Irresistible Force

"The Teumessian fox was destined never to be caught. The magical dog Laelaps, was destined to catch everything it chased. Zeus, faced with an inevitable contradiction due to the paradoxical nature of their mutually excluding abilities, turned the two beasts into stone. The pair were cast into the stars, and will remain there forever more."

He ran. She chased. That's how it was and how it had always been. Her very nature guaranteed that she would catch him. And his, that she would not.

London, 13th April 2003

Hermione looked up as Harry entered her office. The five years elapsed since the fall of Voldemort had been kind to him. His unruly mop of hair still fell boyishly over his eyes, hiding that distinctive scar that had now faded to a faint silvery scratch. His eyes sparkled a beautiful bright green behind his glasses and he looked dashing in his Auror robes. But what Hermione noticed the most was how much his demeanour had changed. Gone was the beleaguered, tense I-carry-the-weight-of-the-world-on-my-shoulders look. Nowadays Harry stood tall, happy and carefree.

"Hermione, I just heard you were back!" Harry enveloped her in a bear hug, a huge smile on his face. "Are you going to stay for a while? Can't believe how long you were away this time!"

"Hey, it wasn't that long! One or two months at the most-"

"Try two months and three weeks."

"Really? Well, time flies. Anyway, I don –"

"Are you okay? What happened? Everybody was convinced you would catch him this time. This is not like you at all. You always get them. Always. What is it about this one, Hermione? You've been after him for years now!"

Hermione let out a big sigh, her shoulders slumping tiredly. Harry thought she looked haggard; she had lost weight and had dark smudges under her eyes.

"I don't know, Harry. He always seems to be one step ahead of me. My support network is good, and I don't tarry. In fact, I almost had him in Barcelona. He was staying in the Wizarding Mandarin Oriental's penthouse, for Merlin's sake! When I finally made it into the suite, he had just Apparated away. His scent still lingered, Harry, it couldn't have been more than a couple of minutes before I got there! Bloody hotel management and bloody language barrier. They wouldn't let me use anti- Disapparition wards. Bloody wankers, the lot of them."

Harry made a sympathetic sound, commiserating with her.

"Don't take me wrong. I know I'll catch him in the end. It's just taking a bit longer than expected, that's all. When you arrived, I was putting out feelers; it won't be long before one of my informants tips me off." Hermione combed her fingers through her hair, then dragged her hands down her face, tiredly. "I'm off to Armenia tomorrow. Dolohov has been sighted there."

"Hermione, you can't be serious. You just got here! This is ridiculous. We never see you anymore. You don't date, you don't socialise, in fact, you don't have a life! This has to stop. Tell Shacklebolt to send somebody else."

"I can't! I'm the best and you know it. Anyway, this will not take long. I'll be back in plenty of time for Teddy's birthday."

London, 5th June 2003

Her body was on fire. Her thighs trembled as she felt the broad of his tongue licking her wetness. He sucked hard on her clit, and she felt fingertips caressing her, lightly stroking her folds, opening her up.

"Stop," she moaned, "please, this is not what I want. I want you inside me. I need to feel you, all of you. I need to know that you want me."

He groaned on her clit, and the vibrations sent shockwaves to her centre. With a last loving kiss to her mons, he crawled up her body, cleaning his face of her juices with the back of his hand. Looking into his eyes, she urgently sought his lips, desperately needing him.

"Make love to me." The hunger in her voice made him burn with desire.

Hermione woke up breathless.

Corfu, 19th June 2003

"Finnigan, Jordan, assume your positions." Hermione's voice was merely a whisper. They were in the north- east coast of Corfu, near the village of San Marco. Hermione had received a tip from one of her informants, assuring her that Malfoy had been staying there for the last couple of weeks. The address she had been given was of a secluded villa on a hillside, overlooking the sea. The house was charming in a wholesome sort of way, if a lot smaller than Hermione would have expected considering Malfoy's extravagant taste; that would work in her favour, though it seemed to be heavily warded. The three of them had been watching it for the best part of an hour without detecting any movement.

The unrelenting heat and scorching sun was getting to her; she was hot, sweaty and irritable; after disabling the wards, making a note of each one's nature and incantation to put them up again and setting up anti-Disapparition wards, Hermione decided to throw caution to the wind and enter the property.

Finnigan took position at the back of the house, in a shaded archway near the pool. Lee went in through the back door to find a waiting spot within the main body of the property and Hermione decided to enter via a higher level wooden bridge that joined the tower to the gardens.

