"Lucius Malfoy! How dare you! There's nothing more I hate than you! Why would you do this to me?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOUR ONLY SON!?"

Even behind four doors, and in a completely different wing of the Malfoy mansion, Draco could hear his mother yelling at his father. This was nothing new. They'd been arguing for months now about his father's betrayal to the Minster and how he forced Draco into the Death Eaters...

Something he really couldn't be mad at his mother for yelling about. He hated the fact his father through him in this devious plot. Hated the fact he had to deceive Dumbledore. He was the only one who truly understood him besides his mother. Draco wondered if anything would be normal by the end of his sixth year.

"Narcissa, if you don't stop this incessant yelling, I'm going to have to have a word with Bellatrix about how to control her kin. So shut up."

Draco's eyes squinted. He could not believe his father just told the woman he "loved" to shut up. That was not how a marriage was suppose to work. Wouldn't work. Getting up, Draco put on his Hogwarts cloak and marched down to the room his parents were currently occupying.

He knocked on the already open door, just as he saw his father's hand come down on his mother's cheek.

He did not bother waiting. Hand on wand, Draco pointed it at his father. "How dare you hit her!"

Lucius looked at his son and rolled his eyes. "This is what we've come to? The Malfoy name has already been tarnished son. I have to control your mother some how. She's doing us no good. When we go off to get the supplies for your mission, I'm sure she'll turn to some Order member to help protect you. Perhaps her beloved Severus." His lips curled as if he smelled something bad.

"And what is it to you, Father," Draco sneered. "I am her only child. At least she seems to care for me. To be honest, Daddy, I have never had the inclination to serve Voldemort."

"DO NOT SPEAK HIS NAME!" Outraged, Lucius snatched his wand out of his cane and pointed it his son. "Never speak the Dark Lord's name! How many times have I told you that! How many?!"

Shaking his head Draco moved over to stand in front of his mother. "A wise man once told me, fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself. Is that it Father, you're too scared of Voldmort to protect your own family!?" He heard his mother whimper behind him.

Lucius sneered and aimed his wand at his son's heart. He intend to kill the brat he raised. If he was going to bring dishonor to the family, he'd do it the way one should. By murder.


"Avada kedvra!"

Green light shot out of a tip of a wand and a thud was heard by Narcissa. Her eyes were closed, her cheeks stained with tears and the hand print of her husband. She couldn't look. She could feel her heart breaking.

A moment later she felt hands pulling her close and hugging her. Taller and leaner. She ran her hand up his back, hoping long hair wasn't what she would touch. It wasn't.

Draco felt his mother's grip tighten. Felt her sobbing body heaving. He needed a way to keep them both safe. Away from Voldemort. A way to warn the Order and Dumbledore specifically.

Pulling out of his mother's grasp, he took her face in. Her cheeks were tear stained, and his father's hand print was still there. She was more than likely going to have a bruise. The thought of that wretched man hurting her brought anger out in him.

"Mother, go get a suitcase quickly. Grab your savings. Quick. We're going somewhere safe."


A/N: Hey guys! Whala, look who finally got their Keyport back into ! Quote from above is obviously Dumbledore's AKA J.K. Rowling. All characters and places and spells, unless otherwise specified, are Rowling's. Give props to our Queen. :)