(A/N: Okay okay. Here here, just read this cause it's important for those who are confused XD

1st of all, if you want to know why Lucy's acting that way then continue reading this 'cause this fanfic has sooooooo SOOOOO many recaps. Trust me XD

2nd of all, for those who are asking if Zeref or Ryos will have a relationship with Lucy, that's my secret already. Hohohoho. I just love putting some mysteries. I don't know why XD *Evil laugh*

And I just want to explain that Lia Heartfillia and Elizabeth Heartfillia are not a part of Fairy Tail.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.

So, here yah go! Chapter 3!

BetaReader: Random Visitor Girl


Chapter 3: Fragments

Lucy was waiting for her stepsister, Lia, in front of the Heartfillia's main gate. Thirty minutes have passed and Lucy decided to leave her. She was almost late for school because of her annoying stepsister because it took her an hour to get dressed. She was walking up the hill and… well, she hates walking. But this is better than waiting for her stepsister.

"Why is our school located at the top of a hill anyway?" She asked herself, her eyebrows furrowed. She stopped for a moment and looked around her. Lucy was surrounded by beautiful cherry blossoms. While she was observing everything there was a sound of a beeping car. Lucy glanced at her back and saw this cocky and arrogant blonde dude who was driving the said car.

Lucy eyed Sting Eucliffe who was smirking at her but she really wasn't interested in him. Instead, she looked at the young man beside Sting whose name was Rogue Cheney. He has black messy hair almost reached his shoulders and was brushed to the right side of his face, covering up his right eye. He looked confident and calm, the complete opposite of Sting Eucliffe.

Sting exited his Ferrari and went to Lucy. His dark eyes slanted as he focused on the blonde maiden.

"Care to ride with us?" He asked playfully, a smirk still plastered across his face.

"Okay." Lucy agreed and sat in the back seat. The only reason why she agreed is because she doesn't want to go through hell walking up the hill so she really had no choice anyway.

The car ride was silent, none of them bothering to speak. As usual, Rogue had this cool, calm, and confident aura around him. Sting, on the other hand, had this arrogant and sadistic 'thing' about him.

"Oi blondie, I'm giving you permission to speak." He said but Lucy remained quiet, not wanting to waste saliva.

"Tch, snob." Sting added but Lucy just shrugged it off.

When they arrived at school, everybody started murmuring about them and the situation Lucy was in. The famous Sting Eucliffe with Lucy Heartfillia? Now that's a first. Yes, Lucy may have a smoking body but she doesn't talk to any guys in the school except for Natsu and Gray. Lucy just shrugged off and ignored the attention they were getting from her schoolmates. When Sting stopped the car, she immediately left and went to her group of friends.

Rogue glanced at Sting who was staring at Lucy as she walked away.

"Sting, don't tell me you have a thing for that Heartfillia girl?" He asked and Sting was quite taken back.

'Him? Having a thing for a girl?' He chuckled.

"No. She's just interesting."

"Is that so? Just be careful. She's dangerous." Rogue added but Sting decided to ignore it.

Why was his best friend warning him anyway? What's the big deal?

Both of them remained quiet as they entered the main building. Girls, whether they be virgin or not, were dying to get their attention. Sting usually winks at them but today he didn't and the girls we're left wondering...


"Luce!" A familiar pink haired man beamed at her.
Lucy was lying on the cold ground of the rooftop. She didn't bother greeting him. Instead, she just continued looking up the sky, a vast sea of blue with streaks of cotton sailing across it, going where the wind blows, and enjoying the freedom. That's right, freedom. Lucy wanted to feel that even if it's just for a day.

Natsu just stared at her, completely mesmerized by the young blonde's beauty. She was full of mysteries and they couldn't understand her. Natsu always felt completely at ease when he was with Lucy. He doesn't know why but maybe, just maybe, because she treats him differently.

"It's rude to stare you know." Lucy whispered but Natsu still heard her. His cheeks suddenly took on a bright, pink, hue and he gave her a shy grin.

"How did you know I was staring?"

"I just felt it."

Natsu was completely amazed and disappointed at the girl's answer. He was expecting her to say that she was also looking at him but then again – knowing Lucy – she only stared at things she took interest in like what she's doing right now, staring into the Babylon sky.



"What are you doing here?"

"Killing time, I guess." Lucy answered, her voice devoid of any emotion.

'It's really hard to read her.' Natsu thought as he stood beside her and continued to stare at her.
Her hair was a rich shade of gold. It flowed in waves adorning her glowing, porcelain skin. Her eyes – framed by long lashes – were a bright, hazel-brown and seemed to brighten the world. A straight nose, full lips… she seemed like the picture of perfection. The only thing left is for her to smile. Lucy noticed Natsu staring at her again so she stared back at him.