Slowly and cautiously, Hermione crossed the bridge and approached the half-open door to the tower. The view of the room beyond was obscured by the stairs leading to the roof terrace, but she knew there was somebody there. Listening intently she was surprised, then curious, at the kind of sounds she was hearing. There was a peculiar slapping noise that for a minute bizarrely reminded Hermione of cleaning the carpets at her Grandmother Granger's house. She almost chuckled out loud at the thought of Malfoy beating carpets. And then…

"Ohhh, yess, Drake, right there, don't stop!"

Hermione almost dropped her wand. Bloody buggering hell!

A bout of heavy panting. High pitched squeals and yes, yes, yes! And then a litany of low grunts and deep moans. Hermione smiled from ear to ear. I've got him!

She rounded the staircase, wand at the ready and an Incarcerous on the tip of her tongue. And then she froze.

She was in a large circular bedroom, painted in the brilliant blue of a Mediterranean sky. The floors, ceiling and woodwork were all different shades of white, as were the billowy drapes and most of the furniture. It was like stepping into a painting, the perfect symmetry of the room only marred by the staircase she had used for concealment. She was standing slightly behind and to the left of a bed that faced a great bay window with a view to the Ionian Sea. Malfoy was lying on top of a dark haired woman, pounding steadily into her. His long, lean body flushed and hard, head buried in the crook of her neck. The blinding radiance of the Greek sun bathed the scene in a surreal light.

Her eyes slowly wandered down his body, taking in his mussed damp hair, the broadness of his shoulders. His smooth back. His narrow waist and hips. His perfect skin. The play of light and shadow on the muscles of his buttocks, as they contracted and relaxed in rhythm with his thrusts, mesmerized her. He was lying almost flush with the girl, only their hips joining and separating, joining and separating like crashing waves, the pace increasingly frantic.

Hermione felt breathless, a curious throbbing between her legs escalating with each thrust. Her knickers were getting progressively soaked and she felt a dire compulsion to touch herself. The sounds he was making were piercing her core.

Then she saw his body tense up, arching off the girl as he threw his head back. With his eyes shut tight and his mouth open in a silent scream, he came. And Hermione whimpered.

Draco needed to come. Karen -Karena- was driving him to distraction with her squeals. He could feel his balls tightening and the scorching heat of his impending climax burning a path from somewhere deep inside his ass all the way to his cock. Oh, I'm going to come… need to... Fuck… Ah..Uhhng! His body arched hard and he closed his eyes, as the burning turned into incredible pleasure and then he was shooting that fire out, striving to get as far inside the girl as he possibly could. And as he felt the last spasms trail off and was about to let himself flop on top the girl, he heard a… whimper? - somewhere in the room.

His head shot sharply to the right towards the sound as he opened his eyes, still buried inside the girl. Oh, for Salazar's hairy balls! What the fuck is Granger doing here?!

She seemed rooted to the spot, and in a fraction of a second, he took in her flushed face and dilated pupils. The blush extended down her neck to her breasts, and he could clearly see the hard peaks of her nipples through the thin cotton of her top. She was panting slightly, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. His eyes widened.

She wants me! Oh, this is priceless. Grabbing his wand from under the pillows, he withdrew his softening cock and in the same motion jumped out of the bed, dragging with him the bemused girl he had been fucking. He held her as a shield in front of his naked body, wand trained on her temple. Something flickered in Granger's eyes and her body tensed in alertness.

"Back off, Granger." he snarled. "Take down the anti-Disapparition wards or the girl will get hurt. Now!"

Hermione had regained her wits, enough to appreciate the gravity of the situation. The woman stared uncomprehendingly at Hermione, then at her wand. She looked bewildered, not scared. A Muggle, Hermione thought.

"Malfoy, don't be daft. The house is surrounded. You cannot escape. We have been playing this game of cat and mouse for far too long already. Let the girl go and we'll sort this out between the two of us."

He gave a bark of a laugh. "Yeah, I can see the kind of sorting you want to have. Enjoyed the show, Granger? Horny, much? I can smell your arousal."

Hermione blushed angrily. "Don't flatter yourself, Malfoy. Let the girl go."

His sneer deepened. "Not in your life. Now, do as I say. You know very well what I'm capable of."

He could almost see the cogs in Granger's brain working at full speed. She'll try to trick me, Draco thought.

"Granger, don't even think about it. I'm taking her with me. And if, by any chance, we are unable to Disapparate or end up Splinching, I will not hesitate."

Hermione saw his grip tightening on the wand. She made a decision. With an angry, frustrated growl, she took down the ward.

"Thank you, Granger." He shoved the girl forwards hard, and with a wink and a smirk, he turned and Disapparated.

Oh, for Godric's sake. I hate Obliviating!