a way to avoid shaking it. He finally reached me and held his hand higher to me.

"I should intraduce m'self. Name's Gin an' it's nice ta have ya here. An' now I have 'fficially welcomed ya ta the top floor family." His smile brightened and his closed eyes crinkled more at the corners. He crossed his arms and tapped at his chin as if in thought. "Though, ta be fair. It's incredibly dysfunctional. Bu' it's a family all da same. An' we're happy ta have ya… I think, ne?"

He chuckled and seemed to realize I wasn't going to shake his hand and he lowered it without offense. Though his smile grew, as if to make up for the lack of physical communication. And when I still didn't say a word, he suddenly face palmed, and took a step back.

"Oh, stupid me. I'm in apartment 010," he pointed to the door beside the elevator he had been sat beside and prattled on. "I live there wit' ma…." He stopped mid sentence and stared at the floor, as if his eyes were burning holes in the carpet through his closed eyelids. He muttered, "Wit' ma friend Aizen."

He practically spat the word friend out as if it had personally offended him in some way. I tilted my head, sensing bitterness in the air. As he continued to keep his face pointed down, and hand once more rubbing at his temples tiredly I stepped back and turned around to continued to my room.

Gin's head popped up and his mouth pulled into a surprised circle as I stared at him over my shoulder.

"… Ichigo," was all I said to him and then I was walking away to my own apartment. I could feel the fox-like grin spread across his face as he burst out in giggles.

"Nice ta meet chya, Ichigo! I look forward ta gettin' ta know ya!"

I waved him off and entered my apartment. With a longwinded sigh, I glared about, trying to find Grimmjow. Unable to see him, I decided that long delayed shower was going to happen now come hell or high water!

Jumping out of my clothes, I slithered into the shower and washed myself as fast as I could, head first, then shoulders, chest, arms, legs, feet, privates; meticulously in that order. Capping everything and placing them back in the spots I pulled them from, in threes and twos, I wrapped a towel around my waist.

Lethargic and exhausted from a night of little to no sleep, I collapsed into bed still wet and towel my only modesty. I stared at the headboard, laying on my stomach, until my eyes started drooping and I was whisked away into my dreams.

The clouds were swirling around my skins, and misting me with gentle condensation. The stars poked out from the fog, as if they were guiding lights flickering in and out of existence. I could hear soft gentle voices whispering sweet nothings into my ears, and gentle presses of kisses to my brow and ears.

My toes were digging deep into the ocean and fish leapt at them, nibbling sweetly before darting away. My fingers were petting at the air, feeling the currents pass between them like silk. The sweet nothings grew softer, hushed even, and I felt phantom fingers petting at my bare chest.

Then suddenly, I was walking through this strange reality, this sense of needing to go somewhere leading me forward. The soft caress of the air and the heated whispers made me blush and my skin pebble. The whispers turned to gasps and heated breaths ghosted along my neck and in my ears, warming my skin, as the fingers continued, and the kisses on my brow moved to my neck.

But still I kept walking, the silky air so maddening against my heated body, harsh pants falling like starlight from my parted lips. And then I felt it, a pleasurable hotness engulfed me; looking down in a daze at myself, I saw nothing but felt everything.

It was horrible and beautiful and it was tugging and my god it was driving me crazy, pushing me to my limits. The hands touching my chest, gently pushed me to the ground and the waves rippled around me sweetly as heat surrounded me.

A weight settled on top of me and what the hell?

What the hell?

Panting, my eyes slipped open, my groin aching in pleasure about to explode, and all I saw in my vision was burning blue. With a frightened gasp, I shoved at my assailant, dislodging them from on top of me and rolling to the head of my bed. Looking at them wild eyed, I glanced at myself and realizing I was naked and achingly aroused, I snagged my pillow and threw it in my lap. My heart was ready to burst from the adrenaline and endorphins rushing through me.

Looking back in fear at the intruder, I froze with a hitch when I realized it was Grimmjow. He was watching me with eyes that burned with a delicious heat and holy shit, I could practically taste his lust and suddenly I was really fucking angry.

I exploded. "Were you fucking molesting me in my sleep?!" I threw another pillow at him, and it passed through him harmlessly. His body shimmered as he smirked and began cackling like a madman.

He stood up and with a choke, I realized he was fuckin' shirtless – holy shit! – and he was prowling closer to me, predatory and so completely terrifying. His sharp canines seemed to gleam as he kneeled in front of me, his hands coming to rest on the pillow in my lap, his chin shortly joining them. His head tilted as he smirked up at me through his long lashes. His lips split open and a voice rough with – oh sweet Jesus – want filled my room.

"You fell asleep in just a towel above the covers. Imagine my surprise when I returned only to find you exposed, towel on the ground and legs splayed in beautiful eroticism. How could I resist an invitation so tempting?"

His fingers dug into the pillow and I hissed in pleasure as it pressed against me teasingly. His eyes glanced to my hidden crotch and his eyes glistened with amusement. "If you'd like… I can finish where I started. You look about ready to burst and so ripe for the picking."

His hands smoothed to my thighs and my muscles jumped in delight as he began rubbing up and down them in dizzying pleasurable ways, making my body melt to his touch even as my mind screamed THE FUCK?!

