Sorry for the delay! Just graduated from college and now have a full time job! Life has been a little cray cray, needless to say...Anyways! I hope y'all enjoy the chapter! It's a bit of a filler, but at least it's something!

Also, thanks to all who reviewed the last chapter! You guys rock!


The last thing Ana remembered seeing was Jim's horror stricken face before she was enveloped by golden rings. The next thing she knew, she had four phasers pointed at her head as she materialized on a dark, and not entirely welcoming transporter pad. She quickly dismissed the brutes with the phasers and sought out the familiar visage of Dr. Marcus, who was being retrained by two burly looking security officers.

"Are you alright, Carol?" Ana questioned as she moved to step off the transporter pad. But before she could take more than a step, one of the security officers fired two quick shots at her stomach in an attempt to stun her. Due to her half-Romulan physiology, what would have knocked a person twice her size unconscious only worked to stall her forward momentum— and thoroughly piss her off. The dumbfounded security officer looked at his phaser in confusion for a moment before looking back at her.

"Assaulting an officer is grounds for court martial, you know." She slowly put her hands up and stood quietly for a moment, when the security goons made no move to restrain her, she rolled her eyes. "You better restrain me before I change my mind and drop all of you—Plus I imagine the good admiral doesn't like to be kept waiting." The men immediately moved towards her and forced he arms in front of her and into a pair of heavy metal cuffs, not unlike the ones she herself had placed on Harrison—or rather Khan—only hours earlier. She couldn't help but smirk at the irony of it.

A moment later found her and Carol being led down a dimly lit hallway towards, what Ana assumed, was the bridge. Carol, who was uncured and being led by two men in front of her, turned her head slightly and spoke,

"Are you alright, Captain?" She questioned shakily. Ana smiled softly at her concern.

"I'm fine, Doctor. I'm a bit more resilient than I look." She replied, sotto voce.

"I'm so sorry about all of this." Carol whispered. "I knew my father wasn't exactly a good man, but I had no idea—" she trailed off.

"You don't have to apologize for him, Carol." Ana insisted. "You had no way of knowing that your father was a—" but she was cut off before she could complete her statement by a rough tug to the back of her uniform and a swift punch to her stomach. Ana grunted and stumbled slightly, but otherwise didn't react to the blow.

"I'm beginning to like you gentlemen less and less with each passing moment." She mumbled as she straightened her spine and resumed her previous pace down the corridor.

A few more minutes passed, and Ana was just about to risk another bout of manhandling in order to ask how much farther the bridge was, when they rounded a corner and were faced with a set of double doors which promptly slid open with a soft hiss, revealing the darkly lit bridge. The goons' grips on her arms tightened as she was practically dragged across the bridge and towards a figure standing over a control console, his back facing her. Ana could tell just by the set of his shoulders who it was. At the sound of their approach, Admiral Marcus turned to face them. Carol ripped her arms from the grasp of her guards and stormed towards her father. Marcus took one look at his daughter before calmly stating,

"I'll deal with you later." His calm expression was wiped of his face a moment later with an abrupt, yet heartfelt, slap from his infuriated daughter. Ana just barely suppressed a snort at the sight of the bright red handprint quickly spreading across the admiral's face.

"I am ashamed to be your daughter." Carol stated with a surprising amount of conviction, before being dragged away from her father and towards an empty ensign's chair on the opposite side of the bridge. Marcus then turned his gaze on her.

"So much for following orders, Sullivan." Marcus commented glibly. "You were supposed to kill him, not offer to fly him home first class."

"And how the hell was I supposed to explain that to Kirk? 'oh and by the way Jimmy boy, Admiral Marcus, the head of Starfleet command, ordered me into hostile territory to assassinate a man in cold blood, oh and did I mention he used blackmail to convince me? What a great example of Starfleet honor and integrity.' That would have gone over swimmingly." Her anger caused her words to flow freely, which Ana would regret a moment later when her head flew to the side from a stinging slap delivered by a fury-eyed Marcus.

