(So, this is going to be my first FT fan fiction and I hope y'all support it.

I don't have a Beta Reader so I'm so sorry if there's any mistakes. Please inform me if you spotted some, that will help me A LOT.)


Lucy Heartfillia lost her mother in a very young age. With that, her father has to marry an evil witch to keep their company alive. Years of suffering and accepting the beatings of her evil step mother and evil step sister. She has to choose between 3 hot guys to become her husband and give her a happy life. Welcome to Lucy's Cinderella Story. (Not sure about the pairing)


So, you're probably thinking that Lucy's the type of girl who's getting bullied by her step mother and step sister. And that she gets pitied by almost everyone. This and that, then she'll probably have her own happy ending. Well, screw that.

"Lucy! Hurry up and come here!'

Lucy's stepsister, Lia, screamed at the top of her lungs. Her voice was echoing through the hall and it made Lucy groaned.

"What does she want this time?"

Lucy Heartfillia asked herself, stomping her way to her stepsister's room. As she entered, she saw her stepsister lying on the floor. With this, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Can you give me your favorite black dress? I need to wear something at the party!'

Lia Heartfillia tried to sound sweet but she failed. Lia Heartfillia is the stepsister of Lucy, who in fact, doesn't like the whole idea of being buddy-buddy with her.

"And why would I give it to you?"

Lucy asked. Her voice was full of venom. Clearly, the young maiden doesn't like Lia.

"Because I'm your sister and if you don't, I'll tell mom."

Lia Heartfillia retorted and Lucy glared at her.

"What the hell is her problem?!"

Lucy sighed. Since she couldn't do anything, she just exited her stepsister's room and proceeded to hers. Once she arrived at her room, she plopped down her old and uncomfortable bed. She wanted to go to a certain party but her stepmother- Elizabeth, wouldn't allow her. She yanked her phone beside the wooden table, she checked if there were any messages at all. And I'm happy to say that, there weren't. Well, that's what Lucy thought until her phone rang.

"Moshi moshi?"

She tried to answer the call enthusiastically but her voice sounded dreadful.

"Neh, Lu-chan. Are you going to Natsu's party?"

A blue haired damsel named Levy McGarden asked. Lucy's trying not to remember the party. She sighed.

"Ohhhh. I think I know the answer already. Anyways Lu-chan, look out your window."

She looked and she saw a man with spiky black-colored hair tapping her window. A smile formed her lips. She ran towards the window and opened it. Lucy looked straight into Gray's heart and smiled again. She knew they we're going to help her escape.

"Let's go."

He breathed out and the next thing Lucy knew, he was carrying her in bridal style. The smile was still on her face until they landed. Considering that Lucy's room was in the third floor, she was surprised that her friends has the will to help her escape this rotten hell hole. Lucy smiled and thanked Gray. Things between them are still awkward since Gray has a laid back personality but Lucy Heartfillia find that attractive.


She saw a blue haired teen running towards them. One of her hands are waving at them in the air. Levy gave Lucy a tight hug and smiled. A woman followed Levy's track. Her scarlet hair and brown eyes matched well with her outfit.


Lucy said in a cheerful voice. Gray patted her head and keeps his composure.

"Let's go before your evil step mother finds out."

All of them agreed and began running.

"Lu-chan! Is Lia going to the party?"

Levy asked and Lucy stopped at her tracks.

"Sht, I totally forgot."

"Well, let's just go already. We've wasted enough time."

Erza ordered and of course, they have nothing else to do but to obey her. As they enter Natsu's villa, they became instant celebrities. People started inviting them to have a drink. Others invited them to dance but they rejected the offer.

"Yo! You guys finally arrived."

A male voice welcomed them. The male was no other than Natsu Dragneel, his spiky pink-colored hair and black eyes made him look rebellious. Well, even his outfit made him look like a rebel. Wearing a sleeveless, gold trimmed, black waistcoat, often left open and untucked, exposing his bare chest, white knee-length trousers, a thick black wristband on his left wrist, black open-toed sandals and the scale-patterned scarf. Yet, despite his looks, he's actually a nice man.

"Man Natsu, you've already reek of alcohol!"

Gray muttered as he watched his friend in rivalry destroying his villa. Gray sighed knowing that Natsu has a carefree and reckless attitude.

"Lu-chan? Where are you going?"

Levy asked a certain blond maiden. She smiled and said,


The blond maiden- Lucy, searched for someone. She scanned the crowd and there he was. She spotted him talking to someone else. Lucy gritted her teeth and was planning to go there way but a bunch of people started bombarding her with questions.

"Lucy-sama, care to share a drink with me?"

"So who do you like more? Gray or Natsu?"

"Do you have a certain someone you like?"

Those questions were usually asked whenever people get a glimpse of her. She sighed losing the sight of "him." She smiled politely at the persons who's facing her and bowed.

"Please, excuse me."

She tried to catch up and ran to his direction when somebody tapped her shoulder.

"Whoa there, gonna leave already?"

Gray Fullbuster asked her, she shook her head and looked down.

"Guess I have to talk to him some other time."

(A/N: Yo minna! I'll post Chapter 1 this week neh?

So, I'm not quite sure with the pairings.

I can't choose if it's going to be NaLu or GraLu or StiCy. Hohoho.

Please leave a review, arigatou!)