The cool yet warm air was revitalizing to Sophie as she took a deep relieved breath.

She petted the flank of her white horse, Pearl absentmindedly as the wind blew soft and steady.

The house that Edward had led her to was quaint yet large it was centered in a spacious golden meadow, and was built out of the various trees in the surrounding woods.

Next to the house sat a small yet spacious barn.

While waiting for her beloved to return to her she hiked a few miles into the woods with Pearl and was happy to discover a small creek.

She and Pearl lounged near it for a hour.

Not wanting to miss Edward's arrival Sophie hopped on Pearl and the two quickly cantered back to the meadow.

Two hours had now passed since she had returned from the creek, there was a water pump located in the back of the house.

Sophie took the time to bathe, the water was cold but not harshly, she had taken six bottles of lavender bath oils when she had fled Vienna.

She opened one bottle and began to clean herself.

After her bath she wrapped herself up in a satin robe that she had with her, walked outside un-saddled Pearl allowing her to graze freely on the meadow and went inside to change.

Sophie slipped on a casual yet sensual low cut long sleeved white lace blouse and a long pale beige cotton skirt.

She slid back on the puzzle locket that Edward had given her as a young girl.

Not wanting to pull her hair up she gently dried it with a cotton cloth and let it flow freely.

Sophie could hardly believe how long her hair had become, it nearly reached the middle of her back as the Duchess von Teschen she wasn't allowed to wear her hair down.

It is the look of a commoner a Duchess must be elegant and refined at all times, Sophie she could practically hear the voice of her maid, Greta.

She left the cottage and flounced on the ground near where Pearl was grazing not even a yard near the cottage.

Sophie laid back and looked up at the perfectly blue sky.

Oh my darling Edward where are you? she thought worriedly it had been two days longer then he had said he would come to her.

She closed her eyes and thought back to when she had gone to Edward's house.