Chapter 1 Time travel on the Arrancar Arc

Title: Your kid is an Espada!

Chapter 1: Stuck

Disclaimer: I don't own bleach

Yuki pounced at Kaname Jaegerjaques and gave him a noggie.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Kaname apologized to try and escape from Yuki's grasp, but she had a good hold on him.

"Your not sorry." Aido Ciffer said out flatly, his hazel eyes piercing Kaname that was telling him he wasn't going to get no help from his child hood friend.

"Shut it Ciffer! Yuki please I didn't mean to mess with Urahara's stuff, honest." The green haired teen sweat dropped as the Orange haired teenage girl growled menacingly at his ear. Yuki (the Orange haired girl) released Kaname (the green haired boy) and they kept on falling through a dimensional portal.

"How long do you think we've been falling?" asked Aido Ciffer as the portal surrounded them in a black and white energy, though the black color was more dominant.

"Maybe a couple of minutes." Yuki said, now calm like she never was bickering with Kaname.

Then the white light became so dominant that the light blinded their eyes and they couldn't see, but then it faded and as there eyes grew acostumed again they where falling fast to some buildings.


"Did you really have to destroy a big building?" Yuki asked Kaname who did nothing to break his fall, Aido and Yuki used their reatsu to stop and stand up in mid air, but Kaname on the other hand used the building to break his fall and humans where running around in panic.

"So? Are you worried about the humans?" Kaname said rudely to Yuki. Both Yuki and Aido growled at Kaname's unimportance of the humans, because both Aido and Yuki had parents that where humans. Kaname saw that how dangerous the topic had gone, so he decided to cut the crap and lower his spiritual pressure to not injure the humans anymore than he already did.

They where about to leave when they where suddenly attacked by Renji, Yumichika, and Ikakku.

"Shinigami," Kaname growled taking out his double zanpakuto. Aido and Yuki where confused to why would Kaname reach to the conclusion to attack such low level shinigami, when one out of them passed right through Kaname to attack Aido who smiled at his mistake.

"Fukataicho level." Aido said dodging from Yumichika's strike. Yuki smiled and watched as her child hood friends fought it of with three strong shinigami.


As the fight progressed Renji was looking at the girl of the group who wasn't fighting. She had an arrancar uniform she seemed to be with them, but the girl held power that was leaking uncontrollably like Ichigo. After that Renji couldn't help but continue to compare how much the girl looked like Ichigo. He had Orange hair, she had Orange hair, she even had a big sword on her back, except hers was a short sword, but boy was it huge. Then he got caught staring and Renji met with in exact replica of Rukia's violet orbs.


As Renji was distracted Kaname went to attack him, but was stopped by Yuki.

"What the hell Yuki," Kaname growled as Yuki dragged the two teens away from the shinigami. Out of the three Yuki knew more about shinigami, her sensei ( Kiskue Urahara), her father and her mother where one, the only reason she was raised in Hueco Mundo was because her father was a hybrid Hollow and accepted to live as one. Though the reason she stopped the fight was because she remembered her mother stories about her childhood friend had red hair and kept it in a pony tail, and that her father would joke about and say it looked a lot like a pineapple. Also she remembered her father's stories of all the shinigami he fought and he slightly remembered Yumichika, but Ikkaku, totally, because it wasn't hard to forget her father telling the story of him fighting a bald shinigami and anyways she was starting to get an idea that they weren't going to go home any time soon because all those shinigami her father told in his stories where dead.

"What the hell Yuki?" Aido asked angrily.

"Those shinigami are suppose to be dead," she told them

"Yeah, we were about to kill them." Kaname said angrily, Yuki shock her head to the side.

"What is it Yuki?"

"I'm not for certain, but I don't think we're home."

"Of course we aren't, we are in the world of the living." Aido said.

"Yes I know that, but those shinigami they're suppose to be dead, because they died a long time ago." She tried to explain, but they were lost but even she was.

