Hi! ^^ I know I took long to update, but hey! It's here (: Anyways, this chapter is mostly just glimpse of memories. This is officially the start of the drama that is going to occur between Zach and Cameron, plus Amulet (Which I changed from it's original 'Amulette'). :D I do plan on making the same plot line as I did with the original story!

P.S Any new ideas that come to your mind? Please P.M AWAY! :'D I don't mind the ideas or the critic. It helps better everything.

FORGIVE ANY MISTAKES! I read it over and over again, but I always miss one or two things. O.O

I hope you like this chapter. Sorry for the late update again! Thank you for reading! Please fav. and review!

Love, Kurohyo-chan

Disclaimer: I do not own any of Ally Carter.

Chapter 7: Interrogation

"What is your name?" An anonymous voice seeped into the conference room.

"Cameron Anne Morgan." She licked her chapped lips. It has been three days since her collapse. The CIA had asked Cameron to come in for interrogation. They needed to know some facts.. They wanted to know what she remembered.

Cold sweat ran down her spine as she jumped over tree branches. Her feet were blue and numbed from the snow as well as her fingers. But she had to keep moving, if she wanted to live that is.

She pressed her lips tight into a line and furrowed her eyebrows in concentration. She had a plan, but first... She needed to get out of the forest.

"Come on, Little Cameron!" Catherine yelled. She had a fierce look on her eyes, but a deadly smirk placed on her red tainted lips. She was having fun, of course. She knew that the girl couldn't get that much farther. She was sick and numbed from the cold and the beatings; Plus her emotional state was awful. Catherine grinned. "You can run, but you can't hide!" She spread her arms apart and laughed.

Cameron hid behind a large tree trunk. Her little body shivered as she struggled to keep her breathing even. She glanced around the tree and saw Catherine not too far from her... Maybe 5 feet away? She flinched. She needed to hide, but how? She was hurt and in pain. She couldn't run anymore even if she wanted to. Her legs were paralyzed from the cold ... and the fatigue... She could already see the dark spots in her vision. She looked behind her and saw a bush filled with snow.

She crawled her way under the bush and pulled snow over her body, until it was completely covered. She closed her eyes and shifted herself closer to her coat. She had stolen it from one of the closets of the warehouse. It had fur all over, which made it very warm for the winter.

'I hope they don't find me.' She thought to herself as she drifted off.

"How old were you when you were captured?" The voice belonged to a woman. She stood behind tinted glass and watched Cameron's expressions. Not once did the girl sigh or made any movement of being impatient. Cameron had waited in the room for over 2 hours. They wanted to use the same tactics that they used with suspects.

Cameron shifted to a better position. "I had just turned 8, the day before."

Catherine stood with her arms crossed as she watched her men scatter across the forest. She had underestimated the girl. It has been 3 hours since she escaped from their clutches and the snow storm was coming at them stronger by hour.

A sly smile appeared on her lips. 'The girl won't last long in this weather. By tonight, she will be dead from the cold.'

Farren was the name of the woman who stood behind the tinted glass. She was one of the best interrogators that the CIA had. Farren couldn't comprehend why she was the one interrogating this... This 18-year-old traumatized girl. It seemed that she was an important asset.. One that the CIA was desperate to have. They just needed to know if she was stable enough for the job.

"How did you escape their grasps? Did someone help you?" She questioned.

Cameron blinked and tilted her head back to look at the ceiling. "My father had everything planned. He knew they were going to move him elsewhere... He told me to escape then." She sighed. "I was found unconscious, buried deep within the snow, by some nuns." She paused. "I was under their care for three weeks."

"Cameron.. Come here." Her father wiggled his fingers at her; Beckoning her over.

Cameron looked around to make sure that no one was there. The chain around her neck rattled with her every movement as she crawled her way to where her father was being held. She winced as the chain pulled on her; Effortlessly stopping her progress. She was only half-way over. She sighed, sadly. "I can't go anymore, Papa."

Matthew nodded. He was sad and angered at himself. To see his only daughter being chained to a wall, and tortured because of him... He inwardly shook his head. Now wasn't the time to be thinking like that. "It doesn't matter." He paused and looked at his daughter's wary face. Her eyes were wiser than he remembered... But then again, who would remain the same after all she has been through?

"I need you to listen carefully, Cameron." He saw her nod. Her eyes trained on him, but he knew that she had all her other senses on their surroundings; in case someone came in. "I have a plan for you..."

Cameron's eyes flashed with emotion. "For me only, Father?" Her voice was rough and hard; Different than before.

He nodded, sadly. "I cannot be saved from this, Cameron. But you can... I want you to escape when they are distracted." He looked to the door and back at her. "Soon they will move me to another place..."

"And you want me to escape then?" Cameron bit her lip. "Because they will be more preoccupied with you? How can you be so sure that they won't move me along?"

"Because they no longer have a need for me." He whispered softly. "You must understand, Cameron. Once I am out, YOU will be next. I have taught you and showed you everything I know." He wore a sad smile. "They know this... Which is why you are still living to this day."

She understood everything he was saying.. He was trying to tell her that he was going to die soon. And that if she didn't escape, then so was she. She frowned. She vowed to herself that she was going to escape and live... And that she was going to find her father and save him. She didn't want to lose him... Not now, not ever.

"Did they ask who you were?" Farren was interested in the girl's story. How did an 8-year-old girl survive the world? How did she make her way back home?

Cameron tapped her fingers on the table. "They did. But I didn't tell them any crucial information.. They didn't pester me for any. They let me go as soon as I woke up and sent me away with the supplies I needed."

