
"Well shit." Brittany swore. Her car wouldn't start. "Anna Iamsosorry-"

"Don't worry. Every little thing's gonna be alright." Tammee sing-songed as she walked past Brittany to the other cars in the lot. "We can take my car."

Brittany looked skeptically over at Anna to meet her gaze. The brunette was seemingly having a fantastic time, which was odd considering she'd only just gotten out of a cell.

"Uh, okay sure."

As Brittany settled into the spongy backseat of Tammee's car and pulled the door shut, she caught a strong whiff of Kung Pao chicken. Great, just my luck that I'd end up in the car of someone who has a lust for Sichuan cuisine, she thought.

"So where we headin', sweet thang?"

Brittany barked out her address and sat back to wait, taking as few breaths as possible. A takeout container sat between the seat, dripping vomit-yellow sauce. Tammee popped one of those complementary thank you candies in her mouth like that would help. Places like Tammee's lunch stop should be forced to hand out mouthwash or breath strips instead.

She glanced around the rest of the vehicle as it pulled into traffic. This car was worse than any taxicab she'd ever been in: a bundle of clothing rags spilt out from underneath the front seat, granola wrappers littering the floor, and a dirty old pillow resting against the far door. She narrowed her gaze, picking up other minute details, like the toothbrush poking out of a pouch slung behind one of the seats and a sleeping bag rolled up and tied in the front. Hold it, was this a back seat or a bedroom?

"Yoohoo? Brittany Snowglobe? Are you gonna fuckin' answer me?"

"Hmmmm? Oh sorry, I was spacing out!" Brittany forced a giggle, the same one she'd use for talk show hosts.

"Yeah, okay. Do I turn here or..."

"Yeah yeah. Turn here." Brittany looked up to smile at her, but found she was too busy fondling Anna with her eyes. Well, that makes two of us, girl.


When they got back to Brittany's place, Anna flung herself on the couch. Tammee flung herself down next to Anna. "You gonna come sit, Britt?" Anna asked. Tammee cackled. "Sit Britt! SIT BRITT!" Tammee laughed harder. Anna was afraid Tammee was going to shit himself. Herself. Whatever. But Brittany just shook her head and slunk off into her bedroom. "Goodnight," Anna heard her call as she closed the door behind her.

Anna went into Brittany's booze closet and pulled out a bottle of good ol' whiskey. She poured two glasses. Tammee sauntered over and sat next to Anna in front of Brittany's countertop. "Yo, you got any tapes?" Tammee asked. Anna pulled out her iPhone and put it on shuffle. Miley Cyrus blared through the phone speakers. "Sick!" Tammee exclaimed with fervor.

Anna took a sip of her drink. Tammee did too. Tammee then reached into her bra, pulled out a little packet from behind the padding meant to conceal the fact that she was secretly a man, ripped open the packet, and dumped it in Anna's drink. "Hey, what's that?" Anna asked, lifting a perfect brown eyebrow. Tammee giggled. "It's this powder that makes you lose weight really fast. It's called Rufel– 'Roof-Raising Weight-Shrinkin' powder. And let's be real, honey, you need it more than I do." Anna shrugged and knocked back her drink.

A couple minutes after that, Anna felt really woozy, so she sat down on the couch. She passed out a little bit. Before she knew it, Tammee was standing above her with her penis out and very erect. Tammee climbed on top of Anna. Anna couldn't feel her body. Suddenly, Anna felt Tammee's hard member in her butt. Her thoughts raced like Seabiscuit. OH MY LORD! MY BUTT!