This starts in late November of Videl's sophomore year of high school. Both had there 16th birthdays about one week before the start of this story.

I do not own DBZ nor the song Not a day goes by.

"Speech." – 'Thoughts.' – 'Second mental voice.' – ::Bond.::

I do not own Dragon Ball Z.


Part 1: Finding Love

Chapter 1: Dreams to Reality

The sun is just starting to peak through the bedroom window of the teenage demi Saiya-jin Son Gohan when a faint creaking sound comes from the hallway outside his room. The door to his room slowly starts to open, creaking a little on its hinges and causing the young boy behind it to pause for a second. Seeing that his older brother is still asleep in bed, the boy quietly pads into the room and over to the bed. "WAKE UP NII-CHAN!" The boy shouts into his brother's ear, causing him to fall out of bed.

"Wha…what the? Goten! Why'd you do that?" Gohan says, rubbing his ringing ears while his little brother just looks at him innocently.

"Sorry Nii-chan, but Kaa-san told me to wake you up since you have to go to school today. And I wanted to do it someway fun." The little five-year-old says while grinning at his brother.

"It's ok Goten, just please don't do that again. Ok?" Gohan says while smiling back. 'I got to quit spending the entire weekend training. And I think Goten has been spending way too much time with Trunks.' He thinks while standing up and stretching.

Suddenly something wonderful catches the attention of both demi Saiya-jins. It is the smell of their mother cooking them a wonderful breakfast. 'Breakfast.' Both think at the same time, the smell of as their mother's delicious food causing them to practically drool on themselves. Not being able to withstand the smells for more then a few seconds they both run to the kitchen and sit at the table, eager for another delicious meal.

"Son Gohan! Go take a shower and get ready for school, then you can eat." She says while crossing her arms in front of her, the ever-present frying pan waving menacingly from her hand.

"Yes Kaa-san." Gohan says as he practically runs out of the kitchen, almost knocking his chair over in his haste to leave before his mother decides to use the pan on his head to emphasize what she just said.

As he jumps into the shower, the memories of the dreams he has been having since his birthday resurface in his mind's eye. 'What is up with these dreams? Every night for a week I've had a one where I'm with some woman and we're…Kami I think I'm turning into Master Roshi.' He thinks while lathering up his hair.

The woman in the dream…she's… Her body…curves in all the right places and muscular. Perfect. Her hair…black…like darkest night sky. Perfect. Her eyes…blue…but more brilliant and mesmerizing then the most dazzling of sapphires. Perfect. Everything about her is perfect.' Gohan thinks as he rinses the shampoo from his hair. 'But that's the problem…someone so perfect can't possibly exist.' He thinks while washing the rest of himself. 'Or if she does exist then she would never be interested in someone like me.' He adds in his mind before shutting off the hot water so that the cold water cools him down. Suppressing a yell and a string of curses he steps out of the shower and dries off.

Wrapping a towel around his waist, he quickly goes to his room and puts on a pair of red pants, a white long sleeve shirt, and a black vest then goes back to the kitchen and sits down at the table across from Goten. As he watches closely Chi-Chi places a large plate of food in front of her son which quickly disappears into his empty stomach. Fifteen minutes, and several large plates full of food, later both Gohan and Goten are finished with breakfast. Putting on his coat and grabbing his book bag, he gives his mother a quick kiss on the cheek then tells her and Goten good-bye before walking outside. Just as he reaches the door he remembers something. "Kaa-san, I'm going to Bulma's after school."

"Ok dear. But don't beat Vegeta up too bad. I don't want you Bulma to be mad at you."

"Yes Kaa-san." Gohan answers back as he walks out the door. 'It's more like making sure I don't beat Vegeta up too bad.' He thinks once out in the cool autumn air. Lifting into the air he heads for Satan City and his first day of school.

The flight to the city is uneventful. But, as Gohan flies over the sprawl of controlled chaos that is Satan City, the loud screech of sirens suddenly cuts through the air. Not being one to allow innocent people to be hurt when he can do something about it, he transforms into a Super Saiya-jin and flies in the direction from which he heard the gun shots.

• • •

"Videl. It's time to get up." Videl's nanny says as she opens the curtains covering the large windows in Videl's room, allowing the bright sunlight into the room.

"No it's not…Kumiko…it's Sunday…no school…just sleep…" Videl says sleepily as she rolls over and buries her head under a pillow in an attempt to block out the offending sunlight and return to the dream she had been enjoying.

"No dear, it's Monday. You didn't set your alarm again. You should have been up ten minutes ago. If you don't hurry up you'll be late for school." The older woman says as she grabs the pillow away from Videl. "Now get up and get ready for school Videl." She continues, playfully hitting her with it.

"What? Monday? Crap…I guess I do have to get up." Videl says while sitting up in bed. 'I have to remember not to spend an entire Sunday training.'

"Yes you do dear. Now get dressed so you're not late." Katsumi says as she leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

Padding into her private bathroom Videl strips and steps into shower, the warm water helping to wake her up. 'I can't believe I had another dream about that guy. I don't even know who he is yet he's all I've dreamt about for days now.' She thinks with a smile while shampooing her hair 'But I can't complain…he is good looking.' Videl thinks while rinsing the shampoo from her hair and then working the conditioner through it. 'His body…covered in perfectly toned muscles that hint at the strength in them. Perfect. His face…a child like innocents making him handsome. Perfect. His eyes…black like obsidian yet full of emotion and not cold. Perfect.' She adds while rinsing the conditioner and lathering up a washcloth. 'But he's perfect…and perfect people don't exist. Or at least not for me. All the guys I've ever met are more interested in my money or my father's autograph then in me.' She thinks while washing off the soap before turning the cold water on full blast to cool down. A small cry escapes her lips as the cold water hits her, and she quickly shuts it off.

