I'm sad to say this is my last chapter of Unspoken Words, but I'm a bit happy as well. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. I appreciate all the people who took their time to leave a review and all those who read my story.

Dear Mom,

The past two weeks were more difficult to get through than I thought they would be. Before I could even go on a mission with my friends the Magic Council came to question all of us. My interrogation must have lasted at least two hours. I explained everything and answered every question but you know how they can be, only hearing what they want to hear. They even asked me about the visit Loke, Erza, and I made to see Jellal. I really didn't think that was relevant. Oh, I almost forgot I've never mentioned Jellal to you before. He and Erza have a long history together. He's in jail now for past mistakes but I assure you he has changed for the better. It's just sad that Erza can't be with him, she loves him after all. I promised her I wouldn't say anything about that though.

After the Council left the mission we picked out took up the rest of the time I was trying to wait out. Of course damages to the town were made. Natsu started a fire, Gray ended up freezing half the citizens, they're alright now, and Erza well she went a little overboard and ended up slicing some buildings in half. Wendy and I couldn't do anything to stop those three. Naturally all of us had to pay for the destruction.

I tried my hardest not to think about Loke, I'm sure I mentioned him to you before when I wrote to you the day after saving him. Between his confession of love and that kiss we shared I'm at a loss of what to do. I wish I could ask you for some motherly advice on the situation. There's no way I could go and talk to father about this. About dad, he surprisingly went to see me at the hospital. I think we're on the way to patching up our relationship although I'm sure that will take a while. You'd probably be happy to hear that considering how close we were as a family. Maybe one day we can have a decent conversation like normal fathers and daughters have.

I really don't blame him for what Jose did this time, I hope he knows that. Being kidnapped basically a third time by Phantom Lord was horrible. I feel worse about putting Fairy Tail in jeopardy. Just about every wound I received is gone thanks to Wendy. I'm sure you'd rather not hear about what happened during my capture and I for one would preferably avoid the topic. But I think you would be proud of the effort dad is making this time.

I just returned from the job a few minutes ago but I just had to write to you since it's been a while. I really miss having you around but I've got my friends to help me out whenever I'm in need. My spirits are also wonderful when it comes to cheering me up. I just thought you should know that they're doing well too; I know how much you loved them. Aquarius can be tough to handle at times and Cancer is still a master at cutting hair. I'm really happy to have become a Celestial Wizard like you, Mom.

I should get going though. Hopefully I can write to you again soon. I'm going to try and summon Loke after finishing this letter. Maybe we can finally talk everything through now. Anyway, wish me luck.



After placing her handwritten letter in an envelope she left her desk and took a small box off a shelf. The message was placed with the others it, none of them were to be sent out. The container was put back and Lucy turned to face an empty room. Natsu and Happy stopped by earlier today but only stayed for an hour rather than remaining for an extensive amount of time. They managed to make her mind drift from the problem circulating within her for the most part. However, it couldn't be avoided much longer.

She was pretty sure Erza had a good idea what was going on even though a word wasn't mentioned to her about it. Gray even picked up on a few things but they all went unstated. Her lack of enthusiasm was noticed by the whole team. How could she possibly be excited about anything when Loke was jarring his way to the front of her mind constantly? Questions of what to say and what to do were being debated. What got her the most was despite the odds against them, she wanted more than anything to be with him.

Loke was a playboy, even he couldn't defend his previous actions, but she knew he moved past that part of his life when he became her spirit. The occasional dates would happen but she couldn't reprimand him for that when all she did was push him away. It was wrong to do, yet the whole idea of letting someone in scared her a bit so she felt her acts were reasonable just not showed in the right manner.

Instead of dismissing him, she could have talked things through, nevertheless without his extended stay, she wasn't sure if things would have turned out the way they had. It felt strange considering that fact right now. Loke was just another member of Fairy Tail when she joined but to him she was so much more. A celestial wizard he had to keep away from but also someone he couldn't get far enough from because she was always there, a part of him before either of them realized it.

Her fingers traced down to her hip, taking hold of the grouping of keys. Loke's was singled out and the others were placed back. Her digits enclosed around the small object as hesitation took over. The need to speak was evident but she simply lacked the valor to do so after everything that happened. He was Loke after all, someone who far exceeded her thoughts on the man she believed him to be, no matter how acute her knowledge was at the time.

