Oliver knew it was a bad idea to get Felicity the new computer she wanted but how could he tell her no. Not when she makes the puppy dog face and looks up at him through her eyelashes. He should have let Diggle take care of it. But nope he thought he could handle her wants even with his growing feelings to her. They'd been dating for a few weeks now and everything was so new to both of them. They had some bumps in the road but everything was still on course. His family loved her and even likes being with her more then him. And well her family was still warming up to him. The billionaire playboy going for their daughter was not the ideal person they saw her with but they were making an effort to get to know him. And he was trying really hard with them. Felicity makes him want to be a better man and makes him a better vigilante. She's always there to help him and he is so thankful to have her. However her tag along could leave. She decided Roy Harper would be a great addition to the team and they could use an extra set of hands, but the kid seems to always find trouble. She said she would work with him on being more polite and respectful but from her teachings all Roy learnt is how to rile him up.

They're in one of their little sessions when Oliver walks into the cave.

"Hello, what are you two doing? Where's diggle?" Walking over, Oliver gives Felicity a kiss before putting the take out on the table. It was his turn to get the dinner tonight. Up stairs you can already her the club starting to get busy. He should go up their in a bit to see how everything going and to keep up the appearance.

"Diggie will be back soon. Just went out to see Carly. Roy and I were just talking about things, you're welcome to join us."

Pulling up a chair Oliver sits between Felicity and Roy. "What's the topic of this discussion?"

"Oh, you know relationships, people in relationships, things like that." Roy sounds a little nervous when he explained it. He does that a lot. Oliver isn't the easiest person to get along with, but he is trying with Roy.

"I was helping Roy learn how to ask a girl out!" Felicity was practically jumping out of her chair.

"And I was telling her I already have a girlfriend, who she's already met."

"Yah I know you and Thea are together, but you asked her out in the most ridicules way. Come on at least take her somewhere nice for your next date!"

Oliver is just to shocked to join this conversation. They're talking about Thea? Oliver knew they were seeing each other but he didn't think they were in a serious relationship, at least not yet.

"Ugh, earth to Ollie, you okay?" Felicity has been trying to get his attention for sometime now. What could he possibly be thinking about? "Oh I forgot to say it when you walked in but I got the information you wanted on that contractor. He's leaving town in a few days, just so you know."

"Okay Fel, thanks. Roy let's suit up, hopefully you've been brought up to speed on what we do and seeing as Diggles not here and Felicity doesn't like me going alone. What I'm saying is your coming so go get ready." Roy jumps out of his chair so fast and is running to the back to change even before Oliver finishes talking. Oh well, hope the kid does okay. Turning to Felicity, Oliver gives her a kiss before turning as well. "I'll see you tonight, Fel."

"OKay Ollie, stay safe." And with that The Hood and his second sidekick are out saving the city.