Disclaimer: I don't own the Avengers or Harry Potter

Chapter One

When a giant power surge occurred in Scotland of all places, SHIELD was the first to arrive.

They had been expecting the worst: another other-worldly being, an experiment gone wrong... again, or maybe the remnants of a fight amongst the super humans of the world. What they did find however, was a scrawny teenager of five foot eight with glasses held together by tape. He sat in the middle of the ruins of an old castle, looking at his surroundings with a wistful expression.

"Sir," Phil Coulson said and stepped forward, "I'm afraid you're trespassing on some ancient ruins. Would you please explain how you got here?" Harry remained silent and continued to stare down what used to be a hallway. "Sir, please answer our questions."

"Well this isn't exactly what I had in mind for when I wanted the 'next great adventure'" Harry said amused to no one in particular. SHIELD agents approached him from all sides, holding their guns up, ready to shoot the unknown figure. The teenager took one look at the guns around him and sighed. He gave Coulson a mournful look.

"There's always someone ready to hunt me down. I came here for peace. Don't come looking for me." Harry said and disappeared with a crack.

That crack was quickly followed by six gunshots into the spot he just vacated and a couple of swear words.

"Did anyone get a picture of his face?" Coulson shouted at his team. When a muffled yes came from a distance Coulson smiled. "Run it through every system we own. Let Fury know another super-human being has been spotted in Scotland with the ability to teleport and possible other abilities as well. He won't be pleased that we lost him."

The agents quickly went to work, comparing his picture to every thing online and within government agencies.

"We've got a hit, Coulson," said Natasha, "MI5 found a Harry James Potter who lives in London and works as doctor. The only thing is that the man is currently 34 years old but his picture as a teenager is a direct match."

"Time travel then?"

"Technology is barely advanced enough now and wouldn't have been advanced enough back in 1997. Plus Dr. Potter shows no sign of super-human ability now or 17 years ago."

"So what then?"

Coulson stared at the picture of the teenager.

"Track him down but don't make contact. He says he wants peace and we'll see if he is true to his word."

"So, Harry James Potter," said Tony as he flipped through everything SHIELD knew about the guy, which wasn't much, "what makes you so special?"

The perks of providing SHIELD with a large portion of its technology meant that Tony spend very little time hacking and more time getting alerts on the various people SHIELD was trying to find. Usually the people that came up weren't very interesting: terrorist suspects, shady bankers, and people wanting to become agents.

But every once in a while someone would catch Tony's interest, first Banner a while back and now this Harry James Potter guy. Potter wouldn't have been that big of a deal, if it weren't for the fact that there was absolutely nothing known about him.

His file contained nothing but a name, a low-resolution photo, and a few lines detailing suspicions of relation to a counterpart in London.

"Tony!" Bruce yelled from a neighboring room, "we picked up some interesting cosmic rays a couple of minutes ago, you might want to check this out."

Tony jumped up from his chair and pulled up his many holographic screens.

"Low frequency waves only a couple of blocks from here. What do you think, doc?"

"Nothing dangerous, just irregular. There isn't anything that produces those waves around here. It's kind of suspicious. Should we call SHIELD?" Banner asked. Tony just gave him an incredulous look.

"Are you kidding me? We're going to go check this out ourselves. I'm driving."

Bruce gave Tony an apprehensive look.

"I don't think I should be getting into steel metal death traps with you behind the wheel." Bruce said but followed Tony anyways.

"Worst outcome you Hulk it out and get out without a scratch."

"That's not very comforting."

A couple of decades after the war, people started to realize that Harry wasn't aging. It wasn't a problem at first, but then as everyone started to get on with their lives, Harry couldn't. He would have some good days but mostly bad ones where he couldn't stop thinking about everyone he had lost and trying to think what if.

Being surrounded by all the memories of his past and seeing his friends slowly move on didn't help. Because Harry could recall every detail of the last battle with perfect clarity; they refused to fade.

So Harry started his search for peace, traveling all over the globe in hopes of finding an answer. And he did in the form of talking to strangers on the streets and the little acts of kindness to those he would never meet again.

He still visited his friends once a year around Christmas and New Years to celebrate life and their survival.

But time passed and his friends got older and older, and Harry attended their funerals one by one until they were all gone. Their children just didn't have a bond with their Uncle Harry that they saw once a year for a few days only.

So Harry decided to leave for good.

Here he sat, in a coffee shop in this new dimension, drinking his tea and talking to yet another troubled soul.

"The thing about technology is that it's always changing. Keeping up with every new thing takes up too much energy. Focus not on how it changed from whatever you know, but how it's the same," Harry said with a smile. "See this cell phone? A phone lets you talk to another person at a distance. The bulky ones back then did and these do too. The keypad is here and don't worry about the games and whatnot until you've got this function down."

Steve looked down at the screen with consternation.

"There aren't any buttons on this thing."

"The buttons are there, they just aren't permanent. Not much is permanent anymore, but if it really bothers you we can find a phone with actual buttons."

"I would like that," Steve said happily, "you've been a big help. I hope you're having a good time vacationing in New York. London, you said you're from? I used to know an English gal." Harry nodded.

"England is nice, but I'm sort of a wandering soul. Perhaps I'll be able to settle down once people stop trying to find me."

"Well I'm sure no one is looking for you here," Steve said reassuringly. At that very moment Tony and Bruce walked in on their lovely chat. Tony saw them and his eyes widened in glee.

"You're that Potter kid! You've got SHIELD in a tizzy trying to find information on you. Fury might just spontaneously combust."

Harry gave Steve a face that looked somewhere between amusement and resignation.

"You were saying?"

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