A/N: hello friends I am here

so basically there was a tumblr post and I wrote this drabble on it and decided I will most likely continue it. I won't make any promises, though.

hope it's not too crappy OTL

"Watch where you're going, asshole."

A pause.

"How about an apology, huh?"


"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?"

A thud.

"I said I want an apology, you little shit-"

Another thud.

This couldn't be good. Dean Winchester started in the direction of the voices, first at a walk, then quickening his pace to a jog, the alleyway that the voices were coming from. Two young men were towering over another; it was pretty obvious what was going on even if Dean hadn't heard the voices.

"Hey!" he barked, hoping to seem intimidating. To his relief, the two young men ran off in the other direction, probably thinking he was a cop or something.

Dean hurried to the scrawny young man's side, pulling him to his feet. "Hey, you alright?"

The man nodded, pulling a notepad and a pen out of his trench coat's pocket and writing something down before showing it to Dean.

'I am fine. Thank you for your help,' it said in small, tidy writing.

Dean stared at the note, then at the young man's face, and back to the note.

"You can't talk..?" he asked quietly, the corners of his lips turning downwards in a slight frown. When the shorter man shook his head, Dean's frown deepened. "You shouldn't be out here alone, then. Let me walk you home... Hey, what's your name?"

The young man quickly wrote, then held up his notepad.

'My name is Castiel.'

Dean read it quickly and nodded. "Castiel... Is it alright if I call you Cas?" Without waiting for an answer, he gave another nod. "Okay, Cas. I'm Dean. Now where do you live?"

With the help of a neat little map drawn by Castiel, Dean was able to lead the shorter man home. Just as Castiel was about to go inside, Dean called out to him. "Cas, wait up a sec." He held out his hand. "Let me see your notepad thing."

Castiel handed Dean his notepad and pen, tilting his head to one side questioningly. The taller man took the pad and pen and wrote down his cell phone number and his name, then handed them back. "Call- uh, text me if you need anything, okay? And be careful. See ya'." With that, Dean left, heading back home.

Later that night, as Dean lay in bed, he realized that he had not once stopped smiling since he had left Castiel's apartment.