"Cameron, the people that attacked the gala were from the Circle." My father said from behind his first operative desk.

He didn't feel like my father at the moment. He betrayed me and humiliated me. I couldn't believe that I was so stupid into thinking that a guy like Zachary Goode would like me. I was foolish for thinking that a guy like Zachary Goode was even real-was that even his real name.

"Were they caught?" My inner-spy's natural urge to need answers betrayed my plan of giving him the silent treatment.

"No, which I why I have called you in here today," My father began, "I do not think it is appropriate for you to return to Jayhawk University."

My world was crashing down, "But dad! I want to go to school!"

"No Cameron it is too dangerous."

"Why don't you just hire some more fake classmates for me. Maybe while your at it you could hire me a fake dad? I would much rather have that then the current one I have right now."

"Cammie, we hired Agent Goode to protect you. And he did a very fine job in that."

"So you think it's okay that you completely betrayed my trust?" My eyes begin to tear up, "You know dad, I understand that there is lying in the spy world, but you took it to whole new level."

"I did what was necessary to protect my daughter and my country. The circle is targeting you, Cameron," My dad says, "And Agent Goode was not supposed to get into such a serious relationship with you. Do not worry, the agency is dealing with it and he will no longer be connected with our family service."

"So your going to fire him?" I ask, feeling guilty.

"No, but he will get demoted." Being service for the first agent and the president was the position agents dreamed of.

"Don't do that dad." I say sadly, "You said he did his job. So just keep him."

I didn't understand why they would fire him. Because he kissed me? Wasn't the point of his mission to get close to me?

"Do not think about Cameron." He said, "Your job from now on, will be to worry about keeping the spy community calmed down with me and your mom. This will be a very intensive public campaign and you will not have time to be enrolled in a Univeristy. I'm sorry Cameron, but as a citizen of the United States this is your duty."

"I understand." I feel numb.