"Let's open a garganta, then will see." Aido suggested

"See what?"asked Ichigo who had catch up to them by using his bankai.

"Kurosaki?" Kaname and Aido said surprised, but Yuki kept silent, she was surprised, but she was getting more clues as her father's younger self appeared.

"You know me?" questioned Ichigo.

"Shhh," Yuki shushed her nakama who cocked there heads at Ichigo who was different from the Ichigo they know. Ichigo cocked his head curiously at the girl with similar hair as his,violet orbs met amber and Ichigo couldn't help but feel lost. They weren't attacking, there body language had stayed the same, they seemed to know him, but they didn't respond because the girl ordered them not to. He looked into the girl's eyes, she was the leader that's that much he could get.

"How do you know me?" He asked again but this time the question was directed to the girl. The three of them thought how wrong that Ichigo didn't know them, more so he didn't know who Yuki was, his only daughter, but that was the clue to know something was wrong.

"Yuki?" Aido called, she turned her attention to him and she felt lost as he was, she didn't know what to do, and that was a first for her.


"Answer my question." Ichigo said losing his patients he also, couldn't forget that there was two arrancar and they had the uniform to confirm that they where in league with Aizen. The girl looked back to him and she took a deep breath.


"We aren't with Aizen if that's what your thinking." Yuki said. Ichigo' eyes widen to confirm that that was exactly what he was thinking, Yuki was good to reading people, he kept on looking at there white shikasho.

"You aren't?" He asked.

"Aizen Sosuke? Didn't he die?" Kaname asked, getting more confused as ever.

"No not here," Yuki told her friends which caused them to cock there head in confusion. "Like I told you there are people here that where suppose to be dead," she reminded them and there eyes widen, understanding slightly because of how Ichigo acted like they where still in the winter war, when there parents where enemies with each other.

"Oh, do you think we might be in the past?" Kaname asks Yuki. Yuki looks at her friend and nods.


Ichigo's head was getting blown to pits as he heard the kids say, "past" and as he looked at the girl he couldn't stop thinking that that girl was his daughter, but it kind of freaked him out that Yuki, that's her name had the eyes of Rukia and that loose bang in her face like Rukia's, and if she was her kid, then, then, then...


Yuki could see her father's younger self turn red as he put together the pieces, she chuckled at his reaction as did her friends, Yuki was happy dough that they where in the same page, so she was going to confirm it to him.

"My name is Yuki Kurosaki." She introduced herself to her father and added " and the answer to why I know who you are is simple, I am your daughter I have your blood running through my veins if your indeed are Ichigo Kurosaki?" Anyway she knew was better to tell him, because he would know where Urahara was, because Urahara's device that brought them here an it would be Urahara who would take them back. Ichigo gaped at her.

"Yeah I'm Ichigo Kurosaki." He said.


Ichigo continued to gap at her but he regain his composure, he couldn't deny it, she was her daughter but Rukia. RUKIA! Ichigo shuck his head and regain composure, he got a look from the time travelers, they where fighting to keep from laughing at him and Ichigo scolded at them, and they all smiled and stopped trying to laugh, because they saw his scold and he could guess that even in the future he kept on scolding.


"Dad we need your help, can you take to Urahara's?" Yuki asked, Ichigo nodded and they started to head to Urahara Shoten, but where interrupted by Renji, Ikkaku, and Yumichika who finally caught up with them.

"Damn you Yuki, you've got to learn to control your spiritual pressure." Aido cursed, Yuki gave him the tongue and kept on running faster, they (Renji, Yumichika, and Ikakku) noticed where they where heading and they where quite confused that Ichigo was helping them. Yuki turned to confront them and shot a Kido with no incantation, it was bakuro # 1 Syth, but it was very strong that the three struggled on her kido.

"Nice one," Ichigo contemplated her daughter. He daughter gave him a smile that made him melt inside, but they continued to run, which Kaname and Aido where having a hard time catching up.

When they arrived, Ichigo was shocked to see Rukia, she took a stand on front of the store.