Slowly, a rosy scarlet spread over Natsu's cheeks, making his face take on an almost childish appearance. He quickly turned his head away from her, embarrassed by his reaction. He stood up and turned around, making Lucy face his back.

"I-I'm going to find Lisanna." Natsu said as he left Lucy there, lying on the ground.

"Damn it. Why am I feeling all mushy inside?" He asked himself.

An image of Lucy appeared in his mind and once again, he blushed.

"Natsu!" A certain young petite girl called out for him.

She had white hair that almost reached her shoulders. Her blue eyes were sparkling as she approached him.

"Oh, it's just you Lisanna..."

"Ehhh? Are you expecting someone else?" Lisanna asked, pouting, making Natsu chuckle.

"I need to talk to you about something." This made Lisanna look at the pink haired boy with curiosity in her eyes.

"About what Natsu?"

Natsu snickered and scratched his cheek. He looked at his surroundings.

"Let's go somewhere private."

Lisanna nodded and followed Natsu. They were heading to the school's garden. People don't actually go in the garden because there's a strange rumor about the place but Natsu's gang knew it was just false information, making it their hideout of sorts.

Natsu stopped it his tracks and looked at Lisanna. He held her shoulders into a tight grip and he looked deeply in her blue eyes. His heart began pounding erratically.

"Na-Natsu?" Lisanna asked, feeling nervous. Natsu took a step closer to her and she flushed, feeling quite flustered.

"Well, you see. Ever since I met this girl, I… I can't get her off my mind. I've been following her, wait, more like stalking her. I-I just don't know why I'm even doing this." He explained to the flustered girl who giggled at his reaction.

"Dummy! It means you like her!"

"E-Eh?" Natsu looked at her questionably.

"Well, do you get that feeling if you don't see her you're probably wondering what she's doing?"

He nodded.

"And when the two of you looked into each other's eyes, you feel embarrassed?"

He nodded again.

"That feeling when you're so concerned about him or her and you can't take your eyes off of him or her..." Lisanna looked away from Natsu.

"… And that feeling when you can't stand seeing them hanging out with others..." She added.

"Well, that basically means you like that person." Lisanna beamed at Natsu.

"You're so stupid, you can't even realize your own feelings." She muttered and sighed but Natsu just looked at Lisanna and hugged her tightly.

"Uwaaa! Thanks Lisanna! Now I'm all fired up!" He said as he walked away, heading towards his classroom.

Meanwhile, Lucy received a text message from her annoying step sister, Lia.

"Let's meet in the 2nd building. I have something important to tell you."

Lucy sighed, if it's important. She could've just texted it but knowing her step sister, she's a bit melodramatic.

Lucy started going to the 2nd building and when she got there she waited outside. She didn't want to go inside since it's off-limits and she didn't want to cause any trouble.

All of a sudden she heard a loud 'splash' and she ended up soaked with water.
Lucy looked up to see who splashed the water above her but there was nothing. She sighed, thinking that this was her stepsister's way of getting back at her for leaving her that morning
Lucy walked slowly step after step despite the fact that she was drenched, and dripping wet. She felt cold but she showed a calm face.

"Lucy?" her raven haired said, removing his jacket and wrapping it around Lucy.

"What the? What happened?"

"It's nothing Gray." She said, emotionless.

Lucy looked at him, not wanting to ask the same question again.

"Let's go to the infirmary."

"I have an extra uniform at the Girl's Locker Room." She shook her head and muttered.

"Then let's head there for goodness sake!"

Lucy nodded and followed Gray. People we're looking at Lucy, wondering why she was dripping wet but with Gray's cold glare aimed at them they gulped and turned away, continuing what they were doing.

"Please excuse me."

She breathed out and bowed at Gray, who just nodded at her as she made her way to the Girl's Locker Room. But since Gray was worried for her he waited in front of the Girl's Locker Room. People passing by gave him questioning looks but he decided to ignore it.

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaah!"Lucy shouted and Gray's body moved on its own.

He barged inside of the locker room and saw Lucy in her underpants.


He got a little uncomfortable, trying not to stare, a pinkish red glow blossomed under his cheeks. Lucy noticed Gray standing at the door and suddenly covered her body using both of her hands.

"Ah! I didn't mean to peek. I'm sorry!" Gray said, defending himself and closing the door.

The image of Lucy in her underwear made him blush again. His dark blue eyes dilated as his thoughts went to what Lucy looked like half-naked. He mentally punched himself for thinking dirty thoughts and sighed.

'What will Lucy think of me now? Some peeking pervert?' he thought, shaking his head.

