A/N: So, thanks to all of you for reading and here's the next chapter. Sorry for the late update though. :D


He had fallen asleep against Elena again and she didn't mind at all, she discovered that she liked to watch him sleep. He didn't make much noises and looked incredibly cute with his lips parted just slightly, his eyes closed and his eyebrows furrowed together as if he was thinking about something.

Elena snuggled against him softly, hiding her face in his chest and inhaling quickly because she loved the scent of him and she was all wrapped up into it. His bed, his room, his sheets, he, everything smelled like Stefan. And Elena loved it.

She was lost deep into him as the door to his room flew open and someone stepped in. "Stef-" the voice stopped, but it was already to late, Stefan blinked his eyes open and rolled onto his back, rubbing his eyes before looking at the person in the door while Elena lay still in her place, kinda frozen in shock.

"-an." a female voice finished.

Elena recovered quickly and leaned up as well, finding Katherine in the door frame, starring at them both.

"Ahm, I see. I'm just interrupting something here, huh?" she asked in a snippy voice, turning on her heel to stalk back out, but Stefan held her up. "Katherine! What did you want?" he asked, throwing a pillow after her to catch her attention. But she carelessly dodged it and walked around the corner without a second glance at Stefan.

Stefan turned to Elena with an apologizing look. "I have to go after her, you go back to sleep." he nodded, jumping out of the bed and running quickly after Katherine.

Elena let herself fall back into the pillows, sighing deeply as she pulled the blankets up to her chin. She had already noticed that Katherine was a unique girl, and not really in the good way, but what the fuck was her actual problem? This glares and stares of jealousy she shot Elena when she saw her with Stefan together were confusing, it made Elena feel as if Stefan and Katherine were a couple and she jumped between them, trying to seduce Stefan. It was insane, Katherine didn't even know Elena and treated her like trash. If was had a thing for Stefan, she should just tell him, Elena thought to herself and rolled her face into the pillows.

She didn't feel like going back to sleep though, and so she swung her legs out of bed and got up, she rubbed her eyes as well and stumbled into Stefan's bathroom to splash some water into her face before she made her way out of the room.

But her plans were canceled as she found Snowball sitting in the door frame, licking its paws slowly with its tongue. The cat's yellow eyes shot up as it saw Elena coming up and it suddenly jumped to its feet and hissed at her. Elena rolled her eyes and muttered, "Damn animal, get out of my way." but nothing, the cat kept standing there and hissed dangerously.

Just when Elena started to think about stepping over it, Katherine came around the corner, snorted amused and picked Snowball up. "C'mere baby." she whispered, stroking her little head before she shot Elena a glare and went off, down the hall and up the stairs to her own floor. Elena still couldn't believe that Katherine had a whole storey to herself and wondered what the hell she did with all that space.

Elena turned around to see Stefan coming from the same direction that Katherine came from and Elena smiled lightly, walking up to him. "Everything alright?" she asked, brushing a hand down his broad arm.

"Mhm, yeah." Stefan said and gave her a smile of his own, cocking an eyebrow. "Hungry for breakfast?" he asked, grabbing her hand and pulling her downstairs with him.

Of course she was hungry.

Ric was sitting at the table as well as Stefan and Elena came down, she had broken out into a fit of giggles because Stefan couldn't keep from tickling her they walked down the stairs, Elena had almost tripped and would have fallen over, but Stefan had caught her and it only made them laugh more.

"There you two are!" he grinned, waving a hand at pancakes, eggs and bacon. "Lexi made us breakfast!" he nodded and shoved some bacon onto his plate before he took at least eight pancakes from what Elena could see.

She was impressed, she had never seen someone who ate eight fucking pancakes for breakfast, but she just smiled back at him and hoped onto her own chair, shoving her plate forward to take a pancake and some eggs with bacon too. It looked heavenly and Elena was so hungry that she just nodded and started eating.

"Damn, this is fantastic!" she exclaimed, shoving another fork into her mouth and Stefan laughed. "Yep, I often wish Lexi would do this for us every morning."

"That would be awesome." Elena agreed.

"Sure, I do all the work and you all eat it up!" Lexi laughed as she walked into the room and sat down at the chair next to Elena. "Morning, guys." she yawned and stretched her arms skyward as Ric leaned over to peck her cheek. "Morning beautiful." he murmured, his mouth full with food as he still chewed eagerly.

Elena thought that they were pretty cute together, they were like very young parents for Stefan, or something.

"How did you two sleep?" Ric asked, scratching his chest as he bit into some of his bacon.

Stefan glanced at Elena and send her a heartwarming smile. He even kept looking at her when he answered Ric. "Pretty good, man, and you?" he asked, turning to look at Alaric again.

"Yeah, good too." he just shrugged.

But Stefan's stare hadn't gone unnoticed by Lexi who was grinning from ear to ear now.

"So, Stefan, what's in for today? You can't just let Elena rot here, come on, show her around!" Lexi said, smirking at them both.

