I know some of you won't know who the roscoes are but they joined Hollyoaks 23/22nd may...I think. Anyhow here they are; Joe- the oldest, Freddie- the tattoed mysterious one, Ziggy- The hot one who deep sown is a softy, Robbie- The eldest twin and bad-boy and finally, Jason-The youngest and sweetest.

So there you have it, their real characters too! Sandy their mum was Kathy Beale in Eastenders so...

Please review, I will post two chapters now and see the feedback, if I don't get alot of reviews I'll delete the story so PLEASE REVIEW! And my GRAMMAR IS BAD but go easy one me...I'm 14 x

Chapter One

"Ziggy!" yelled Freddie and hammered on the bathroom door. Joe walked past and shook his head, "Whats he doing?" "Putting on his fake tan" Freddie mimicked Ziggy's voice and actions. "Shut up" Ziggy shouted from inside the bathroom. Joe smirked and left Freddie yelling abuse at their little brother.

Jason was sitting on the stairs texting as Robbie peered over his shoulder. "Holly this, Holly that...she's way out of ya league mate" Robbie shook his head and tried to snatch the phone. "Ah" warned Sandy, Robbie looked over at her. "College...Now" Robbie grunted and walked down the stairs as Jason stuffed his phone in his pocket and jogged after him.

Ziggy came out of the bathroom in a white shirt, grinning cockily. "I am gonna score" He rubbed his hands together and grinned wider, Freddie shook his head and went in the bathroom.

Freddies phone vibrated, a text. 'Nice little house you got Roscoe, pay up or you'll be seeing me soon' Freddie swallowed, how did Dan even know where they moved too? Freddie closed his phone and chucked cold water over his face from the tap. He needed £1,000 now...today, but how?

"Fred! Hurry up, how long does it take to wash?" Ziggy's voice snapped Freddie from his thoughts. "Yeah, Yeah" he called back. Since turning 21, Ziggy had become real bossy...if that was possible.

He heard Ziggy mutter something outside. 'Brothers' Freddie thought sourly.

Dan watched Sandy leave the house with they youngest twins, Jason and that little S*** Robbie. Just Joe, Ziggy and that good for nothing Freddie Roscoe in their pretty new house. Dan almost growled as he slid back into the bush.

A tall form made their way out of the house and Dan hoped it was the middle brother Ziggy but to his dismay it was Joe.

'Damn' thought Dan, he liked Ziggy...well, more than he liked the others anyway. 'Meet me by the pub in 5, we can sort this out' Dan text Freddie.

"Sorry Ziggy, big brother shoulda payed up" Dan muttered.

Freddie felt his phone vibrate, he knew who it was and had half the mind to ignore it but opened it anyway. The text was harsh, even though it wasn't delivered personally Freddie could feel the coldness intended.

'Fine' Was all he texted back. "Zig!" he called and walked into the living room. Ziggy was sitting on the sofa, legs propped up the arm and crossed while he read the news paper.

"Yeah?" Ziggy replied, without looking up. "I'm going out, back in five...oh and if mum mentions why a cook book is on the side, it had nothin' to do with me okay?".

Ziggy nodded and carried on reading.

Freddie left him but couldn't help the nagging feeling that told him to turn back.

"Stupid, Fudging, son of a-" "What the hells the matter with you?" a voice interrupted Freddies rant. The stuck up woman who had a thing for his brother stood their...Cindy.

"None of ya business" snapped Freddie and shoved past her, earning a snort of disgust and a very insulting insult.

That rat stood him up, Dan didn't turn up and Freddie had waited a good ten minutes. His phone vibrated, 'Hope you like my present Roscoe, shame...Ziggy had so much ahead of him...' it read.

"No" Freddie hissed and threw a stone at the nearest car. He ran to the house , cursing at how dimwitted he was.