Title: Compromise

Author: Chimera Dragon

Pairings: McShep

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: Not mine. I make no money off of this

Author's Note: I noticed there wasn't anything for the prompt so I popped this little thing out. Hope you enjoy it! McSheplet Challenge #150

"I won't."

"You will."

"I refuse. And you can't make me!"

"You really wanna bank on me not being able to make you?"

A pause. "Maybe..."

A laugh. "See? Even you know it's going to be useless to try to resist me for long."

A raised eyebrow. "Oh? Is that what you think?"

A nervous laugh. "You wouldn't."

"In with you!"

Two bodies crashed into the water.

John sputtered as he came back to the surface next to a smirking Rodney. He glared for a second before grinning triumphantly. "See? I got you in."

Rodney didn't lose his air of confidence. "Ah, this is a compromise. You wanted me to get in alone. We're both we now."

John's smile faltered.

"But that's okay. It just means we both win."

The End