You should all thank my Facebook friend Mandy Mikaelson for giving me such a wonderful idea for this fanfiction. She was the one who made this beautiful graphic:

post/40922296315/tvd - greek - mythology - dreamcast - caroline - forbes

Make sure you turn . and remove the spaces between these - at the end

Ok, so I had fun writing this and I hope you'll have fun reading it. There will be twists to the real Mythology because I don't really work well with keeping it like in the books and so... Enjoy!

WAIT! This story is M-rated but it's because I'm afraid one of my "intimate" scene will not fit the T-rated one. There will be NO lemon. I'm so sorry. But touchy feely and feelings and emotions about that will definitely be there so it's kind of hald T half M.

Blonde waves flashed in the sunlight as the beautiful maiden raced through the field full colorful wildflowers, her companions trailing after her, laughing at her enthusiasm.

"Wait for us, Persephone!" A brunette called for her from behind, one hand lifting her dress up and out of the way whilst the other holding a weaved basket full of soft, delicate flowers.

Upon hearing her name, the Goddess turned her head back to look at her friends, a wide grin plastered on her face and her dress flying around her gracefully.

"Well, hurry up, then!" she said.

Life radiated from her and the joy on her face was so captivating that no mortal could glimpsed at it and not finding themselves mesmerized. Her footsteps slowed, her breathing ragged but the radiant smile was still in place. Thick strands of silky hair whipped in the wind and fell in her sea blue eyes as she watched her friends catching up to her. Two nymphs, one human and a Goddess. Such an odd combination of companions but they fitted together wonderfully. Each embracing one another's strength and fill out each other's shortcomings.

"Why are you so full of energy today?" A short-haired nymph asked.

"When is she not full of energy?" The other nymph inquired, rolling her chocolate brown eyes and smoothing out her dress, fixing the ribbons that adorned her wavy chestnut hair back to their rightful places.

"Because, it's not like everyday we get to see her, Bonnie," said Elena, ignoring Katherine's snide remark.

"We saw her just the day before."

"Of course and I'm sure we've all missed her in the passed day," Bonnie smiled at Persephone, choosing Elena's tactic to ignore Katherine, who huffed and looked away.

"Oh, come on Kathy, I've missed you, too. So much," Persephone stepped up to hug her by her shoulders, perching her chin on the edge of it and pouted her full pink lips, staring up at the nymph with big innocent eyes.

Katherine glared at the vast empty space harder before feeling her friend's pleading eyes on her and gave in. She sighed and clutched the Goddess's forearm around her chest, squeezing it lightly, murmuring, "I've missed you, too, Persephone."

The Goddess smiled a cheeky smile and let go of her friend.

Elena and Bonnie shared a glance, smirking as they watched an embarrassed Katherine clearing her throat, trying desperately to glare back at them for catching her.

"So Elena, how's Damon doing?" Persephone asked, not completely ignorant of what was going on behind her but chose to ignore it as she bent down to pluck a yellow flower from the earth, putting it gently into her basket.

Elena instantly turned red at the question and quickly averted her gaze, pretending to be admiring the scenery around them.

"Elena," Persephone called her.


"How's Damon doing?"

"Yes, Elena, pray tell, how is Damon doing?" Katherine chidded.

"He's... umm... he's... uh..." she stuttered, causing the other females to break into a giggling fit. "He's well."

"Yes, of course he is. After last night I bet he's just a ray of sunshine," Persephone teased.

"How did you know about last night?!" She gasped.

"Oh please, He's been parading to every God's doorstep delivering messages with a satisfied smirk on his obnoxious face and when I asked why he just said that he was with you last night.":

"Oh my gods, El! Are you not a maiden anymore?" It was Bonnie who was taken aback this time.

Elena blushed an even deeper shade of red and playfully slapped her shoulder, "No! I am still a maiden, Bonnie, why would you think such a thing?"

Bonnie raised her brow at her as the other two crossed her arms.

She sighed. "Last night..."

"What?" They all said.



"I kissed him!" She shouted and her friends looked at each other before they were clutching onto each other to keep themselves upright from laughter. Elena turned into a deeper shade of crimson and started to throw the petals in her basket at them.

They dodged the fragile pieces of nature, continuing to laugh.

"It's not funny!" Elena grumbled.

"No, it is not. It's hilarious! Seriously, Elena, are you really denying the Messenger God simple human nature?" Katherine grabbed her friend's shoulder, trying hard to keep her amusement at bay. Most of it, anyway.

"You must really have him wrapped around your finger then, for I have never seen a God act such a way for just a simple kiss," Persephone wiped away the tear at the corner of her eye as she glanced at the human.

"And I truly do believe that he cares for you," Bonnie smiled.

"Thank you, Bon. And I cares for him, also."

"But are not telling him that you know who he really is?" Persephone asked, concerned.

"What he is to this world is merely a title and a duty, Persephone. What he is with me and who he truly is is a different thing." Elena said to her friend softly.

And with that, the four maiden wandered through every inch of the flowery field, plucking them from the soil and braiding it into each other's hair or puttting them into their baskets to take home. Soon came noon with the sun at its highest point in the sky, a light breeze carried the floral smell away as it passed by. Clear, feminine laughter mixed with the gentle sound of leaves shuffling in the wind filled the silence; clothing brushing against the grass, feet padding softly onto the earth; every little sound was significant in the warm afternoon.

"Bonnie! Isn't this one beautiful?" Katherine asked as she kneeled down onto the earth, not caring if she got her dress dirty and pointed at the white rose.

"It is! Here, use my knife. Be careful of the thorns." Bonnie handed her the knife when elena joined them.

While the three huddled together, marvelling at the beauty of a white rose, Persephone was captivated by a light purple, almost pink flower with only five petals. It stood out in the sea of greenery and colorful floral. She didn't know why she was so enchanted by it but she knew the moment she laid eyes on it that it would look wonderful on her dress.

Just as its roots left the earth, the ground started to shook and soon it created a large crevice. In a fluid movement which took only a few seconds, a black chariot hauled by four midnight warhorses rose out of the abyss and in a blink of an eye, she was on it and in the arms of its rider.

Persephone was awe struck and by the time she regained her senses, the chariot dipped back into the black unknown before she could let out a scream for her friends. The light from above ground got thinner and thinner until there was no light left. She was consumed by darkness as she heard the moanings of the dead, screams of the tortured and smelled the sickening smell of rotten flesh, tasting the tang of blood on the tip of her tongue. Terrified, Persephone screamed and shouted and tried to pry her captor's arms off of her as they rode through the darkness. Shivers ran down her spine as the feeling of emptiness and despair gripped her and she knew where she was. Whose arm she was in.

"Hades." She stopped fighting, lifting her head to look up at him although it was pitch black and she could not see a thing.

"Welcome to the Underworld, love."

She then blacked out.

Soooooo what'd'ya think? Leave me some love... or hate. :)))

This whole story is dedicated to Mandy Mikaelson y'all because without her, none of my fictions would be written. :)

Have a nice day,

PS: And also thank you for making Hopes Fore Him your favorite and for reviewing the story and following it. Yeah, you know who you are ;)

Jen out!