Dearest Readers-
Thank you again for reading Sugar Rush: Unplugged and for sticking around to read Sugar Rush: Deleted. I feel deeply honored to have you all read this story I came up with for Taffyta and Vanellope, Marshmallow, The Racers and the Copies! You all inspire me daily to do better with my writing and your feedback is much appreciated.
I have plans for my third official story that will not have Taffyta and Vanellope as the main characters, I plan to have a new character that will feature Taffyta and Vanellope somewhat..but not as much as it has in my last two stories. I hope you will all look forward to it soon! I will be taking a few days off from writing to plan and work on my first chapter.
It's still in the VERY early stages of my thought we will see where this next story leads! Hopefully online for you all to see.
Again thank you for all your views, messages, reviews, favorites and follows!
I enjoyed writing both stories for you to read, I hope you enjoyed it as well!
-Talk Pillow