"Ichigo why are you helping them?" She asked, but she was shocked to feel a tender hand, she looked up to see Yuki and she cocked her head at softness of her touch her caring touch radiating threw her skin.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Yuki Kurosaki." She answered.

"Oh," is all she said as they all went inside and Ichigo dragged Rukia who was shocked, but was going to be even more so after this. He sat her down and went for Urahara, Yuki sat next to her mother and kept a tender touch which she did when she had anxiety, her mother was easy to calm her, and the others (Aido and Kaname) needed Yuki calm or they would feel the anxiety as well. Rukia didn't know what she was feeling threw Yuki, it felt strange, but right and it seemed to calm Yuki down.

When Ichigo came back Kiskue freaked out a little because of the arrancar, but seeing as much as how relax every one was he decided to hear what was going on.

Rukia was really glad that she was sitting down, the things that she told them was hard to believe but Rukia couldn't shake that feeling, and she finally could name it now, that motherly feeling, she looked at Yuki and smiled just like Ichigo she couldn't deny it, anyway she was preoccupied of two things one about her and Ichigo, but that could be dealt with later, but the other things was the arrancar uniform, and her daughter's companion.

"Are you an Espada Yuki-chan?" Asked Urahara, both parents eyes widen. Then, their Yuki raised her shikasho to her chest revealing her waist to show above her belly button to Quinta Espada tattoo.

"Curious to know the future is very different." Urahara said fanning himself and wondering at the possibilities.

"Now who are you guys?" Asked Urahara to Aido and Kaname.

"My name is Kaname Jaegerjaques and my father is Grimmjow Jaegerjaques and my mother is Nelliel Tu Odershvank."

"My name is Aido Ciffer and my father is Ulquilorra Ciffer and my mother is Orihime Inoue."

"WHAT?!" Ichigo, Rukia, and Kiskue jaws drop

"Inoue?" Rukia asked to make sure she heard right. The three time travelers nodded and they where confused as hell what the hole not believing that Aido's mom was Orihime Inoue since they knew since birth who's their parents where.

AN: I gave each of my invented character names from another Anime show called Vampire Knight, since I don't know any Japanese names I picked those who I've heard from other Anime. Also there was little reasons why I did give the character there name, for example Yuki, because of Rukia's zanpakuto Sado no shira Yuki, yup just because Rukia has Yuki in it I gave Yuki her name.

Also I gave Kaname his name because of Kaname Tousen, yup Tousen's first name is Kaname so I decided to give Grimmjow's kid the name Kaname since Tousen did cut Grimmjow's arm and so connected...

and now lastly Aido I gave Aido that name simply because from Vampire Knight that was the only name I remembered other than Zero, also I gave him that name thinking that I might make Aido's zanpakuto ability to do something with ice, since in Vampire Knight Aido is a Vampire with Ice abilities. Also I want Aido to have wings, because Ulquilorra has bat wings and Orihime has fairies who have wings.

Now talking about abilities I have ideas for both Yuki and Kaname.

Yuki will have a Zanpakuto named "Shoberuka" and earth type zanpakuto her release form would be " Bend, Shoberuka", I got it in Google translate and it means (Earth mover.) Yuki would be able to do Getsuga Tensho, because I thinks it's inherited, since Ichigo and Ishinn could do it,so why not Yuki
PS. Getsuga Tensho is a signature move that will never get old.

Now for Kaname I forgot to mention that he has a mask, because Yuki and Aido have none just because they have human parents. Kaname's mask is a sabertooth tiger except there is no jaw, so it's broken like Nelliel's. The teeth of the mask are almost blocking the range of sight but he has it on top of his head like Nelliel. Now, for Kaname's release form his two sabertooth teeth would become his double zanpakuto, his release form, " Muerde Noche Tigre." Translation from Spanish to English (Bite Night Tiger) His release get up would be a lot like a mix of Grimmjow's release form and a mix of Ichigo's fullbringr suite which will be black. Also do not forget to picture the tail.