In the 'Veil Room' in the Department of Mysteries, there was a fight going on, former Senior Under Secretary, Deloris Umbridge had a group of Death Eaters with her and they were fighting a group of students from Hogwarts. Spells were being fired by either side. Just then there was a flash of light as it blinded Umbridge. Just then somebody had appeared out of nowhere around the Veils. A young woman had seen him, she had shoulder length dishwater blond hair and hazel eyes.

She was dressed in a 'Gryffindor' uniform, "dad." She said as she was attacking. A man looked over to her while fighting as well, he was dressed in a suit, tie and cloak. He had light brown hair and gray eyes, he was the young woman's father Remus Lupin. "There's someone near the Veils. I'm going for him."

"Be careful," he said she nodded and suddenly transformed in to a 6 foot 9 inch were wolf, her uniform was fitting right on her and she was wearing sandal heels. She counted to ten in Latin to herself and then rushed right for the person. She was pulling some 'Matrix'-like moves. She ducked, dodged and flipped right through the attacks. She was very fast too, once she got to the person she saw who it was.

She gasped and tears started to fall out of her eyes. "Harry!" She cried, she grabbed the young man, held him to her chest and rocked with him. Then she picked him up and suddenly surrounded herself in a very powerful aura. Just then Umbridge had seen her.

"Get Her!" She yelled, then Death Eaters had seen her and started to fire. She smirked and went through the attacks. They were missing her, if they went up she went down, if then went down she went up. Once she made it back to her father, she handed Harry to Remus and pulled out a pair of nunchaku. Umbridge and her Death Eaters had attacked, the were she-wolf started swinging and reflecting shots away from her and the others right back to them.(1)

Umbridge was pissed now, "THAT'S IT! YOU DIE!" She yelled, "AVADA...!"

"I DON'T THINK SO!" She held her 'chucks' in front of her. "BEAST CANNON!" Just then a cross between a dragon and a wolf aura on fire was headed right for her. It grabbed Umbridge then flung her against a wall. The she-wolf deformed and was back to normal.

"Karen, are you alright?" Remus said, she was tired and knelt down to Harry, stroking his hair. Then he looked down at the young man. "Harry? But how?"

"I don't know Dad," she said. "Aunt Lily will be happy."

"I know," he said just then aurors had came in and started to arrest Umbridge and her group. Just then Dumbledore had showed up with Sirius. They had seen Harry.

"HARRY!" They said.

'Yes he's alive!' Thought Sirius.

'Dammit, he's alive!' Thought Dumbledore, then Remus picked up Harry and they all were about to leave.

"Remus, I'll take Harry..." Dumbledore started when Karen damn near attacked him.

"We'll take Harry home," said Remus. With that they teleported to Potter Manor.

(Potter Manor)

Once there, they started to look for Lily. "LILY!" Said Remus, just then a very beautiful red head had showed up, she had green eyes and was dressed in a shirt, slacks and slippers.

"What is it Remus?" She said and saw who he was carrying, "Harry?" She went right to him they took him put in his room. They started strip him of the rags he was in and laid him down. They had noticed that he was buffed and well built. He had revealed markings on his face, a sledgehammer on his forehead and anvils on the crest of his cheeks. They also had seen runes on his arms, across his chest and a small one on his throat. Just then a being had appeared, he had short white hair and hazel eyes. He was dressed in a gray 'A' shirt, cargo pants and boots. He wasn't as built as Harry and looked to be a couple of years younger than Harry.

He looked at Lily, "Are you Harry's Mother?" He sent.

"Yes, I am." She said.

"Harry's out of energy, do you have a forge?"

"Yes we do."

"He needs to be by it when it's running hot."

"But isn't that dangerous?"

"Not for a god of weapon smithing. Oh by the way, I am Forge Smithe; Harry's angel."

"It's nice to meet you Forge." Then she looked to Sirius and Remus, "start up the forge. We need to get Harry down there."

"But why Lils?" Said Sirius, "it hasn't been used since 'ol Charlie'." 'Ol' Charlie was Harry's grandfather, James' father.

"Harry's some kind of god, this is his angel 'Forge Smithe'." The godfathers were in shock.

"A God?"

"Yeah I know. Sirius, fire up the forge."

"Alright Lils," so he went down to the basement.

Meanwhile Karen was sitting by his head stroking his hair. She was kissing him on the forehead. Just then a young woman had came in and saw Karen. She had reddish black hair, blue-green eyes and was dressed in the Gryffindor uniform. "Karen, what happened?" She asked, then she saw Harry. "Harry!" She gasped she went over to him and started kissing him on his forehead.

Then Lily and Remus had came in to Harry's room. "Rose?" Lily said, "what are you doing here?"

"I heard what happened. I didn't know Harry have came back." She said, "thank you daddy." She hugged Harry as tight as she could.

"We need to take him to the forge."

"Huh?" Said Rose, "why?"

"I'll explain on the way, Karen if you would." Karen nodded and transformed in to her were form. She picked him up and carried him down to the forge.

They laid him down on a cot about 6 feet away from the forge. The energies from the forge started to go in to him. Then he slowly started to open his eyes, "Harry?" Said Lily.

"M-Mum?" He said, she sobbed and grabbed her eldest child in a tight hug. "I'm home," he said with tears in his eyes. "I'm home."


Note: This came from an idea of a Ranma story called 'Mirrors Multiplied'.