His previous attempts to coax her into a date by means of flirting and romantic gestures were all passed off as she deemed herself uninterested in the spirit. On the other hand, he saw through her act, the light dusting on her cheeks and nervous demeanor proved otherwise. Now there was purely too much out in the open between the two of them and her feelings towards him could no longer be repressed.

With a somewhat shaky outtake an effort to calm her nerves was made. Lucy held the key outward the slightest bit. "Open Gate of the Lion, Loke." A brief shimmer of gold light occupied the room prior to his form becoming visible to the eye. He stood with much composure as he normally would when being called out by her. Disregarding her own endeavor to maintain poised, she found herself coming up to him within a moment of his arrival, leaning against his chest with her fingers clutching the back of his shirt.

Loke was surprised at her action but didn't pull away, instead he returned the embrace before speaking. "I'm glad to see you're doing better," he mentioned, his voice a little muffled as his chin was pressed to her hair. He couldn't bring himself to express his worry, for she would surely argue back saying she was alright and the concern wasn't needed.

His breath was warm and his hold was strong. The reason she felt safe within his arms wasn't unbeknownst to her, yet there was still cause to question it. Lucy drew back embarrassed by her sudden action, her hands coming together while her orbs surfaced the ground. "I don't really know what to say. After everything you've done and what happened between us…"

After she slipped from his grasp and spoke to him in quiet verses, Loke was lost as to how to fix everything. There was no single word or phrase he could utter to repair the damage he had done to her heart, because he knew at some point during his stay he broke it, no matter how unintentional it was. Even now, if he told her once again how he truly felt, he knew it wouldn't erase the agony he had caused her. But he had to give a reply.

"You have to know everything I did, it was all for you," he told her. His gaze was fixated on the blonde even though her eyes refused to glimpse upward. He knew deep down how wrong it was to pursue Lucy but his heart yearned for her, she was far more worthy of someone who could continuously be by her side but against his better judgment he acted as if those things were nonexistent.

"You do too much for me," she told him with an unbidden emotion following after her tone. "You've said many times the reason has nothing to do with our contract, it has to do with your feelings towards me. If anything I've been treating you unfairly and for that I have to apologize. I'm sorry, I never meant to cause any problems for you or dismiss how you feel."

There was a pause, where she had left her lips parted intending to continue, but he stopped her. "That's the last thing I want to hear." There were already too many scruples placed upon their relationship and they haven't done more than share a kiss. "We can go back and forth on who should or shouldn't be the one asking for forgiveness, but in the end neither of us wants to hold anything against the other."

Lucy nodded her head and bit back on her lip. While she had always maintained the hope that she could have a fairy tale romance, the more realistic side of her knew the chance of him harboring true and real feelings for her were most likely imaginary until he announced them in such a way, when no implication of falsehood was present. So now, she was confused all over again.

Loke hadn't moved any closer; she picked up on that aspect rather quickly. Normally upholding any sort of distance didn't last long, this time he seemed to be cautious and unsure of how to approach the situation. She knew they were so similar, both too stubborn to object their original standpoint, however Lucy soon found protesting would get her nowhere when it came to the prideful lion. Rather, she was the first to back down and agree to his previous statement.

Her voice was caught up in her throat, leaving her with no way to render another sentence. She remembered a time, not too long ago, when he told her with much conviction how much he loved her. Part of her wished it was a lie. She knew now, looking into his eyes, that those words will never be untrue. It was slow and unnoticed at first but she had grown to develop the same affection, only to think it erroneous from the start. Lucy shook her head, trying to keep her voice even. "Why does this have to be so hard?"

"I never expected it to be easy but I can't give up." His hand reached out and took hold of hers, instead of retracting she allowed their fingers to lace together. For now the small amount of contact would have to suffice. "It doesn't matter how hard I try to stop thinking about you. You're constantly invading my thoughts and I could care less, I want you there. My mind is full of you. That's one thing that's never going to change."

He did it again; spoke words too perfect to counter. Color soon rose to her cheeks, which was obviously noticed by the spirit. She was unable to extract a proper response; she never was that good at conversing lines of romance with ease like he was. "You promised you'd stay and I believe you want to keep that vow but how can you when this," meaning the two of them, "isn't supposed to happen? When it shouldn't?"