Cameron blinked herself awake. She was laying on something soft and warm. She thought back and her eyes widened in panic. 'Where am I? Did they find me?' She peeked around the room. It looked like a cozy bedroom; nothing like the cell she was in before. She frowned.

"You are awake, Little One?" A voice came from her right. Cameron snapped her head towards the voice and leaped out of the bed. She was poised to attack.

A nun sat stiffly on a wooden chair, but she looked kind. Her eyes were wide with surprise and worry. "You musn't get up yet." She stood up slowly.

"W-Where am I?" Cameron stuttered. Her body getting tenser as the woman got closer.

"My sisters and I found you laying in the snow. You were covered from head to toe of snow, and had developed hyperthermia." The woman sat down again, seeing as the girl wasn't going to budge. "We brought you and nursed you back to health." The woman's eyes glistened with worry. "You had so many wounds..." She whispered. "Who are you, Little girl? What happened to you?"

Cameron flinched at the endearment and looked down at her body. Her torso was wrapped around with bandages as well as her legs and arms. She practically looked like a mummy. "My name is Anne." She partly lied. "I need to get out of here." She looked around. "How many days as it been since you found me?" She was desperate to know. Was it too late to get help? Was her father dead already?

"It has been 3 weeks." The nun watched her silently. "You must lay down, Anne. You are not fully recovered."

Cameron shook her head, sadly. She knew it was too late for her father... But deep inside, she couldn't help but have a little hope. "Thank you for all that you have done for me, Ma'am." She smiled slightly. "But I have somewhere to be..." She looked down. "Do you have anything I can wear?"

The nun nodded and gave her clothes and supplies that she might need for her trip.

She dressed in long dark jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. She thanked the Sisters and headed her way to civilization.

There was only one thing in her mind... "I hope I'm not too late."

"I see... Do you remember who the leader was? Do you remember his name?" Farren leaned closer to the glass wall.

Cameron flinched. "You mean she. Her name is Catherine..." She ran a shaky hand through her hair. "She should be around my mother's age... 38?"

"Did she tell you what she wanted?"

Cameron let a slow smile fall on her lips. "What didn't she tell me? She even let me play with her son." That was when it dawned on her. 'Zachary Goode... Zach...' Her eyes flashed with realization. How did she not remember? The little boy who would keep her company all night and then disappear all day... It was him... Zachary Goode... Did he know? Was that why he was so nice to her? Because he pitied her?

Anger fueled deep down in her stomach. If it was one thing she hated the most, it was pity.

"Cameron?" Farren saw the sadistic look that fell on Cameron's eyes. It frightened her how cruel it looked... And it amazed her that as soon as she saw it... It vanished.

"Sorry." Cameron apologized. "Catherine was or is a villain. She captured my father because he was investigating something... He took something that interested her very much. But in the end, my father didn't tell her where it was." Her voice faded slowly.

"Do you remember what it was?"

"No." Cameron was blunt. She didn't remember that much... She just remembered Catherine asking for a list. She just didn't know what it was yet...But she wasn't so keen on letting the CIA know that.

Cameron sat in the cafeteria. The interrogation had finished faster than she had thought. She sighed as she thought of Zachary. Did he remember her? She frowned.

"What are you thinking of, Ca-me-ron?" A husky voice whispered to her ear. She was startled, she had to admit. But she was proud of herself for not jumping, or reacting like a civilian.

"What do you want, Zachary?" She winced, when she realized how harsh it sounded.

"That bad, huh?" He casually sat next to her and grabbed an apple from her plate.

Cameron was quiet as she watched him. Their eyes clashed and Cameron decided to just come out with it. "How old were you when you first saw me?"

Zach paused in his bite, and then slowly chewed. He silently watched her, pondering on what to say. Of course, he knew what she wanted to know. He did remember her from before. How could he not? The only girl who his mother was willing to let him meet... Was the only girl who his mother had tortured. That was the first time he had realized how wicked his mother was. "What do you mean?" He decided to act oblivious, but then he saw that she wasn't going to fall for it. He had hesitated for far too long.

"Don't play with me, Zachary." He always did love how she said his name. Her big green eyes followed his every movement. He shifted tensely in his seat. How was he going to get out this? He didn't want to tell her... What if she never spoke to him again? He risked a glance her way.

Color had risen to her cheeks, and her nose flared just a bit. Her lips were pulled to a thin line, but all in all; She looked just about ready to murder him.

"Well..Well.. Look what the cat dragged in." He would never admit it, but he was suddenly glad that Amulet was there. "Did the CIA see how much of a traitor you are?"

Amulet gave a sweet fake smile at her dear adoptive sister. She hated her guts now. She used to admire how talented she was before, but now? She hated her. She was all her mother wept about. She thought her mother was over that stage, but it seems seeing Cameron again and having her reject her was enough to pull her back in.

Cameron glared at Amulet. "Not today, girl. I'm not in the mood for your bullshit."

Gasps rang through the cafeteria, while Amulet looked stunned. "W-what?"

Cameron stood up and shrugged. "You heard me." She moved to walk passed her, but paused and gave her a smirk. "Now that I think about it... Are you jealous of me, Amulet?" She leaned closer as if to inspect her. "Are you jealous of all the attention they give me?"

Amulet growled and swung a fist her way. Cameron saw the movement in Amulet's eyes, but she stood her ground and let the fist touch her. Her cheek pounded in pain and her glare intensified. She decided that she wasn't going to do her mother a favor of getting along. She didn't like the girl.. And that was final.

Cameron's lips twitched back into a smirk, while Amulet watched her with wide eyes. She chuckled. "Thanks for giving me a reason." She tilted her head and suddenly ram her knee straight into Amulet's stomach.


I hope you liked it~! ^^

-Mayonaka Kurohyo-chan