Lucy finished putting on the extra clothes she had and she slid the door open. Gray Fullbuster just stood there, avoiding Lucy's gaze.

"What are you doing Gray? You look stupid just standing there, let's go."

Gray shuddered, hearing Lucy's voice.

"You're not angry at me?"

"Of course not. It's my fault for shouting like that..." She said in a calm voice.

Lucy was always calm and had this "don't-talk-to-me" aura and Gray admired that about her. Whatever the situation was, it's either she's calm or she showed no emotion at all. Yup, that's Lucy alright. Gray patted her head and flashed Lucy a winsome smile, showing his white teeth. But knowing Lucy, she probably wasn't interested in him.

Time passed and it was almost time to go home but the head master asked the students to stay for 5 minutes in the classroom. Other students complained, while the others just continued murmuring.

"Good afternoon students of Fairy Academy." The voice of their head master echoed through the hall, making all of the students shut their mouths.

"As of today, we all know that..."

Lucy didn't bother listening to the old man's speech. Instead, she looked out of the window and observed the cherry blossoms.

"Oh yeaaaah!"

"It's finally next week! I don't know what to wear!"

"So dude, who's your date?"

The room was filled with noise again. Basically because the head master just announced that the Fairy's Masquerade Ball is going to be held next week. Lucy's eyes skimmed over them as she clicked her tongue, thinking of how silly they were since it was just a ball.

"I miss you too. Just wait for the school's masquerade ball. I'll meet with you there."

Lucy suddenly remembered the conversation she had with Ryos. A smile formed her on lips but it was there for just a mere second. The students were now fixing their stuff, quickly leaving the premises while Lucy stayed there sitting in the back of the classroom.

"Lu-chaaaaan!" The bluenette called for her.

Lucy stood up and went to them. They were all present; Natsu Dragneel, Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Levy McGarden, and Lisanna Strauss.

"So, where are we going?" Lisanna asked

"Ohhh! There's this new cafe downtown!" Levy suggested.

"Then let's go there!" Erza said enthusiastically.

Everyone smiled at her enthusiasm – except Lucy, who was as emotionless as ever — everybody knew that Erza loved cake.

Lucy stopped dead in her tracks.

"I'm not going."

"EHHHHHHHHHHHH?!" All of them said in unison.

'Damn, I was planning to confess to her.' Natsu thought

'Too bad I won't see her cute face later.' Gray thought.

"Ehhh! But Lu-chan!"

"Mind her Levy." Erza ordered the bluenette to stay quiet.

"Is something going on in your house?" The red headed girl asked and Lucy nodded courteously.

"We'll drop you off then." Natsu suggested but she just shook her head.

"It's okay. You guys can go already." Lucy insisted and everyone turned their heads towards her, giving Lucy an "are-you-sure" gesture.
But in the end Erza pulled everyone and pushed them inside the car, giving Lucy a reassuring nod as they drove away. Lucy began walking down the hill, thinking about various things like the Masquerade Ball.

Lucy didn't notice that Sting was there until he spoke.

"Yo blonde Chick. How 'bout I give you a ride again?"

She declined Sting's offer but he kept insisting. Lucy started to feel irritated but she looked emotionless, as usual. She sighed and sat in the front since Rogue was not there and Sting smirked.

"Stop playing hard-to-get." He muttered as he gazed into Lucy's eyes but he shivered.

Her eyes became cold and as she looked at Sting, he felt as if a thousand and one needles were piercing his spine but he remained poised. They both noticed that they were already at the Heartfillia mansion and Lucy's cold eyes remained icy. She exited Sting's car, still giving him an icy glare.

As Lucy entered the mansion the maids started coming towards her.

"Princess, your mother is looking for you." A pink haired girl named Virgo said.
Lucy nodded and went to her stepmother's so-called "office."
When she entered, Lucy received a slap from her stepmother. She didn't wince or anything since they have been doing this to her for a while now.

"You thief!"

Her stepmother, Elizabeth, spat.


"Don't 'huh' me! You stole Lia's diamond earrings!"

Lucy glanced at Lia who was smirking at her.

"I did not." She defended herself.

"Really? Then give me your bag!" Elizabeth ordered and Lucy reached for her bag.

Her stepmother opened it and threw everything outside. Then, in her hands there was a pair of diamond earrings.

"Oh! You're a thief and a liar!"

"How did that get there?" Lucy's eyes widened, thinking over how that could have gotten in her bag.

She looked at Lia who was wearing a victorious smile on her face and she scowled.