Loke pursed his lips for a moment, her point was clearly accurate. There were concepts beside those of the heart to be considered. "I know there are a lot of complications and problems I don't want to bring upon you but I have to know something." He stopped there and ventured a step closer, making sure to keep at a reasonable distance.

She knew exactly why he paused. Both of them knew none of those things mattered unless they were willing to be more than friends. To have a consolidated relationship many other things must be brought up. It's true that Lucy searched for security and she couldn't deny how safe she felt around him, it was something else that kept her from accepting right away. The mage said nothing, allowing him to continue after a nod was given. She knew full well no contemptuous words would be mentioned, he could never hold such a tone with her.

"Lucy, you told me that you loved me and honestly just knowing that is enough," Loke started to say. Her opinion was strong, it always was, but even if it is foolish to hope her admission would somehow lessen the difficulties, he went on. "But if your feelings about not wanting anything more are still the same, tell me now and I'll do whatever makes you happy, even if that means letting you go. My affections and wishes haven't changed." His hazel eyes never left her as he spoke, his tone dropped a bit though. "If they are different then I want to try and work things out."

Lucy felt her heart beating deeply against her chest. It was nonsensical to think he'd give up, that one refusal would silence him forever, but perhaps she had misjudged how ardently he loved her. People always said letting go is the most difficult yet purest form of love. Putting someone's happiness before your own was a selfless act and here he was saying those words. Everything he did since they formed a contract was for her and with painful clarity she acknowledged it sometime ago.

She was afraid to reply, but throughout the years she learned a few good lessons, ones gained from living with her father, being on her own, joining a guild, yet they were all scattered amongst her mind at the moment. One thing for certain stood out from the rest. Letting fear run her life was not the way she wanted to be. Turning away from Loke's feelings and her own just because she was scared wasn't something she could do.

"They have changed," Lucy confessed in a whisper-like tone. "I do love you and I want to be together but you know just as well as I do that this can't rightfully work. There is a law against a spirit and human becoming romantically involved. And I don't think me yelling at the Spirit King will changed his mind this time no matter how unfair the rule is. I can't risk losing you or any of my other spirits."

Loke was well aware of the repercussions, in fact they were thought of too often, but just hearing her say the eight letter sentence was enough to shift the worries aside. He wanted to completely forget about them but couldn't. One wrong move could ruin everything. "From what I can see it can only go one of two ways. I'll leave the decision up to you."

"I don't want you to do that. Being a couple works both ways, we should discuss it together," Lucy told him, the words feeling strange to say. In the past she never imagined herself even thinking about being with Loke, but now it was something she wanted. "Is it even possible? I haven't heard anything about celestial wizards being together with their spirits."

"If it ever happened, I was never informed. It's probably something the King kept to himself if such a thing occurred." Despite the seriousness of the conversation a small smile came to his lips. How could he not be happy knowing she wanted to be with him? Looking down at the blonde, he let out a light breath. "I think the only way to go about this is keeping it a secret."

"A secret?" Lucy repeated in question. "Don't you think that will be difficult? Natsu and Happy are always over, sometimes they sleep here, I go on long job requests, and we both know nothing stays a secret for long." While listing, she took a step back and started pacing a bit. The idea was overwhelming, yet sort of exciting at the same time. Forbidden love was written about constantly, it's both beautiful and dangerous. Not able to look at him another time she brought her hand to her mouth as if stopping herself from naming anything more.

A few strides were made towards her in hopes of settling her down some. "I know there's a lot to consider. The risk is huge and I can't do things such as taking you out like a normal boyfriend would. We could be seen in public together and we couldn't kiss or hold hands." His head dropped some. He felt her place her hand on his cheek in means of comfort, even though they were both getting caught up in the unavoidable circumstances. The ease however, was there the moment contact was made. "I might be asking too much of you."

She shook her head, pursing her lips for a moment. "You're not." Her words earned a glance from him, causing her cheeks to flush a darker shade. "I know if we try hard enough we can make this work but there are still certain aspects we can't forget. You're immortal. If we stay together, I'm going to grow older. I don't think you'd want to be with me when I'm eighty years old. I'm not going to look like this forever, you know?"

