A/N: So, I had this idea and wanted to write it down, this isn't my first fanfiction, but I was on a looong break. It's about Stefan and Elena, as humans, falling in love. First of all, the M ration is not because I'm gonna write you chapter after chapter filled with smut, no. Sure, I'll write you some sexy times, but that comes later. ;D And it won't be heavy smut. It's rated M for language and probably content, well and the sexy times later ;)

Anyways, give it a shot and enjoy reading.

It had been two hours since Stefan had passed the 'Welcome to Arizona, the grand canyon state' sign on the road, and he had been so glad when his eyes had caught it, so glad that he was finally out of California and away from all that lifestyle.

Sure, it was still a long way to Texas, and to his little town, but he had his old VW bus and its radio, and that was all he needed.

Drumming his fingers softly against the steering wheel of his car as he sang along to a song, tipping his head from one side to the other. Stefan loved singing, even if he didn't do it often because he didn't think of himself as the best singer, and he didn't want to torture his friends with it. But he was alone in his car and nothing but dessert was in sight, so he sang out loud, laughing a quietly when the song slowly stopped.

Stefan didn't just sing the lyrics, no, he also sang the instrumental, the guitar solos and the background singers. He loved music.

Most people would think it's lonely when you have an almost 2000 miles to drive through four US states, but Stefan was the kind of guy who'd enjoy his alone time. Sleeping in his VW, eating cold ravioli and drinking black coffee, he loved his loneliness.

But it seemed as if his precious time would get interrupted this time. Because Stefan's eyes slowly made out a figure on the far away road. He narrowed his eyes as he came closer to the person, it looked like a girl, from here, but he wasn't sure until he got closer. Long brown hair, a black pair of shorts, tank top, big back pack and a pair of rundown pink shoes, covered in dirt.

What the hell would a young woman like her be doing out here all by herself, he wondered, slowing down as he approached her. Turning the radio off, he leaned out of the window, yelling as he came up to her from behind. "Hey!"

She didn't turn around, though.

And he noticed two empty water bottles at each side of her backpack and one that wasn't even half-full anymore in her hand. Yelling again, "Hey! I mean you!"

Still nothing.. But he was finally on her height on the street, seeing her face.

She looked exhausted and tired. She wasn't much older than she was, maybe younger even.

"It's still a long way to the next city, you know?" Stefan asked, trying to make the smallest of eye contact, but he failed. She was just starring ahead, walking and ignoring him. "And it's getting late." he added, frowning softly. "Come on. Let me take you to the next city, at least.. I have coffee!"

"No, thank you.." she murmured, and it sounded slightly angry to Stefan, as if she wasn't in a good mood. Well, who could blame her? It was too hot, she didn't have much water left and she was in the middle of nowhere.

"I can't just leave you here, though." Stefan said, giving her a loop-sided grin. "I'm a real gentleman, saving damsels in distress." he tipped his head towards her, still grinning.

"Well, I don't wanna be saved!" She huffed. "Don't need to be saved.." she corrected herself quietly.

Stefan's grin faded. She was everything but cooperative, and he wouldn't leave her here, that was for sure. It was getting dark and there were animals out here.

"Are you from here?" Stefan asked, still driving next to her in walking-speed. "None of your business." she just spat, not looking at him.

"Alright.." he shrugged a shoulder, somehow defensively. "And, do you have a name?" he asked, quickly adding. "I'm Stefan."

She rolled her eyes shortly, stopping in her tracks. It took Stefan by surprise and he hit the brake abruptly. "Elena." she whispered.

Finally something, he thought. "So, Elena, would you like a ride?" he asked, giving her the best smile he had.

She cocked her head to one side. "And you really have coffee?" she asked, giving him a small smile herself.

"I do."

"Alright.." she yanked his car door open and climbed over his lap and into the other car seat. His eyes widened as she placed her knees on his thighs and climbed in, laughing slightly, he pulled the door closed again and started driving again.

"The coffee's in the back, as well as a few sandwiches and water, just in case you want some." He winked, smiling at her and she bit her lip, nodding her head. "Thank you."

Crawling in the back of the old VW bus, where she quickly found the can with coffee, still semi-hot and a few sandwiches. She opened the coffee can and frowned, sniffing on the brown broth, she pulled a grimace. "What the hell.. Ew." she scrunched up her nose. "You drink this?" she asked, looking at him through the rearview mirror at him. And he nodded, she was disgusted. "I'l stay with the water." she stated.

"No problem." Stefan chuckled, his eyes fixed on the road. It was just past 9pm and autumn so the streets would be dark within a few hours. "You can sleep in the back, if you want." he suggested her.

Elena narrowed her eyes to little stilts at him through the mirror. "You aren't some creepy perv are you?" she asked.

"Someone watched too many horror movies, here." Stefan laughed. "Of course not."

"Mhm, I'll stay awake, just to make sure." she said, nodding with narrowed eyes. And it made him laugh.

"So from where are you? And where do you wanna be dropped?"

Elena shrugged. "I'm from nowhere, and I'm going to nowhere." she said, sipped on the water and climbed back into the front seat, her legs pulled up to her chest. "And you?"

"Texas, a small town. I live there with three friends."

