Rose Tyler's fingers traced small patterns into the Doctor's desk, a wide smile lighting up her face. Matt was behind her, lying on the bed, throwing a small red ball back and forth between his hands as he chatted with Clara, who was straightening up the Doctor's messy room for his return. Rose wasn't listening to them, but was instead thinking of the Doctor. Thinking of his spiky brown hair and his wide, comforting brown eyes and his huge goofy grin. She bit into her lip, still smiling.


She stopped tracing patterns and looked behind her, towards Matt who had sat up and was staring at her, his head cocked. Clara collapsed on the bed next to him, flashing Rose a look of amusement. It occurred to Rose that Matt must have asked her a question. "Oh... what? Sorry."

Matt smirked. "I was asking if you preferred simple, bendy straws or the wild ones that go this way and that." As if to explain what he meant, he moved his hands in curly, zig-zagged directions. Rose rolled her eyes, laughing a little. She'd grown to like Matt, despite his oddities and dressing habits. He never took off his bow tie and it had been a complete mess when he'd gotten his hands on a red fez.

"Uhm... number two," she giggled, slinging her arm over the chair. Matt's face lit up and he stuck his tongue out at Clara. Clara rolled her eyes, laughing. Rose smiled at the two of them, knowing she'd be able to do the same thing soon as well (whether Steve liked it or not). Matt's gaze rested on her and he smirked, leaning forward.

"So, Miss Tyler, how's it feel?"

"How's what feel?"

"Knowing you're going to see the Doctor today, of course! What else?"

Rose felt a warm feeling spread her and she couldn't help but laugh. Amazing. It felt amazing and exciting and her stomach had butterflies in it. Rose hadn't slept a wink the night before, too excited to do so. She'd ended up bugging Kaylee the whole night, although she hadn't seemed to mind, thankfully. As soon as the clock had struck nine and she'd eaten breakfast, she'd wandered up to the counselors cabin and used the key that the Doctor had left under the doormat to get inside his room. She hadn't left his room since, even when Kaylee had tried to drag her out on a trip to the beach. "Is this a game show now?" She finally replied, arching an eyebrow. Matt grinned, laughing.

"Yeah," he said simply, leaning back again. He straightened his red bow tie, then ruffled his hair. Clara remained silent, probably too tired to talk. Rose knew that Matt often kept Clara up with stories that the brunette did enjoy, but got tired of after hearing them for the forty-eighth time. Rose sniffed and slumped down in her chair, picking at the thin layer of nail polish that coated her nails. Her head was beginning to ache and she would rather go to bed; but it would be about an hour until the Doctor got back. She straightened as there was a knock at the door.

"Come in, we've got nothing to hide! Promise!" Matt called. Clara snorted, sitting up as the door opened, revealing Kaylee. Kaylee grinned widely, her eyes settling on Rose. Rose blinked, pursing her lips.

"There's someone here to see you and he's about an hour early," the counselor said, grinning. Rose jumped up from the seat, ignoring it when the chair fell to the ground, causing several things to fall from the desk. She dashed out of the Doctor's room, her heart beating madly in her chest. She stumbled to a halt as she reached the door, biting on her lip.

"What are you waiting for?" Clara asked from behind her. Rose turned to face them, frowning.

"What do I say? What is Steve expecting of us?"

"Well," Matt strode forward, crossing his arms over his chest. "You don't say anything. Nope. You snog him. That's what you do, and you ignore what Steve thinks because Steve is... well... Steve. Like a spider, he is..."

Rose chuckled, flashing him an odd look. "How's he like a spider?"

Matt frowned, opening his mouth and then closing it again. "Uh... you know what, that was a rubbish comparison, forget that comparison- instead, focus on the spiky haired idiot outside- go, go, go!" He moved forward, shoving her towards the door. Rose laughed, turning around to open the door. As soon as she saw the Doctor, she was sprinting, ignoring the cold wind that stung her cheeks. He was turned away from her, crouching on the ground as he pulled a few things out of his bag. Steve stood above him, leaning against the car with his arms crossed over his chest. Rose felt a small spark of worry that he'd pull them away and tell them off, however, Steve only flashed her an amused smirk when he saw her. Rose jumped up onto the Doctor's back, her arms locking around his neck. The Doctor gasped and staggered to his feet, leaving Rose hanging onto him, her feet dangling in midair.

Suddenly, his hand carefully latched onto her arm, and she was swung around to his front side, where he crushed her against him, whispering her name over and over in her ear. Rose grinned, hugging him as tightly as she could, suddenly afraid to let go. He pulled back and pressed several kisses to her skin, where ever he laid eyes on- her shoulders, her neck - his hands moved to cup her face, which he then proceeded to give the same form of affection.

Rose laughed in delight, his soft, feathery kisses sending shivers down her back. "Oh, I missed you!" He chuckled, hugging her tightly again. Rose smiled brightly, burying her face into the side of his neck, pressing her own kiss to his neck. He shivered slightly, causing Rose to giggle. This time, it was Rose who pulled back; however, immediately, her fingers were digging into his thick hair, and she was pulling his head down to press her lips firmly to his, doing exactly what Matt had told her to do; get in a good snog and ignore what Steve thought (which, now that she thought about it, was a completely stupid idea. Why would she listen to Matt?). The Doctor chuckled against her mouth, his arms wrapping around her waist.