After quickly drying herself off, Videl puts on a pair of jeans and a baggy gray sweatshirt then puts her hair into two pigtails before going down stairs to the kitchen for breakfast. Some of the kitchen staff can not help but stair as she practically inhales a large plate of scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon, and toast.

Setting her plate in the sink, she quickly goes back to the bathroom and brushes her teeth before grabbing her coat and book bag from her room. Running outside, Videl gets into her jet-copter and takes off for school. Just as she is about to land in the parking lot next to the school her communicator watch beeps. "Videl here. What's the problem today?"

"A heavily armed gang is robbing the First National Bank and we need your help."

"I'm on my way." She says while slamming the throttles forward and taking off towards the bank.

• • •

Gohan quickly spots about twenty cop cars parked around a bank. Landing on the roof, he looks through one of the large skylights and sees at least dozen heavily armed men and about half a dozen hostages. 'At least there aren't too many hostages since it's still early.' Gohan thinks, setting his book bag aside as he prepares to jump through the skylight. But he stops when he sees that something or someone at the entrance to the bank has the robbers' attention. Moving so he can see what has the robbers are looking at, he is surprised to see a girl entering the bank. "What does she think she's doing?" Gohan asks himself.

• • •

'Why do criminals always have to show up in the morning on my way to school. I could really use the stress relief after school.' Videl thinks as she enters the bank.

"Drop your weapons, and surrender. If you do then I promise none of you will get hurt." The girl says confidently as she glares at the robbers. "Otherwise

"Fat chance of that little girl! Let's get her!" One of them, the leader, yells as he fires his gun at her, the others following suit.

A wall of bullets descends upon the girl as she jumps behind a stone pillar, barley making it behind cover in time. 'Ok, so maybe the direct approach wasn't the smartest move this time. And I can't sit here all day…' She thinks as she watches bullets and pieces of the pillar fly past her.

The rain of gunfire stops when the gunmen realize they can not hit her. Taking advantage of the lack of projectiles flying through the air Videl makes a break for another pillar that is closer to the gunmen. But her feet slip out from under her due to the scattered papers on the marble floor causing her to fall to the ground with a dull thud. Her eyes scan around the room in desperate search of an escape but there is no place to run to. 'Shit…well…I did always think I'd be killed on the job.' The girl thinks as the men train their guns on her, preparing to fire.

• • •

"I guess that's my cue." Gohan says as he sees the men preparing to fire on the helpless girl. Dropping through the skylight he sends a shower of glass down upon the men, distracting everyone inside the bank. The robbers look around in confusion at the shattered glass falling around them. Checking on the hostages in the corner he sees them covering their faces with their arms to try and protect themselves from flying glass.

• • •

'What the hell?' Videl thinks as she sees glass shower down upon the robbers. As she looks up to see what caused the sky light to break she sees a boy, around her age with wild golden hair, jump through opening. She stares in awe at the boy, who seems to be glowing with some ethereal light, as he descends from the roof at an eerily slow pace. 'It's…it's…a…angel. But there's no such thing as angels. But how else could someone seem to float through the air?' She thinks, struggling to understand what she is seeing, while something about the glowing person nags at back of her mind.

One of the robbers sees Gohan descend in front of his comrades but dismisses the strange boy as a minor threat, once again setting his sites on the girl he opens fire. In a blink of the eye Gohan disappears then reappears in front of the girl, then deflects the oncoming bullets.

"Are you alright?" Gohan asks, turning his attention to the girl still sitting in stunned silence on the floor.

'She's beautiful.' 'He's gorgeous.' They think when turquoise meets cerulean, neither registering how out of place such a thought is inside their minds. In each other's eyes they can see a soul that has experience things that someone their age should not have to, as well as a child like innocents that has gone untouched by the troubles in their lives. 'The…the person from my dreams! But how!' Gohan's mind scream as they both forget about the armed robbers behind them for a brief moment, as the thought in the back of Videl's mind struggles to come forth.

"Yeah, I'm ok." The girl says, blushing slightly as she looks away.

'I guess that boy has a death wish just like the Satan girl.' The leader thinks before yelling, "Kill them both!"

The girl cringes in fear as she instinctively raises her arms to try and protect herself as all of the men once again open fire. She is surprised when she does not feel the burning of bullets piercing her flesh, but then remembers the boy standing over her. When the gunfire again ceases she slowly opens her eyes and sees the boy still standing over her with out a single scratch on him. Her shock is evident on her face she expected to see a bloody corpse laying on the floor where the boy had been. A similar look of disbelief is on the faces of the robbers as their guns rest loosely in their hands.

Quickly recovering from her shock she gets up and charges the line of men. With a quick right hook and a roundhouse she sends two of the men, unconscious, to the floor. The next two men in line receive a jab and kick to the stomach as she charges at them. As she approaches the fifth man he turns towards her, but he is too late to do anything as she passes him by, sending her elbow into the back of his head. The sixth guy manages to get into a fighting stance and block her first attack but she quickly follows up with an uppercut to the jaw, snapping his head back as he joins his friends on the floor.

