Chapter 12: Lay of the Land: A Madman's Pact

"You destroyed a section of forest that I've been protecting for hundreds of years. That is immensely rude. I've done all this hard work, I warned you, and yet you still cause me trouble. What do you have to say for yourself Stiles?" states a familiar voice from his left accompanied by the sight of a man's form rippling into existence.

"He's dead! Derek's dead and you want to harass me now? What do you want from me?"

"Oh Stiles, is your tirade over yet? Yes? Good, I don't want much from you and in return I can give you what you want."

"What do you want?"

"I want the souls of the men you killed so I can regrow my forest. Declare them as sacrifice to Jeffrey Gray and I will give you the means to revive the love of your life."

"Tell me how."

"All it takes is a word and a symbol on the ground. These to be precise." Jeffrey says and touches Stiles' forehead transferring the knowledge onto him.

"And what will this a lot you?"

"More power simply. I have plenty of my own. I don't want world domination personally but I would like to make it easier to keep out the riff raff and protect what's mine. I am not a man of cruelty Stiles I have no ulterior motive I've been alive too long, and attained too much power to care about petty squabbles such as hunters versus magical creatures and magical creatures versus others of their own kind it would be all too easy to become the king of the Fae. I just wish for more control over what I already have and you can help me attain that."

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"I have what you want, be sure of that the rest will follow as a leap of trust Stiles. Make the symbol. Help me heal my forest. Save your lover. Then I promise on the moon's light I shall not aggress on you and your kind."

"Okay, I'll do it." Stiles says with a hollow tone. "You'll get your power."