He laid his cheek against the pillow as he stared into my frozen eyes and nuzzled at my stomach, and I felt a tongue taste at my bellybutton and that sent a shot of oh god yes, please more straight to my curling toes that I jumped up, finally able to move, and shoved his face away.

I ached something wretched as I ran away into the bathroom, face blazing red and his laughter following my heels. His teasing voice haunted the air around me. "Where ya goin', Kurosaki? Don't ya wanna play with me? I could make that problem you have go away right quick in the most enticing ways."

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled at him and his laughter cackled through the useless closed door. Should he truly want to, he could just float through and pester me… motherfucker.

It took a long while, but I was able to will myself into a very thin calmness, though my heart wouldn't stop racing. Glancing in the mirror, I stared at my red face and grimaced. Finding the courage, I stepped from the room and glared around for him. He wasn't to be seen, and I ran for my room to throw on clothes when as soon as I stepped past the threshold of my door, I ran right into something solid.

Warm hands grasped at my shoulders, keeping me from falling, pressing me to him. "Jesus, you need ta slow down."

Ready to yell at him, I opened my mouth and my eyes to look him straight in the eye when I noticed something dreadfully worrying. All the blood ran from my head and holy shit, he was smirking like an animal only a few centimeters from my face.

And he was naked too. And we were pressed together chest to groin, legs tangled and holy shit… holy shit…. Holy shit.

I could feel each rippling muscle as he moved to press closer and I was becoming aroused again and fuck he was hot and what the hell was wrong with me?!

Yelping, I shoved him away for a third time and ran to my closet. "Stay the fuck away from me, you pervert!"

He laughed delightedly as he slowly straightened himself, graceful as a panther and perfectly comfortable in his nudity. And god damn him, it was sexy as hell. "Hey, I was just trying to make you feel better. Even out the playing field and whatnot…"

He stared at me from the corner of his eye, another shit eating grin taking place as one of his hands ran down his chest. "Like what you see?"

Of course, damn it… but there was no way in HELL I was going to say so. Biting my lip and whining in despair, I threw myself into my closet hunting for loose clothes, ignoring the burning that had settled between my legs again.

"You're no good for my health…" I muttered bitterly.

Grimmjow chuckled behind me and when I glanced I was relieved to see him slipping his clothes back on. "I'm dead. Pretty sure that's no good for anyone. Though," he paused thoughtfully, only one arm in his shirt. He glanced at the ceiling then stared at me. "It is nice to have someone who can actually see me. Shit got fuckin' annoying when no one even noticed me. Fuckin' drives me nuts."

I slipped into some pajama bottoms and stepped back into my room, watching him warily, but sensing no more ill intent coming off of him. Relaxing some, I stared him down. Grimmjow watched back, smirking as he ran fingers through his sexy tousled hair.


What the hell was wrong with me? I never cared for people before like this for the most part. Why couldn't I handle it now? It was so fucking weird and irritating. I was like a randy fucking teenager watching a porno for the first time.

Trying to distract myself, I threw myself cross-legged onto the bed and looked at him, considering. "Why are you even here anyway? Why didn't you just move on?"

His face darkened and the smirk dropped so fast, it was almost staggering. He glared at me, angered for some reason I couldn't know and snarled. "None of your damn business, Kurosaki!"

Taking immediate offense, I jerked back as if physically smacked and sneered right back. "Well fuck you too."

Grimmjow growled and opened his mouth to say more when I leaned over and turned the lights out and rolled under the covers, pulling my earphones in, music blaring so I wouldn't have to hear him. I didn't care that it was only 7 p.m., I was going to sleep if it meant I could avoid him.

Laying there for god only knows how long, I finally started nodding off. And in that sleepy place between wakefulness and dreams, I felt the bed dip and strong arms wrap gently around my waist, and lips sigh contentedly against my neck. In the next moment, I was asleep and that memory was forgotten.


Boom goes the dynamite. There you have it, hope you all who still cares liked it.

Thank you everyone who reviewed, you guys make me feel better.

That being said, I have a very important topic to bring up. A while ago, I had received a very inconsiderate PM stating that I was a terrible person for never updating blah blah blah, I'll spare you guys the dirty details.

I cannot not address this slander.

As most of you know, I am a very busy person. I go to school full time and work full time. I am now working two jobs, putting in 50 to 60+ hours a week, 7 days a week while I am not in school.

PS, that translates to I'm always tired.

Second of all, I have a lot of problems. I won't give you specifics because those are personal but they are many and they are harsh to deal with and I deal with them almost constantly. They sap the motivation from me to do anything, including writing. Often times, it's a battle to write at all because of it. Rare is it when I find myself able to write and not feel pressured or closed in. It's so weird but it's the truth. And it's also the reason why my writing is so strange and my ideas awkward and often times dark…

So next time, please be more considerate of my feelings, as the writer. Because that kind of ignorant crap makes me want to stop writing completely.

Anyway, if you read this, thank you for your time. I won't leave too many long messages unless I feel there's something that needs to be addressed or I have something that I feel needs to be said. You guys are awesome.

Thank you.