Gohan watches in silence as the girl quickly dispatches half of the men, he is surprised by her unconsciously putting a small amount of ki behind each of her blows. Suddenly he sees the glint of light reflecting off of metal as the leader of the gang draws a pistol and fires at the girl. The girl catches glimpse of the gun in time and drops behind one of the men who is unlucky enough to catch the bullet in the center of his back. Gohan quickly disarms the guy before he can fire another shot and knocks him out. In a blur of motion he dispatches three more of the robbers, leaving only one of the original dozen men still standing.

In one swift motion the last guy draws a knife and tries to stab the girl. But she neatly sidesteps the oncoming blade and grabs the man's wrist. Bringing other arm down, she breaks the man's arm. Causing him to scream out in pain before a blow to the neck renders him silent and unconscious.

After surveying the fallen robbers and seeing that they are all taking a nice nap on the floor the girl turns towards the mysterious boy. They both start to blush when their eyes, causing them to look away quickly so that other does not notice. "Um… Thanks for the help." She says nervously as she kicks a gun out of the hand of one of the robbers.

"N-no problem Miss…?"

"Videl, Videl Satan." She says, a tinge of annoyance in her voice as she says her last name.

'Satan? She's that man's daughter? Wow, who would have thought that a daughter of his would be so pretty. She must get her looks from her mother.' He thinks, causing his cheeks to redden ever so slightly. "I'm Goh…err…" Gohan stops, realizing that he can't tell her his real name. He scratches his head and laughs for a second while thinking of what he should call himself. "I'm the Gold Fighter." He says, lowering his hand.

'Strange, I thought he was going to say something else. Oh well.' She thinks while walking towards him and extending her hand. "It's nice to meet you Gold Fighter." She says while shaking his hand politely.

"It's nice you too Miss Videl." He says before glancing at his watch. 'Shit, I have to go or I'll be late for school.' He thinks seeing that he only has ten minutes until school starts. "I'm sorry I can't stay, but I have to leave now or I'll be late." Gohan says as he takes off through the shattered sky light just as the cops come in through the doors to arrest the robbers.

As the Gold Fighter flies out of the building Videl catches a glimpse of an Orange Star High School badge pinned to the bag he picks up from the roof. 'So that guy goes to my school…I'll just have to find out who he is, it should be easy since with what he's wearing. But I think I would have noticed someone that cute before…wait a second, cute? Since when do I look at guys like that? I must be spending way too much time with Erasa.' She thinks before her thoughts are interrupted by the police asking her questions about what happened.

• • •

"Settle down class!" The teacher calls as he enters the room filled with noisy teenagers. Just as the teacher starts to take the attendance the principle walks into the classroom. "What can I do for you Mr. Bakiyataro?"

"You have a new student joining your class today Mrs. Turner." Mr. Bakiyataro says as he hands the teacher a piece of paper then leaves the room to go back to his office.

"I hope its not another nerd, although I could use the extra money." A blonde boy in the back row says, causing the girl beside him to hit on the arm.

"Be nice Sharpner. Besides, I'm sure it's a totally hot guy who will be more then willing to go out with me." The girl, who also has blonde hair, says as she looks into a small mirror to make sure her hair and make up are ok.

"I swear Erasa, that's the only thing you ever think about." The black haired girl next to her mumbles to herself while rolling her eyes at her friend.

"Mr. Razor, Miss Ruler, be quiet please. I doubt that either of you would like to stay after school in detention." The teacher says, instantly silencing the two blondes. "You can come in now Mr. Son. Gohan here got a perfect score on all his entrance exams. Maybe you can all learn from him. Now why don't you tell us a bit about yourself son."

Nervously, Gohan walks into the classroom and instantly hears people gasp and whisper upon seeing him. 'Great, I'm here for less then a minute and I'm already the center of attention.'

Videl's mouth opens just the slightest in shock upon seeing the boy. 'It's him! He's real!' She cries out in her mind. 'But how…why did I dream about him?'

"Well…this is the first time I've gone to a public school, and I practice martial arts." Gohan says sheepishly while looking at the floor.

"A skinny nerd like you does martial arts? That's hilarious. You need to be big and strong like me to fight." Sharpner says while laughing.

"Mr. Razor, please be quiet, this is your last warning." The teacher says while glaring at Sharpner as Gohan just smirks at the boy. "Now Mr. Son, you can sit next to Ms. Satan." He continues, pointing to a seat at the back of the room.

"Yes Sensei." Gohan says politely as he walks up the stairs to the seat. 'Satan? I wonder if… It is! It's the girl from that bank robbery.' He thinks while trying to act like he has never met Videl before.

"Hello." Gohan says cheerily as he turns in his seat.

"Hi." Videl replies, giving Gohan a quick glance. But she pauses upon seeing his eyes. In them she can see the same mix of sorrow and happiness that she saw in the eyes of the Gold Fighter. They are snapped out of their little staring contest by the teacher calling for the class's attention so that she can start class.

"Hey Gohan, did you hear about this Gold Fighter guy?" Erasa asks quietly.

"Huh? Gold Fighter? Who's that?" Gohan says, trying to act dumb.

"He's this guy with gold hair that showed up at this bank that was being robbed this morning. As a matter of fact Gohan, he was wearing the same thing as you."

"Really? What a coincidence." He says while scratching his head and laughing.