"Sounds boring." Elena shrugged.

Stefan just shook his head, she had no idea. "No, it's pretty awesome."

"If you say so.." Elena rolled her chocolate hues, pressing the On button of the radio, she quickly changed the channels to something electronic or dance, Stefan wasn't sure, he just sighed because that wasn't his kind of music at all, and she sunk back in her seat.

One more look at her and Stefan saw her eyes closed, her chest rising and falling steadily and her arms and legs curled up in the seat. He smiled, turned the music down, grabbed a blanket from the back of his bus and tossed it carefully over her.

Finally peace.

The bright sunlight hurt in Elena's eyes, she groaned, covering her face with her hands. Gosh, her back hurt like hell, no miracle when she'd fallen asleep in this absolutely uncomfortable car seat. She grumbled.

"Morning.." Stefan's cheerful voice echoed in her ears. Making her even grumpier.

"Hey.." she muttered in return, stretching in her seat as she slowly blinked her eyes open. "Have you been driving all night through?" she asked, sleepily.

"Yeah. Here.." he handed her a water bottle and she gladly took a swing.

Placing the bottle next to her seat, she pulled herself over her seat and into the back of the car, searching through her back, which was laying there. "What are you looking for?" Stefan asked, "This!" she answered and held up a dark blue tank top. Smirking as she turned around to look at him, she waved a finger at him, "Don't look!"

"I wouldn't dare. I mean.." he smirked back at her as he added, "I'm not some creepy perv, you know?"

Elena just shook her head and turned her back on him, she pulled her top off and fiddled with the fresh top. Stefan saw her bare back in the corner of his eyes through the mirror, he wouldn't normally have looked, but her creamy olive skin was too much of a seduction and he took a brief look in the mirror.

No bra, just her bare back. He swallowed, fixing his eyes back on the street.

She was back in the front seat a minute later, with two sandwiches. "Want one?"

"Mhm, thank ya." Stefan smiled, taking one and biting into it. Tuna sandwiches, his favorite. "Mhhmm.. we're almost through Arizona, you know? You'll have to tell me if you wanna leave." he blinked at her, still smiling and chewing.

"Uhm, yeah, I'll tell you then." she noted. "Aren't you tired?" he had been driving all damn night, Elena would understand if he'd fall asleep on the steering wheel any second. But he looked fine actually. No exhaustion, beard stubbles or dark circle under his eyes tainted his face.

"Nop, that's why I've this.." he wiggled the disgusting and now cold coffee from yesterday in his hand, lifting it up for her to see.

"Eww." Elena shuddered, but now she understood, of course you wouldn't be tired if you drank that shit.

Elena frowned at him, looking him over for the first time since he'd picked her up. He was very muscular, had a strong jaw, piercing green eyes and amazing hair. She felt a strange desire to just run her hands through it. Shaking her head she looked down on him, casual grey shirt and a pair of jeans. Nothing special, but it looked good on him. Of course, her stares didn't stay unnoticed. "Like what you see?" he asked, in a cocky manner, making her roll her eyes.

He just laughed, grinning softly at her. "Don't pout. You don't look too bad yourself." he admitted. Even though that was the understatement of the century. Elena was fucking gorgeous.

"Shut up, handsome." she muttered.

It had been almost six more hours now, which had passed pretty quickly, Elena was great to hang out with, a little mean and arrogant, sometimes, but actually cool. But she suddenly got fussy in her seat. "Hey, Stefan?"


"I need a toilette. Like right fucking now!" she stated, wiggling on her ass.

He rolled his eyes. "We did just stop to tank, couldn't you have gone there?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at her in annoyance.

"I didn't have to pee, back then." she said. "Alright, but make it quick!" he huffed, stopping the car. She got out and ran over to a little rock, disappearing behind it. Stefan sighed, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as he sat in his car, waiting for her to get back, he had just leaned his head back against the seat when a loud, shrill scream came from behind the rock and a panicked a Elena jumped up a minute later.

"Snake!" she screamed, tears welling up up in her eyes as the thick, long snake in front of her made a hissing noise. "Stefan!"

"Just get back, here!" he yelled, laughing quietly. Most animals were dangerous, but a snake was nothing she couldn't fight, or at least that's what he thought.

"It's blocking my way!" she cried out, backing herself up against the rock, not daring to even kick at the beast. "Stefan! Please!" she whined. Her knees were trembling in fear, her hands shaking and she could swear she'd have fainted away any second as Stefan suddenly appeared behind the snake. She'd never been so happy to see anyone else before.

"Rattlesnake.." he frowned down, surprised. He grabbed the hem of his shirt and yanked it over his head, tossing the shirt onto the snake so that the animal was blinded momentarily. It started wiggling madly under the shirt, only causing Elena to get even more afraid of it. "Come here now!" Stefan said, holding out his hand.

"But.." Elena stuttered, her eyes fixed on the snake under the shirt.

"No but!" Stefan huffed, waving her over. "I sacrificed my shirt for you, c'mere!"

A/N: So, this was the first chapter. What do you think? :)

I'll add some other characters to this story too, I've a few plans, of course.

Leave a review and tell me what you think? ;*

I'll update quickly.

Thanks for reading. - L