
It had only been three months since Neal and Emma had got back together. He proposed after saying he didn't want to be her boyfriend but her husband. Her wedding just moments away she started to become more nervous. Her wedding. The words still didn't sound real. Eleven years ago Emma had no idea what love was an till that day Henry her little boy knocked on her door for her twenty-eighth birthday.

Emma took another deep breath looking at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a white wedding dress that touched the floor. It was tight round the top as it had no sleeves. From the top to the bottom of the dress there were diamonds going around her in a wavy circle. She also had a veil hanging over her face. She was wearing her swan pendant now hung on her neck on a shorter golden chain.

"You look beautiful. "

Emma looked be hide her to see her mother standing by the door in a red foot length dress.

"I always noticed it but I don't think you ever told me the story behind that necklace of yours. It must mean something special."

"It does." Emma let out a small laugh, "It was actually a keychain. Neal stole it for me eleven years ago during one of our final heists. Despite what happened he really gave me a lot back then. Not just the keychain and the car but a son," Emma said trying to keep it together. "But not just a son his son. This is really happening isn't it?"

Mary Margaret smiled and took hold of Emma's left hand. "It's happening. Are you ready?"

"Honestly, the wedding part terrified but spending the rest of my life with Neal, I've been ready for that since I was seventeen."


The two continued to look, smile and talk an till there was a knock on the door. Emma said it was okay to enter Henry and David came into the room. Emma's eyes widened as did a big smile as her son and dad stood there in a black tux, white shirt and red tie.

"Henry," said Emma, "You look handsome."

"And you look beautiful mom," Henry said going in to hug her.

"He's right," said David, "You look stunning."

Emma smiled and hugged Henry back and glanced up at her parents who were smiled as well. In the past couple of months Henry had been using the word 'mom' more often.

The two released each other.

"Have you seen your dad?"

"Yeah," Henry replied. "I can't tell whose more nervous you or him."

"We're probably tied on that one kid."

"Hey Henry," David said to the boy, "You'd better go take your place with Neal, it's almost time."

Henry nodded. "Okay."

Henry left the room leaving Emma with her parents.


The music slowly started up outside.

"Well," said David, "No turning back now."

"Thank you," Emma said.

"For what?" asked Mary-Margaret.

"For accepting Neal and me being together," Emma replied.

Mary Margaret squeezed her daughter's hand, "We see how much he loves you and that's enough for us."

David placed a hand in his pocket, "Just as long as he never hurts you again," he said with a smile.

The music's tempo changed and Mary Margaret looked at Emma and David. "That's my cue," she said leaving the room.

David held out his arm to Emma and she smiled at him linking her left arm in his. The two walked outside and paused at the steps.

Emma's eyes made their way to where her son and future husband were standing. Neal wore a similar tux to Henry's only with a black tie instead. The minister stood behind her boys It was the same minister that had presided over her parents wedding in the grand hall twenty-eight years ago.

The tempo of the music changed and Emma tightened her grip on her fathers' arm.

"Are you ok?" David asked.

"I'm fine," Emma said nervously.

David chuckled, "Okay. Well that's us."

Emma nodded and the two made their way down the stairs and onto the aisle.

All that Emma could focus on was Neal. His smiling made her smile even bigger. Finally they made it to the end of the aisle. Mr. Gold was standing on Neal's side and smiled at Emma.

Mary Margaret, who had been standing across from Neal in place where Emma would be standing, took a couple steps toward Emma and stood on her left.

"Who here gives this woman away to this man?" the minister asked.

"We do," David and Mary Margaret both said in unison.

Mary Margaret was the first to hug Emma and whisper, "I love you," to her. Emma whispered it back.

Emma then turned to her father who looked like he was ready to cry. He hugged her tightly and then he placed a kiss on her forehead also whispering, "I love you."

Neal reached out for Emma's hand which David then nodded to Neal before placing Emma's hand in his. He then took his place by Mary Margaret.

The minister told everyone to take their seats and he began the ceremony.


"Family and friends we are gathered here today as we witness the unification of Neal Cassidy and Emma Swan. Love can often be a very complicated thing but what these two have is something very special and let the love they have be with them always. Neal and Emma have decided to write their own vows so we will now hear the words they have from their hearts. Neal."

Neal turned to Henry who smiled at his dad as he handed him the ring. Neal smiled at him and then turned his attention to Emma.

"Eleven years ago my life was changed forever. You stole a stolen car with me in the back seat. When you stole that car you stole my heart at the right moment. After everything we have been through I promise to love you in sickness and in health and I will be with you no matter what the future holds for us." Neal gently placed the ring on Emma's ring finger.

Emma was beside herself with tears but managed to compose herself as she turned to Mary Margaret who handed her the ring. She turned back to Neal.

Emma took a deep breath and began "Neal, I never thought I was capable of loving someone because I didn't know how to love, I never learned how to love and then I met you and suddenly loving you felt like something I had always known. And then that day I ran in to you at New York I know now I ran into the right person. After everything you have done for me you gave me a car, a keychain and a son. Neal I promise to love you with all my heart and I always will." Emma slipped the ring onto Neal's finger. The two smiled at each other.

"With the power vested in me," said the minister, "from one world to another it is my great honour to pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Neal smiled, "About bloody time," he said lifting up Emma's veil. Emma laughed at his comment and the two of them went in softly but anxiously. People stood up and began clapping. A minute later and the sounds got slightly louder forcing Emma and Neal to pull back. Emma blushed and Neal smiled. She leaned into Neal letting him hold her and Neal reached back picked up Henry, the three of them standing there as the family that they had always meant to be.