"Oh come on, do you really think bookworm over there can fight?" Sharpner says with a smug look on his face.

"I don't look like I can fight, and I can easily kick your ass Blondie." Videl says while glaring at the blonde boy, shutting him up and ending the discussion.

As the hour wears on at an agonizingly slow pace Videl keeps glancing at the boy beside her. Thoughts about how Gohan has been in her dreams, and what they were doing in those dreams, are constantly itching at her mind as she feels one thought struggle to fight its way to the surface.

'Why does she keep looking at me? Does she know that I'm the Gold Fighter?' Gohan thinks as he feels the quick, piercing, glances thrown his way by the raven-haired girl beside him.

Suddenly, the memory of what the Gold Fighter almost said his name is pops into Videl's head. 'He said Goh. It has to be Gohan. The hair and eyes are different, but his clothes are the same. And he did that same innocent laugh too.' Videl thinks as she struggles to free that one thought still clawing at her mind when it suddenly breaks through. 'MY DREAM! The second night I dreamt about him, Gohan, he changed when he…' She cuts the thought short as her cheeks redden with the memories of the dream. 'He became the Gold Fighter!' She adds while quickly scribbling a note and passing it to Gohan just as the bell rings.

Out of the corner of his eye Gohan notices Videl slide something towards him. Looking down at it, he sees that it is a note that simply reads, Gohan, meet me on top of the school during lunch. 'I wonder what she wants.' He thinks after reading the note.

As the next teacher comes into the room and starts class Gohan is somewhat disappointed, but not altogether surprised, that he had learned the current lessons several years ago. Looking around the room he sees most of the students staring in frustration at their books while the teacher explains the lesson, and some are oblivious to the goings on around them as they stare off into nothingness or sleep. The one exception to this is Videl. She is seems to be working on the assignment with ease. Glancing at what she is working on, he is a little surprised to see that she is actually several lessons ahead of the rest of the class. Deciding that she has the right idea, Gohan starts to work on the homework listed on the class syllabus.

"Mr. Son? Mr. Son?" The teacher calls, but when he is apparently ignored he walks up to Gohan's seat. "Mr. SON?" He yells, this time causing Gohan to jump a little from having someone practically yell into his ear.

"Umm…yeah?" Gohan says as he sets his pencil down, causing several of his classmates to laugh and a little smile to tug at Videl's lips.

"Would you please tell the class the answer to the problem on the board?"

"Oh…X equals seven." He answers after giving the problem a quick glance.

"I didn't mean for you to guess Mr. Son. And X does not always equal seven. Now what is the answer." The teacher says, thinking that Gohan just guessed since he only glanced at the board.

"Excuse me sensei, but X does equal seven in that problem." Videl says from beside Gohan, a smirk planted firmly on her face upon seeing the teacher take several seconds longer then she did to work out the problem in his head.

"Umm…very well then. But please pay attention Mr. Son." The teacher says as he walks back to the front of the room, his cheeks tinged with a slight pink in embarrassment.

"How did you do that?" Videl whispers to Gohan after the teacher goes back to the lesson.

"Do what?" He whispers back, not bothering to look up from his work.

"Solve that problem so quickly? You solved it faster then I did." She whispers, making it sound like it is really important.

"Oh. I learned this stuff a few years ago. My mom was a really strict teacher." He says nonchalantly while looking at her. "Where'd you learn this?"

"I…umm…taught it to myself. Besides school and fighting crime I don't really spend time with my so-called friends, and that leaves a lot of free time." She says, a bit of sadness in her voice.

"Oh…I don't really have any friends either. Pretty much all my friends are old enough to be my parents, or under they're under seven years old."

Videl gives a slight chuckle before saying, "It sounds like we have something in common."

"Mr. Son, Ms. Satan. Please pay attention."

"Yes sensei." They say at the same time.

"I don't know why he bothers telling me to pay attention, I've got the highest possible grade in here. And you seem to know this stuff really well too." Videl whispers to Gohan once the teacher's back is turned again.

"Yeah. I can tell that this is going to be one boring year."

"You're wrong, it has been a boring year."

"Maybe for you, but I just started here."

"True…" Is all Videl says as they both go back to working on their homework.

A few minutes later the bell rings and everyone gets up and goes to a different classroom for science class. While Gohan, Videl, Sharpner, and Erasa walk down the hall Gohan can not help but hear Erasa complain about what they are going to be doing in science.

"I don't want to dissect a frog. It's…it's just…so…so…sick." She says in a whiney voice.

"I don't want to either. Not that it bothers me, but that stuff they keep them in really smells." Sharpner says when in fact the thought of dissecting a frog is just as gross to him as it is to Erasa.

"Oh come on you two. It's not that bad. You guys are just a couple of wimps." Videl says mockingly.

With a half amused look on his face, Gohan says, "I have to agree with you Videl. I don't see the big deal about dissecting a frog."

As they nearing the science rooms, they can smell the fumes from the formaldehyde emanating from the classrooms. The four can't help but wrinkle their noses at the strong odder. Taking their seats, the teacher pairs them up so that they do not have to use as many frogs. Sharpner and Erasa are paired together, as well as Gohan and Videl. Surprisingly, Erasa does not run for the bathroom as soon as Sharpner, gingerly, cuts open the frog. She lasts just long enough for Sharpner to remove one of the frog's internal organs. The sight of the removed body part causes her to take off running for the nearest bathroom.

Looking up from their work with an amused smile Videl says, "Hmm…she lasted longer then I thought she would."