Lucy received another slap from her stepmother. It's a bit like being in a car crash. The adrenaline in Lucy's body and the force of the hits make her feel like she's flying through the air. Lucy couldn't control her limbs.
Lucy looked down on her own body, but with each fresh strike her stepmother gave her, she returned to her body and the pain came. The adrenaline made Lucy feel acutely conscious of her own body. Each slap or kick, Lucy felt like she could sense each individual cell and blood vessel bruising or bursting, each nerve ending blasting out electric shocks and chemical responses.

Lucy could hear and feel her own heartbeat. Then, she gained tunnel vision. Elizabeth took a handful of Lucy's hair and slammed her head onto the wall.

"Now, you haven't suffered enough. Tonight, you'll spend the entire night in the cell." Elizabeth spat on her stepdaughter who was lying conscious on the floor.

"Now get out of my sight, you worthless girl."

Lucy managed to stand up, her hand supporting her stomach. She left the office shamefully, every maid looking at her with pity. She wanted to disappear or at least run away from this rotten hell hole.

"Princess, are you okay?" Virgo asked but Lucy didn't answer.

"Forgive me princess, but the mistress said you'll be spending the night in the cell." Lucy nodded and went to the basement.

She entered the cell –well, it was more like a dungeon or a prison— and Virgo locked it so she couldn't escape. When she was left all alone, a tear rolled down her cheek. She sat on the cold ground and she bled as her tears poured down from her chocolate brown eyes. Lucy couldn't contain all the sadness and pain.

"Why does it always have to be me?" She whimpered.

Lucy muttered under her breath, tears still streaming down her eyes.
She rubbed at her eyes, trying to stop the tears from falling.

"Damn it Lucy. Stop crying." She told herself but it was useless. Her tears betrayed her and gushed out as she clenched her fists and closed her eyes.

"Lucy, don't worry neh? You'll be alright." A woman who was around 30 years old muttered to her 6-year-old daughter.

"Momma, why is Daddy so angry?" The 6-year-old Lucy Heartfillia asked.
The woman, who seemed to be her mother, smiled. Her smile looking doleful and her soft brown eyes looked down, a tear rolled down the woman's cheek. She stood up and exited her daughter's bedroom, ready to face her father.

"No! I don't want you anymore!"

Lucy's mother shouted painfully as she curled up in the corner and covered her body using both of her hands. Her shrill cries made little Lucy sob. Her cries were so loud that it pierced through Lucy's brain, and made her head throb. Lucy flopped her small blanket around her small body and held on to small teddy bear beside her.

Looking uncertain, she twisted the doorknob really slowly and took a peak. Lucy froze, standing like a statue.
Seeing her own mother getting beat up was the worse experience a child could ever have and yet her father still lunged at her, her mother's eyes looking dull and gloomy. Her mother took all the beatings. He looked upstairs and saw little Lucy, and he stopped.

Lucy's chocolate brown eyes begin to water, waiting for the tears to fall but she resisted it. Her father started coming up the stairs slowly, taking each step while staring into his daughter's eyes.

"No! No! Leave my daughter out of this!"

Her mother cried, stopping Jude Heartfillia from getting closer to little Lucy.

"Please, leave the child alone."

She pleaded as he took another slap to her swollen face. Lucy shut the door. She jumped into her bed, yanked her favorite blanket around her, and covered her face. Tears started to roll down onto her cheeks. She cried out for help but no words could escape from her tiny lips. She heard footsteps coming closer, and closer, and closer...

Lucy's father opened the door with an evil grin on his face and Lucy closed her eyes waiting for any slapping or beating up but she didn't feel anything.
Lucy heard her mother try to stop Jude but she was lying onto the wooden floor, unconscious. He turned to little Lucy, his smile said it all. His eyes said it all.
They said that he wanted to kill his daughter, Lucy Heartfillia.

Lucy opened her eyes, remembering a horrible scene from her childhood. She closed it once more, trying to remember something.

"And here lies Layla Heartfillia..."

The priest said but little Lucy didn't listen at all. She just stood there in front of her mother's grave. She didn't shed a tear, her face was calm. The weather seemed to mock her, as the clouds turned black and grey. Lightning and thunder came as the rain started pouring down. The ceremony was finished, people started leaving, glancing at the 6-year-old girl who still stood in front of Layla Heartfillia's grave.
Lucy just stood there, not caring if she was soaking wet.

Her memories from 10 years ago were still fresh in her mind, much to Lucy's discontentment. With this in mind, Lucy closed her eyes and fell asleep with a frown on her face.







(A/N: Gomenasai! I'm trying to make it dramatic, not melodramatic. But I guess it kinda went okay? *hides in a corner* Please tell me what you think and what I can improve on. *sigh*

I don't want to rely on my betareader, A.K.A. Random Visitor Girl.

So, whad'ya think? What what what what? Tell me! :D