Hello! This is kind of a follow-up from my story Our Right Kind of Doctor where Amy met Jack. It doesn't matter if you've read that or not but some bits might be a bit odd :p Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. It might not be updated all too regularly but you never know ;)

Sarah Jane happily gave Mr Smith the gem she had found for him to analyse it. She was wondering what it was – it changed colours frequently. Perhaps it was a sort of homing signal. She hummed as she closed the attic door and descended the stairs. Sky was at school, and so were Clyde and Rani. She had spent the entire morning looking for what Mr Smith had picked up on, then found the gem. It had been better than some days, and she was now used to the peaceful weekdays, although that always changed when Sky came home and Clyde and Rani came round.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. That was odd; visitors usually called ahead, or they would barge in. She opened it to find a young woman there. She had red hair, and brown eyes that looked determined. A kind smile was on her pale face. Well, she seemed friendly, but Sarah Jane Smith knew all too well that you shouldn't judge on first impressions. "Hello, can I help you?" She asked her.
"Yeah, sorry to disturb you. You're Sarah Jane, aren't you?" The stranger asked in a thick Scottish accent.
"Yes, who's asking?"
She smiled and held out a hand to Sarah Jane, "Nice to meet you, I'm Amy Pond."
Sarah Jane warily shook Amy's hand. She seemed genuine enough. "Lovely to meet you too, Amy. Can I ask, what are you doing here?"
"Oh, yeah. Sorry, Jack gave me your address. Didn't give a phone number."
"Which Jack?"
"Jack Harkness."
"Oh! Makes sense! Come on in."
Amy smiled kindly as Sarah Jane led her to her living room. "Your house is, for lack of a better word, amazing," Amy said, even after she had only managed a brief look in other rooms.
"Thank you, but it's nothing compared to other places I've seen," Sarah Jane replied, "Tea?"
"I'd love some, thanks."
Sarah Jane smiled and disappeared into her kitchen, leaving Amy able to explore the living room. She could already see what type of person Sarah Jane was. A bit like her, but not too much. No photos from when she was young – that was a bit odd. A few recent photos though; her and a boy frequently appearing in them, as well as others.
"That's my son," Sarah Jane said from behind her.
Amy almost jumped in surprise and turned around to her, giving a smile. "Sorry, who?"
Sarah Jane stood next to her and picked up one of the frames containing a photo of Luke. "Him. My son, Luke. Well, my adopted son. He was made as an experiment by the Bane..."
"The Bane?"
"An alien species that came to Earth to invade it. They were the creators of that Bubbleshock."
"Oh yeah, I remember that! I quite liked it. Why did they create that?"
"As I said, to take over the Earth. They added Bane into it."
Amy grimaced, "Eurgh! So I've drank aliens?!"
Sarah Jane laughed at her reaction. "I'm sure it'll have left your system by now."
"Good, but it's still a bit yucky."
Sarah Jane hummed in agreement.
"So, who's this?" Amy asked, picking up the frame that held a photo of the 10th Doctor, "Were you married to him or something?"
Sarah Jane laughed, "No! No, no, no. I don't think anyone will get as close to him as to marry him. No, we were very good friends. More than a romance, apparently."
"Oh! Well, you must have been close to him."
"Yes, well, I still sort of am."
Suddenly, Mr Smith's voice was heard, calling Sarah Jane.