"Yeah, the way she was talking I was sure she'd lose it as soon as Sharpner cut the frog open." Gohan says while charting some of frog's organs. "And speaking of Sharpner…" He trails off as he and Videl watch the blonde haired boy walk out of the room and break into a sprint once he is outside the door. A few minutes later Sharpner and Erasa walk back into the room, both look a little green.

"What's wrong Sharpner? I thought you said this doesn't bother you." Gohan says with a smirk.

"It…umm…doesn't. I was just checking on Erasa. A guy has to look out for his partner doesn't he?"

"Yeah, whatever Sharpner. We know that you went and puked your guts out like Erasa did." Videl says with a little laugh.

"Don't worry your secret's safe with us." Gohan mockingly says.

"Oh yeah, err…I bet you don't last till the end of the class."

"Whatever Sharpner. I see worse then this almost every day since I have to hunt for most of our food. You should try field dressing a deer. Although I doubt you could if this makes you throw up." Gohan says, causing Sharpner to shut up while the green tinge on both blondes faces becomes more prominent."

'Hunts for his food? Where does he live? I guess I'll just ask him at lunch along with ' Videl thinks as they finish dissecting the frog and only talk about what they are doing.

'Finally! Lunch! The best hour of the…shit…I almost forgot.' Gohan thinks as Videl follows him to his locker. Or at least that is what he thinks she is doing. He stands there for a couple of seconds when Videl opens the locker next to his and puts her books in it and pulls out a lunch sack and her jacket.

"Are you going to get your lunch or what?" She asks while leaning against her locker.

"Umm…yeah." Gohan says as he shoves his book bag into the locker and grabs a capsule off the small shelf before closing the door. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"I want to wait until we're on the roof, that way no one can overhear us. I don't think you want everyone to know your secret." Videl says with a smirk as they walk to the stairs.

'My secret? Shit…I hope she doesn't know I'm the Gold Fighter. But why would matter if she does know anyway? I would have probably told her sooner or later. Wait a sec…why would I tell her?' Gohan thinks, causing several different emotions to play across his face as they silently walk up the stairs.

"Maybe the roof wasn't the best choice." Videl says while shivering as she takes a quick look around to make sure they are alone. "Let's just stay at the top of the stairs." She says while going back through the door. "So how do you change into the Gold Fighter?"

"Uhh…what do you mean? I'm not the Gold Fighter." Gohan lies horribly while putting his hand behind his head and laughing.

While glaring at him she says, "Don't try and lie to me! You're horrible at it anyway. Besides, you're wearing the same clothes he had on this morning AND he did what you're doing right now."

Gohan's hand stops scratching the back of his then drops to his side. "Ok, so what if I am the Gold Fighter. There isn't anything you can do about it, or about me fighting crime."

"Oh yeah." Videl says coolly. "What if I go to the press."

"I doubt they'd believe you if you did. And besides, I only changed into a sup…into the Gold Fighter so I wouldn't be recognized while helping you since I don't want to have reporters dogging me and my family. I'm sure you know what it's like to live in the spotlight." He says indignantly while releasing his sizable lunch from the capsule.

"I guess you're right about them believing me. And yes, I do know what it's like to live in world where you are the center of attention no matter where you go." Videl says, a hint of sadness in her voice. "So where…Kami, are you going to eat all that?" She says upon seeing Gohan's lunch, her own sandwich held half way to her mouth

"Yeah. I…umm…skipped breakfast." He says while practically eating a sandwich in one bite.

'He eats more then I do…but then again I usually snack on stuff between meals…and I've never really missed a meal before.' She thinks before putting the thought aside. "Whatever. Now…what was I saying? Oh yeah, where do you live? I heard you say that you have to hunt for most of your food." Videl says while Gohan stuffs his face.

"I live in the…439 mountain area." He says around a mouth full of food.

"You live where? But how do you get here? It's like five hundred miles from here."

"I…fly." Gohan says, not sure of whether or not he should be honest with her before remembering she already knows he is the Gold Fighter.

"Oh…that's right the Gold Fighter flew…it must be nice to be able to fly like that." She says before staring off into the distance while eating her lunch, and not noticing the critical look Gohan is giving her.

'Wow, she can easily fly if she learns to control her ki. She might even be stronger then Krillin if she trained right. And there's something else about her ki…it's almost as though…but it can't be.' Gohan thinks while reading her ki, shrugging off the last thought before saying, "I can teach you. That is, if you really want to know how to fly."

"Ok, that sounds cool." Videl says before taking another bite of her sandwich and almost spits it out as realization dawns on her. "You can TEACH me to fly? It's not just some special power that you have for some reason?"

"Yeah I can teach you, and no it's not some special power I have." Gohan answers before stuffing his face with some more food from the pile that seems to be about half gone.

"Then of course I want to learn how to fly." Videl says before eating a few chips and taking a drink of her soda. "Is there anything else you can teach me? Like how to turn my hair gold and my eyes turquoise. And when can you start teaching me?"

"I can teach you how to do some other things with ki besides flying, but only Saiya-jins and demi Saiya-jins can transform into Super Saiya-jins. And I can start teaching you tomorrow, I have something I need to after school today." Gohan says while eating and not really thinking about the words coming out of his mouth.

"That will be great I can't wait to… What's a Saiya-jin?"