He let out a small chuckle prior to brushing her bangs from blocking her eyes. "It's not just your beauty that attracts me to you and it's definitely not the only thing keeping me here. I really could go on and on about every little aspect that I admire but to put it simply, I adore everything about you, Lucy. Even if we couldn't be together what we have isn't something you can stop by breaking two people apart, it's boundless. I can't stop loving you any more than I can stop breathing. There is no denying the facts. I am hopelessly, irretrievably in love with you and nothing is going to change that."

Lucy blinked her gaze away from him. His care ran so deep and his affection was real. Girls normally fantasize guys saying things like that, but to actually catch the verses and know every word was meant gave a different feeling that she originally though they would. She couldn't speak and her eyes conveyed how lost at responding she truly was. What was she supposed to say to something like that, when Loke didn't even seem to mind her lack of voice. He simply stood there with a compelling expression she simply felt too unworthy for.

In a shy manner she drew closer, her head shaking the slightest bit before her face fell into the palms of her hands. Her action left him confused, unsure if she hid from embarrassment or because he somehow upset her. "Why do you have to keep saying things like that?" The question, although muffled, was heard in an almost stutter.

"Because it's true," he simply replied prior to taking hold of her wrists and gently lowering her fingers from her face. When she seemed to relax a bit more, he released a small breath. "If we want to figure this out, we have to come up some kind of plan. You can summon me whenever, but I want to be with you as much as possible. That's how things should be." Once again, the hardships came to face and there was no avoiding them this time.

"All I care about is being with you but if we get caught…" She shifted her eyes away as her fingers gripped his. "Keeping us a secret would be hard, especially from the rest of the guild." Lucy momentarily held her breath. Everything she felt around him, the quickening heartbeats, the blushing, just being near him brought upon a undeniable sensation. The spark was present, the electricity that practically drew them together; it was always there just not as noticeable when in denial. "This is… it's just so new to me but I already know I can't be separated from you anymore than you can from me."

"There are some ways around it," Loke mentioned as a few came to mind. "Since most of your jobs are out of town, we could always sneak a date or two in. If I use transformation magic, people wouldn't recognize me as Leo the Lion. All we have to worry about is the King finding out. Even if your other spirits know, they wouldn't say anything and think of it this way; Aquarius couldn't bother you about not having a boyfriend anymore." His lips pulled upward after a slight smile came to across her face. "So, what do you say? Are you willing to give us a try?"

There was a lot at stake and difficulties would soon follow, ever move they made would have to be cautions. But if she didn't take the chance, she would spend the rest of her life wondering if the right decision was made. So much would be missed out on. Whatever time they had, Lucy didn't want to miss a second of it so it was now or never, because making him wait any longer really wouldn't be fair.

Getting over her nervousness just a little, the blonde maneuvered her arms around his neck and stood closer to him. After his hands came around her waist, she settled into the position with ease. Heat rose to her cheeks another time, yet she did her best to dismiss it for now. "I'm not saying it's going to be easy but I don't think I can argue with that."

"It would probably be the only argument I'd win, not that I think we're going to get into fights," he mentioned while keeping his gaze locked with hers. He couldn't see any other girl capturing his heart quite like she did. No matter what, he wasn't going to lose her. "I knew the gravitational pull of our love was too strong for you to resist." Just about a little hint of playfulness resided in his tone.

The flirtatiousness in his voice was evident, causing her head to drop for an instance. "Don't ruin the moment. It was going so well for you," Lucy told him, trying to suppress a smile. Regardless of the statement she moved her face closer to his. Their lips briefly touched before the kiss was fully set in. Her train of thought was cut off as soon as contact was made, her mind short-circuiting as her arms slipped from his neck to his shoulders in a tracing motion. Her fingertips lightly gripped the material of his jacket. Without the need to be hesitant Lucy let her head tilt to the side, deepening the kiss, sending sparks through her body.

Even though she was lost in the moment and wanted to stay that way, Lucy pulled back the slightest bit. Loke still held onto her as if refusing to let go and she simply rested her forehead against his while releasing a content sigh. Nothing really needed to be said. They both knew the possible dangers ahead but they were willing to face them no matter what happened. They would be there for each other. That's what people do when they're together.

I had a bit of trouble figuring out how to end it, but I figured this way I could write a sequel. I already have a few ideas in mind, however suggestions are welcomed. I would like thank all the people who left reviews, followed, and put my story in their favorites. I've been writing this story for over a year and it feels nice to finally finish it. Anyway, please review and hopefully, I'll have another story up soon.