There was a clearing of a throat; who did it, Rose didn't know, and she hardly cared at the moment. The Doctor held up a finger to tell whoever had cleared their throat to give them a moment. Rose couldn't help but laugh, and ended up having to withdraw from the kiss. The Doctor grinned, his hands resting against the side of her face.

"Hello," he said softly, his face alight with affection. Rose stuck her tongue out between her teeth, grinning.

"Hello," she laughed.

Someone cleared their throat again and they both glanced sideways in confusion. Matt was staring at the both of them, Clara and Kaylee a few steps behind. "Do I not get a hug, too?" He pouted. The Doctor rolled his eyes.

"Go away," he said jokingly, and Matt whimpered in mock hurt. Rose shook her head in amusement, stepping closer to the Doctor and wrapping her arms around his thin frame. She buried her face into his chest, closing her eyes shut tight and sighing in relief. The Doctor rested his jaw onto her head and returned the hug, still chatting with Matt. Rose wasn't really listening to what they were saying. She stayed close to the Doctor, until she remembered that Steve was behind them. Blinking, she stepped away from the Doctor and turned to look at Steve. He was staring at the ground, a faint smile tugging at his lips. Rose frowned.

"What? Why are you smiling?"

Steve glanced up in surprise, but his smile didn't fade. "You two," he said simply, smirking. The Doctor cocked his head, clearly confusion.

"What about us?" He asked, sounding a little nervous. Rose didn't blame him. She still had it in her head that Steve was going to change his mind and fire the Doctor.

"I don't think I've ever shipped something so hard before," he chirped. "I'm glad I changed my mind 'bout firing you, Doctor. Would have been a real shame to break you two." Rose and the Doctor exchanged confused looks. Matt snickered, pressing his palm against his mouth to muffle the sound.

"I don't get it..." Rose frowned. Steve just shrugged, then suddenly clapped his hands together.

"I bet you're hungry, eh? Didn't stop for lunch, did we? How 'bout we cook some food up, gather everyone around, and then, Doctor, you can resume your counselor duties, how fun! Anyone up for a few ghost stories? Good."

They all blinked, a bit lost as they watched Steve saunter off, a grin plastered across his face. Clara and Kaylee rolled their eyes. Matt and the Doctor exchanged amused glances. Rose just shook her head, completely lost. "I don't understand him, sometimes," she snorted.

"Welcome to the family," Kaylee laughed. The Doctor chuckled, his hand gripping Rose's tightly. He threaded his fingers through hers, glancing down at her.

"Tell you what though - he's right. I'm starving! Let's go eat, and we can catch up after dinner."


Rose's head rested against the Doctor's chest, listening to his heart beat. They were lying on Rose's bed, in her cabin. Her eyes were closed, her fist wrapped around his suit, afraid he'd suddenly leave again. He kept his arm around her, keeping her just as close. Neither of them were asleep. To be honest, Rose didn't think she'd be able to sleep even if she tried. Rose suspected it was the same for the Doctor. Neither of them wanted to leave the others embrace. The Doctor had a few strands of her hair wound around his finger, twirling it carefully. He was muttering something under his breath, although Rose couldn't quite understand what he was saying. Suddenly, she remembered something, and sat up quickly.

He huffed when she did so, but then sat up on the bed as well, tilting his head. "What?" He asked, his hand reaching for hers. Rose smiled, gripping his hand tightly. She studied him up and down, pursing her lips. He nodded, encouraging her to speak. Rose's stomach flipped, uncertainty clouding her thoughts. What was the best way she could put this? She wasn't sure; it seemed the best way would be to just say it and hope it didn't get annoyed.

"Remember a few weeks ago, on the worst day of my life... do you remember the last thing you said to me?"

He smiled, although his eyes looked worried. "Yeah? 'Course I do."

She paused, taking a deep breath. "Then go on. Say it. Say what you said."

The Doctor looked utterly confused. Rose could feel the worry starting to bubble in her stomach, and she tried her best to force it away. "I said... I said Rose Tyler."

Rose nodded slowly, searching his eyes. "Yeah? And how was that sentence gonna end?"

He raised an eyebrow, sending her an affectionate look. "Does it need saying?"

Before he could react, Rose reached forward, punching his arm. He gasped and his jaw dropped, cradling his arm. "Ow!" He gasped, rubbing the sore spot. "What was that for?"

Rose giggled, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Of course it needs saying!"

The Doctor snorted in amusement, shaking his head, his eyes sparkling. "Rose Tyler," he said, slow enough to drive her insane. He paused, a huge smile lighting up his face. She loved it when he gave her that smile; there was something about it that made her feel warm. Still, Rose pushed him lightly in the chest, grinning. "I love you," he finished.

Rose smiled brightly, leaning forward. The Doctor did the same, leaning forward until their foreheads were pressed together. She let out a sudden breath of relief, her eyes fluttering shut. She wasn't quite sure why she had needed to hear that. Maybe it was reassurance, or maybe it was something else. Rose didn't know, but hearing it made her feel good. She felt the Doctor cup her face, his thumb brushing her cheekbone. "I love you too," she whispered softly.

- The End -