'Shit, did I really say that…' He thinks while trying to quickly come up with a believable answer. "Oh…it's…uhh…just what I call it when I change my hair and eye color. I can't teach it to you because no one else has ever been able to learn it besides me." Gohan says a little too quickly. 'That was a close one…and it's partially true…no one can just learn it, they half to have Saiya-jin blood and have a lot of power.' He thinks while finishing his lunch.

"A-alright." Videl says while thinking, 'I know that's not what he meant. He was talking as though he's not entirely human, but that's not possible…is it?' Shrugging it off, she finishes her lunch just as the bell rings. Getting up, they both make their way to history class.

"Good afternoon class. Are you all ready to continue learning about the Ox Kingdom?" The teacher asks cheerily as he walks into the room. His only response is a few grunts from the students. "Alright then…get out your books and we'll continue from where we left off yesterday." He says, and waits for the noise of rustling papers to settle down before continuing. "As we know, the Ox Kingdom ceased to exist when the Ox-king, Gyu Mao, and his daughter were killed by an explosion that also destroyed their castle. When the…"

"Where did they get this information? They're definitely not dead." Gohan mumbles to himself, not meaning to be overheard by anyone.

"What do you mean they're not dead?" Videl whispers to him.

"Huh?" Gohan says, surprised that he was overheard. "Oh…umm…you'll find out when you come over after school tomorrow.

"Alright, I guess I can wait until tomorrow." Videl says while turning back to the teachers lecture.

"Tell you what, how about we go to the gym during our free period and I'll teach you a little about ki." Gohan says while thinking, 'I wonder how Videl will react when she finds out that Chi-Chi is my mom and the Ox-King is my grandfather.'

The rest of the hour seems to pass fairly quickly. And soon the bell rings signaling the end of history class and the start of their free period. Packing up their stuff, Sharpner and Erasa go to the cafeteria with most of the other students since they do not want to sit outside in the cold air while Gohan and Videl go to a deserted hallway on the other side of the gym.

"So what do I need to do to be able to fly like you?" Videl asks as they sit down.

"We'll get to that later, but first you need to know a bit about what you'll be learning. Ok, now where to start." Gohan says while trying to come up with a way to tell Videl about ki. "Alright, I got it. Every living thing, from the smallest one-celled organisms to the largest animals alive today, has ki. Ki is energy, a being's life force; it is what we draw on to live from day to day. Most people are unaware that ki even exists as they go about their lives, while some are completely aware of it and are able to tap into it and bend it to their will. A person can use their ki to do just about anything. It can be used to fly, increase one's strength and speed, heal someone who's near death, or even destroy entire planets." Videl's skepticism is clearly evident on her face at this statement. "Trust me, I've seen both with my own eyes…more then I care to think about or remember." He says as a haunted look, that is more suited to someone of old age who has lead a hard life instead of someone who is a mere sixteen years old, clouds his eyes for an instant. Videl can not help but believe what he is saying since, in that brief moment, a wall seems to drop giving her a clear view of the pain and hardship that was only hinted at before. "But for now, we're going to focus on flying. And I know that you have enough ki to do that. In fact, next to a relatively small group of people I know, you have the more ki flowing through you right now then anyone else I've met."

"So I have to find this energy before I can learn to fly." Videl says with a proud smirk plastered on her face while looking at her arms in an effort to see the energy Gohan is talking about. "How do you know how much of this ki I have? I can't see anything."

"Yes, you first have to find the energy first, then you can learn to fly." Gohan says with an amused smirk. "And as for how I know how strong your ki is…well…I've learned to detect it and gauge its strength. You can learn this too."

"Ok, so how do I find this energy, my ki."

"This would be easier if it was quiet but that can't be helped right now. First, close your eyes and relax your body." Gohan says, while Videl does as instructed. "Look inside yourself, you should be able to feel a slight pulling sensation. Follow it, flow with it, trace it to its source. Where it leads is the center of your body. That is where your ki is focused and at its strongest."

As Videl sits there, she can begin to feel the pull of the energy and starts to follow it. She can begin to feel the sensation getting stronger when she is roughly torn from her task by the ringing of the bell. "Why's the bell ringing? We've only been here for twenty minutes."

"You were meditating, as it were, for half an hour. It's time for out last class." Gohan says with a smirk before heading for the boy's locker room, leaving behind a stupefied Videl.

'Thirty minutes? There's no way. It seemed like only…awe screw it, I'll give myself a headache.' She thinks before getting to her feet and going to the girl's locker room.

Gohan quickly changes into his P.E. clothes and is the first one to go back into the gym, where he sits at the top of the bleachers in an effort not to draw attention to himself. His luck holds as a few students come out of the locker rooms and sit towards the bottom of the bleachers, not bothering to climb to the top since they won't be on them for long. As Gohan watches the students emerge from the locker rooms, he sees Videl. She glances up at him before climbing up the stairs and sitting beside him.

After sitting down Videl turns to him to ask a question, "So…" Is all that she says before her voice catches in her throat as her mind grinds to a halt upon seeing him in more revealing clothes then what he had on. Only one thought manages to worm its way through her mind, 'Perfect. He's perfect.'

"Videl? Are you ok?" Gohan asks while waving his hand in front of her face when she does not say anything more after several seconds, but she doesn't respond.

"Hi Gohan, Videl." Erasa says while walking up the bleachers.

"Hey Erasa." Gohan says while glancing at Videl, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Hi Erasa." She says while blushing at the thoughts that filled her head just moments before. Luckily, Gohan and Erasa do not notice the slight reddish tinge to her face.