"No, that's really not.." Elena started, but Stefan cut her off as always. "Nah, I insist! Lexi is right!" Stefan cleared his mouth before speaking. "We'll go out and have some fun, what do you say?"

And Elena just laughed. "I'm in!"

"Mind if Lexi and me join?" Alaric asked and Stefan shook his head no. They could come along as well. And they'd ask Katherine too.

They had asked Katherine, but she was already going out with someone else.

Which really surprised Elena, she hadn't thought Katherine would have any friends, since she had been all alone since Elena came here, but she was actually glad that Katherine didn't come along with them, they didn't like each other and Elena just wanted to have fun tonight, fun, fun, fun and no fighting with Katherine or glaring all the time or whatsoever. She would just have been annoying if she had come too. So it was completely fine with Elena that Katherine didn't have time to hang out with them, even if Stefan and Lexi were kinda sad about it.

Elena really wondered how they could be friends with her, it was unbelievable. She was such a snippy, mean girl. And didn't seem to smile, like ever. Yeah, okay, she looked a little cute with Snowball in her arms, but not when you knew that the cat was sent to earth from hell and Katherine was the She Devil herself.

But Elena couldn't waste anymore time on thinking about Katherine and shook her head because she had to focus on her clothes, she didn't know where they were going and even though she knew it wouldn't be too special, she didn't want to wear the wrong things.

A knock came from the door and Lexi stepped in, "Ready? We wanna leave in a few!" she laughed, looking at Elena in nothing but her underwear. "Well, I take it you still need some time."

"Yeah, but stay! I need help with clothes." Elena waved Lexi further into the room, looking desperately at her.

Lexi grinned, not being able to contain a small joke. "Want me to get Stefan for that? I'm sure he'd love to help you choose. Oh no, wait. You'd probably staying in what you're wearing now if he had to decide." Lexi laughed, pointing at Elena in her black underwear.

Elena just rolled her eyes. "No."

"Ohhh, please! I came here last night because I wanted to ask you something and where were you?" Lexi asked, slowly raising an eyebrow at Elena who quickly busied herself with her clothes again. "No where." Elena stuttered, but she couldn't help it as a small smile crept onto her face.

"Yeah, yeah." Lexi smirked.

"We didn't.. if that's what you think!" Elena exclaimed, giggling quietly.


"No!" Elena confirmed, laughing as she picked a blue summer dress. Lexi was wearing one too which was just a little longer than Elena's so she thought that it would work. "Good?" she held it up to Lexi and Lexi nodded in agreement.

And so Elena got ready and finally arrived downstairs where Stefan and Ric were waiting. "Ahhh, there she is."

"Yeah, we made it." Lexi laughed. "Are we all going to drive with the VW?"

"Yep." Stefan waved the keys.

And they all got into the car, Stefan and Elena in the front and Lexi and Ric into the back as Ric suddenly pulled a bottle of alcohol out of his bag and waved it at Elena, "Want some?" he grinned.

It was honey bourbon and Elena wasn't gonna waste anymore time before she grabbed it and took a swing. Ah, perfection. Bourbon was her absolute favorite and Ric had a good taste it seemed. She handed the bottle to Stefan who was driving, but no one seemed to care. It was careless and free. It was fun.

"Let's go!"


It was already past midnight and Elena and Stefan were still dancing in the small club. Her hands were resting on his chest and his arms were wrapped around her as they danced together, laughing and talking the whole time. Stefan loved being with Elena like this, she was so much fun when she was with him, he couldn't believe that she had done anyone any wrong. But he didn't want to think about that now, he just wanted to enjoy the time they both had together right now. Because it was awesome and Stefan hadn't been this happy in quiet some time either.

Ric came up behind Stefan and yelled into his ear over the music. "Hey, c'mon, I need to tell ya something!" He said, ripping Stefan away from Elena.

But she didn't mind, she was a great dancer all alone as well so she simply continued alone as Stefan went away, because she was sure Alaric had a good reason to pull Stefan away.

"What's up man?" Stefan asked as he followed Ric off the dance floor and into the men's toilet. "Anything wrong?" he asked, furrowing his brows at Ric's serious face.

Ric pulled Stefan into a corner, and started to explain. "Listen, Klaus is here." he said, grabbing Stefan's arm because he looked as if he was going to leave immediately. "Wait!"

"Elena is out there!" Stefan frowned at Ric, almost angrily.

"I know, keep calm." Ric muttered. "We should go before he sees us, don't you agree?" Ric asked, letting go of Stefan. "Lexi is already in the car and I'll go there too now, you go get Elena." He told him and just when Stefan turned, Ric grabbed him again. "And Stefan, don't do anything stupid!"

"Yeah." Stefan just said and stalked out of the toilet, walking quickly back to Elena, not wanting Klaus to find her first.

But it was already to late. Klaus was making his way up to Elena from behind, two of his broad shouldered guys following him. Panic suddenly set into Stefan.

A/N: Uh oh. :o

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