"That will be quite enough from you, Sullivan. You've already made a shambles of this god damned operation and I'm tired of your lip."

"Perhaps you should have had one of your brainwashed cronies go after Khan then, and not someone like me with some semblance of honor and duty." She shot back, her cheek turning a bright shade of green from the physical manifestation of Marcus' anger. He opened his mouth to retort, but was interrupted by on of the numerous bridge crew.

"Sir, we just had a hanger door open on deck 13." The man stated. Marcus scowled.

"Khan." He spat out his name like a curse. Ana could honestly say she'd never been so happy to hear that madman's name and couldn't keep the slight smirk from her face. "I wouldn't look so damned pleases if I were you. If you think you're getting off this ship alive, you're sadly mistaken. Don't think for a minute that I'd let you get away with botching a mission like the one I gave you. You're damn lucky I don't have the time to make you regret your disloyalty because I can assure you-I would greatly enjoy it." He nodded at someone behind her and a moment later, Ana was seized by two burly security members and practically dragged across the bridge. Ana briefly caught Carol's grief stricken and helpless gaze before the bridge doors slid shut behind her and her captors. They dragged her down the dimly lit hallways of the massive starship until they reached one of the numerous doors leading to a docking bay. They proceeded to push her inside and towards the airlock on the other side of the mostly empty bay.

"Admiral want's it to be quick. No mess. No body." One of the goons stated as he removed his phaser from his belt. Marvelous, Ana thought, they're going to kill me and fling my body into space. Not exactly how I expected to go. Ana scowled. She was not going out like this. She stalked the movements of the two men as they took a few steps back and adjusted their phasers to the kill setting and Ana lowered her head in what she hoped was a sign of resignation. They aimed their phasers at her.

"Do you think it wise to kill a Starfleet captain without any just cause?" She said, her head still bowed. Their was a moment of silence before one of the goons spoke.

"This is by direct order from the admiral. We have nothing to fear from Starfleet command." He stated confidently.

"Who said anything about fearing Starfleet command." And then she was moving. Ana reached the first man before he could even react and snapped his neck, killing him instantly. She then lifted his body and turned it just in time to absorb the phaser blast fired by the other stammering security officer. She took advantage of the mans brief confusion and charged him, ripping the phaser out of his hand and breaking his wrist in the process. She than grabbed him by the neck and slammed him to the floor before picking up the fallen phaser and, without hesitation, shooting him square in the chest. Ana took a few moments to compose herself before rising to her feet. She looked at the phaser in her hand for a moment before setting it back to extreme stun and making her way back to the bay doors. Once through the doors, she turned back to the access panel and opened the airlock. hopefully that would throw Marcus of an convince, at least for the time being, that she was dead as he had intended. Now Ana was faced with what to do next. After a brief moment of contemplation, she decided to head back to the bridge and rescue Carol, and maybe even take care of Marcus in the process.

Kirk and Khan landed in hanger bay 13 with a painful thud. Khan immediately rolled to his feet and scanned the area for potential threats, his gaze resting briefly on Scotty and Connor, the latter of whom stared at him intently in return before moving his gaze to Kirk. Introductions were made, albeit briefly, and the four men were on the move. Khan led them with ease through the dimly lit labyrinth of hallways, only stopping for a moment to check a nearby computer regarding the status of Scotty's temporary weapons malfunction and to fight off a few stray guards. They were just rounding the corner of another hallway when they came face to face with a phaser-wielded by a stern faced Ana Sullivan. Her expression morphed into one of relief when she realized who she had just run into.

"Jim, thank God." She sighed, phaser still raised. She trained said phaser a moment later on the figure standing next the Jim, her look of relief turning to suspicion. "What the bloody hell is he doing here?"

"He's the only one who knows this ship. We need him." Jim stated. Ana glared at Khan for a moment longer before grudgingly lowering her phaser.

"If he kills us all, I'll kick your ass, Jim." She stated.

"Noted. Now we should probably get a move on before we're spotted." Kirk said as he nodded to Khan and the two men moved past Ana and continued down the hall, the latter leading the way, phaser raised in preparation.