"Damn Gohan! I didn't know that you were both cute and hot. Will you go out with me?" Erasa says after getting a good look at him.

Videl growls almost inaudibly in her throat at her friend while scooting a little closer to Gohan, surprising herself and earning a curious look from Gohan. 'What's wrong with me? First I think about doing things with Gohan, a boy I only met this morning, that I've never even thought about before. And now I growl at Erasa for asking him out. I must be going crazy.' She thinks. 'And since when do I even growl?'

'How dare stick boy take Videl away from me! She's MY girl!' Sharpner thinks while glaring at the three, not even noticing the muscles that are clearly evident on Gohan.

Gohan thinks, 'Why did she growl? I've never heard anyone do that except…' But his thoughts are interrupted by the teacher blowing his whistle.

"Listen up class. Today, as most of you know, we're starting our martial arts unit. I know some of you have some experience so I'm asking you to help the less experience students."

"Excuse me sensei, but I'd like to spar with Gohan. He's knew here and I'm sure he doesn't know anything about fighting." Sharpner says with a smirk. 'I'll beat that nerd and then Videl will have no choice but to go out with me.'

"Ok Mr. Razor. You and Mr. Son can be the first ones to spar." The teacher says while thinking, 'I'm sure that Gohan is the son of Son Goku, and if he is then I think Sharpner will be the one who learns something.'

"Oh boy, this should be a challenge." Gohan says jokingly.

"Yeah, you're right. Sharpner is the best one here next to Videl. In fact, Videl is the only one to beat him in a fight." Erasa says proudly, totally missing the sarcasm dripping from Gohan's every word.

Videl nods her head in agreement with Gohan's intended meaning and says, "I don't know Erasa. I think Sharpner will lose." While thinking, 'I doubt I could beat him after seeing what he did this morning. And I think even Poppa would have a tough time fighting Gohan.'

"Ok Mr. Son and Mr. Razor. Please take your positions in the ring." The teacher says after taking pairing up the rest of the class, leaving Videl free to do what she wants since and help with the other students.

"You're going down. No one is going to take Videl away from me, especially some nerd." Sharpner says quietly to Gohan as they walk to the ring.

Gohan just smirks at the blonde haired boy while saying. "Don't delude yourself with thoughts of winning this fight Sharpie. Also, I can't take something away that you don't have."

Sharpner scowls at his opponent and drops into a rather sloppy stance to emphasize his confidence in dominating the fight while Gohan just stands there. 'This will be easier then I thought.' Sharpner thinks.

"Uhh…Gohan, are you ready?" The teacher asks upon seeing Gohan just standing there.

"Oh…just start the fight whenever you're ready." He says after staring in confusion at the teacher for a second.

"Alright, BEGIN!"

Sharpner charges at Gohan, intent on landing a kick to his stomach. But to Sharpner's, and everyone else's, surprise Gohan grabs Sharpner's foot and uses it to throw the boy to the floor. In anger, Sharpner leaps to his feet launches a series of rapid punches at Gohan only to have them all blocked. Sharpner again tries to kick Gohan and this time Gohan simply steps out of the way. Trying to change the direction of the kick so that it will still hit Gohan, Sharpner loses his balance and twists his ankle. Falling to the floor in pain, Sharper yells "Why'd you do that?!"

"Huh? I didn't do anything. You're the one who lost his balance. I didn't even touch you." Gohan says while Videl stifles a laugh.

Sharpner just glares at him while one of his friends, Marker, helps him up and takes him to the nurse's office at the teacher's request.

"Ok, since Mr. Razor seems to be out of the fight, so to speak, would you please spar with Gohan so I can get an idea about how good he is?" The teacher says while looking at Videl.

"Yes Sensei."

"So how do you want to do this Videl?" Gohan asks as he takes his position across the ring from Videl.

"How about you attack me. I wouldn't want to over do it."

'Over do it? Ha, that's a laugh.' Gohan thinks while a similar thought goes through Videl's mind.

Gohan lunges at Videl with a relatively weak punch only to have his arm tossed to the side and a foot planted in his stomach. 'Not bad. I actually felt that. Let's see if she can handle this.' He thinks while taking dropping down and sweeping Videl's legs out from under her. She realizes what Gohan is about to do and jumps, but it is too late and his outstretched leg sends her falling backwards. The other students stare in shock as Videl leaps to her feet, never before have the seen someone manage to knock her to the ground without somehow tricking her.

"You know, you're pretty good." Gohan says softly so only Videl can hear while thinking, 'I can't win this without looking weird…so I guess I'll just have to throw this match. Hopefully she'll give me a reasonable way to do so.'

Videl replies just as quietly, "You're not bad yourself Mr. Gold Fighter. Now try and block this." With a slight yell, Videl sends a roundhouse kick at Gohan's head.

Grabbing her ankle, he pushes her leg away causing her to spin around and fall to the ground again. This time however, she is only a few inches from a ring out. Jumping to her feet, Videl charges at Gohan with a furious set of punches and kicks. As Gohan is blocking the blows, allowing some through his defenses for show, he takes several steps backward until he is at the edge of the ring and watches as she sets up for the final blow.

Videl sees her chance for victory and sweeps Gohan's legs out from under him and out sending him out of the ring.