"I agree with the captain." Scotty murmured as he moved past her as well.

"I second that." A familiar voice stated from behind the Enterprise's chief engineer.

"Connor?" Ana's head immediately turned towards the commander in question. "How did you get here?" She questioned as she moved to grasp his arm in affection.

"Tagged along with Mr. Scott here." He replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "We went on a little scavenger hunt."

"And found this bloody monstrosity behind Jupiter." Scotty chimed in. "Now that we've said our hellos, could we be off?" Connor gave Ana a quick smile and a wink before following Scotty the rest of their group down the hall. Ana did a quick scan of the hallway behind them before following her comrades.

"I'm assuming you were heading to the bridge when we so surreptitiously ran into each other." Ana stated, her voice high enough for them to hear her, yet soft enough to remain mostly undetected.

"Ship wide control has been transferred to the bridge." Khan replied knowingly. "If we wish to stop Marcus from destroying your ship when his weapons systems go back online, we must do so from there."

"He also has Carol on the bridge with him." Ana added.

"Marcus' daughter is of little interest to me." Khan spat.

"Well, bloody good thing nobody asked you." Ana retorted.

Khan paused in the long corridor to give Ana a direct cold look. "As long as Marcus is holding my family from me I feel no urge to consider his. We must move quickly." While Ana stood frozen by the ferocity of that stare, Khan quickly turned and continued down the hallway. "Come. It's this way."

"Alright then, Mr. Tall, Dark and Genetically Modified," Ana chimed in a moment later, "After you storm the bridge, what is it you plan on doing next?" Khan's stopped in his tracks, his stance growing stiff and predatory.

"I will destroy the man who dared to take my family from me."

"Well at least he has a plan." Scotty remarked. Jim and Ana turned to stare at the engineer. "More than we can say about ourselves." He shrugged before the three of them turned to look at the man in question once more, but he was already halfway to the double doors at the end of the hallway.

"Are you with me or not." He murmured darkly, his voice reverberating eerily back to them.

"Fucking hell." Ana muttered. "We're going to regret this, I can feel it." She lifted her phaser and stalked towards Khan, her three compatriots following in her wake. She reached Khan first, and he took their brief moment alone to step closer to her and place his lips next to her ear. "Fight like you fought me on Kronos. Let them see what you really are." And then he was gone from her side, typing furiously at the keypad next to the doors, which slid open a moment later. After they entered the bridge, the following events were a bit of a blur for Ana. He and Khan managed to take out most of the bridge crew and by the time she came back down from the high of combat, Marcus was sitting in the captain's chair in the middle of a lecture, four phasers pointed at his head and Khan was lying prostrate on the floor at Scotty's feet. Despite their current situation, Ana couldn't seem to take her eyes of Khan's unconscious face—until Marcus directed his lecture at her.

"I see you're still breathing, Sullivan." He scoffed.

"I'm like a bad penny." Ana retorted. "I just keep coming back."

"I should have killed you myself."

"To late for that, Alex." She responded before she saw a movement out of the corner of her eye. Before she had time to even reacted, Khan was on his feet. He knocked Scotty out cold before lunging at Kirk. Ana fired a round of stun shots at him, but they barely slowed him down. Before she knew it, Khan had Jim by the throat. She lunged towards them, intending to distract Khan long enough for Jim to escape his grasp, but she was suddenly restrained from behind by an arm around her waist and a phaser pressed to her temple.

"Not so fast, Ana." A voice ghosted in her ear. "Everything is how it should be." Ana's eyes widened at the darkness tinting the once familiar voice.

"Connor?" She whispered, horrified. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Saving my family." She saw him out of the corner of her eye turn his gaze to Khan. "And serving my prince." Her eyes widened at the realization of what he was saying and she began to struggle against his iron grip in earnest.

"I trusted you, you bastard!" She seethed. He chuckled darkly in her ear.

"Mistake." He whispered before he brought the phaser down on the back of her neck, plunging her into darkness.

Get it-Into Darkness...ehehehehehe.