The teacher blows his whistle and declares Videl the winner of the match before turning to Gohan. "Good job son. I've never seen anyone last so long in the ring with Videl before and I don't think you need any instruction so you can help me with the class like Videl does."

"Ok Sensei." Gohan says before joining Videl on the bleachers to watch the other students spar.

A few minutes pass in silence before Videl says something that she has been mulling over in her mind. "Why did you throw the match?"

"Wh-what do you mean Videl? I didn't throw the match." He says while grinning in typical Son fashion.

"Don't try and deny it. I saw what you are capable of this morning, so I know that you should have won that fight."

"Fine. If you must know, I lost so I wouldn't stand out…as much. I don't want to be seen as some freak or something."

"Oh…I can understand that… Just promise me something. Ok?"


"Promise me that you won't hold back the next time we spar. I feel like that match was handed to me and I don't like that feeling."

"Ok. But only if we're alone. I don't want to be known as a better martial artist then the daughter of "the all mighty" Hercule Satan."

Videl looks at him in disgust. "Please don't start with that. I hate being referred to as "Hercule's daughter" or "the daughter of Mr. Satan."

"Sorry Videl. I didn't know." He says with sympathy before mumbling, "I wouldn't want to acknowledge that I'm related to the asshole either."

Videl barely hears him and looks at Gohan with a small smile. 'I could really start to like this guy.' She thinks to herself.

'You mean you could start to like this guy more then you already do. Don't you?' A small voice in her head asks, causing her to frown.

'NO! And who the hell are you?'

'I'm the side of you that awoke a few days ago. Until now you haven't noticed me.'

'What does that mean?'

'Let's just say I'm your subconscious.'

"Are you alright Videl?" Gohan asks after noticing the frown on her face and interrupting the conversation going on inside her head.

"I'm fine." Videl says with a false smile. Gohan just shrugs and goes back to watching the other people spar.

'I'm the one who created those dreams you've been having…and enjoying might I add.' The voice in her head says, making Videl's cheeks redden slightly. 'I also know everything you won't even admit yourself and even a few things that you have yet to learn of.'

'Oh yeah? Why don't you tell me what I don't know.'

'No way. There's no fun in that. And besides, I'd say that you will find some of it out within a week and the rest within a couple of months.' Videl frowns again at how annoying her inner self is being while Gohan looks at her in concern while Sharpner glares at Gohan for sitting so close to Videl while limping back into the gym and sitting at the bottom of the bleachers.

'What's up with her? She seems upset about something…I hope it's not something I did.' Gohan thinks as he sees the frown return to Videl's face. "I'm sorry for throwing the fight." He says softly so only she can hear.

"Huh?" Videl says, slightly confused as to what Gohan is talking about. "Oh…don't worry about it. I need to keep my reputation. I can't have the "all mighty Hercule" worrying about his daughter ruining the champs reputation can we." She adds with a scowl.

"Why are you worried about your father's reputation?"

"Well…it's just…I don't know…I guess I want to make him proud of me. And if I lose a fight then I know he'll yell at me and tell me that a Satan never loses. And that the only person I can't beat is him…that anyone else should be a piece of cake." She says quietly while ringing her hands and not quite believing what she is saying to a stranger. "I think he cares more about his fame and money then about me." Videl adds as a single tear falls from her eye only to be swiftly wiped away.

"Look Videl…you should do what makes you happy and not care about what he thinks. I don't really know you, but your father should be proud of you. You're a really good fighter, you help out the police, and you protect those who can't protect themselves." Gohan says while placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I think your father is an even bigger asshole then I thought he was before I met you if he's not proud of you." He adds as he squeezes her shoulder lightly before looking panicked. "D-did I just…"

"You're right, he is an asshole." She says while laughing. "Don't worry. I think that describes him perfectly." Videl adds upon seeing the look on Gohan's face and causing him to laugh weakly in response.

"How dare he! How dare that…that nerd flirt with my girlfriend!" Sharpner grumbles as he watches Gohan and Videl talk just as the teacher blows his whistle and tells everyone that they can go and change back into their regular clothes.

A few minutes later Gohan walks out of the locker room and is quickly cornered by Erasa. "How did you get Videl to talk to you?"

"Huh? What do you mean? I didn't have to do anything.

"Well Videl usually hates guys…and ignores them. Sharpner's the only one who she talks to, and that is usually to yell at him."

"Why's she like that?"

"From what she's said, it's because of her job. She usually only sees couples beating each other up, or women who've been raped…not a pretty site. And around here…well…Videl seems to be unlucky enough to be around couples when they break up."

"So she doesn't have a boyfriend?" Gohan asks before turning red. 'Why the hell am I asking that? I just met her today.'

"Videl? A boyfriend? That would be something to see." Erasa says with a smile. "She hasn't really seen the good side of relationships. And in fact, you're the first guy I've seen her really talk to…or at least the first guy since she started helping the police."

"Oh." Gohan says simply as he goes over the new information, not noticing Erasa walk off to chat with Sharpner.

Videl walks out the locker room and sees Gohan standing on the other side of the gym with his hands in his pockets while apparently thinking about something.

"So when did you want me to come over?" Videl asks, interrupting Gohan's chain of thought.

Gohan looks up in surprise. "Huh? Oh…I was thinking that you can just go home with me tomorrow after school." He says before getting nervous and turning red. "And…I was…umm…also thinking that…uhh…since I live so far away that you could…umm…just stay for the weekend. But if you don…"

"Of course I'll stay for the weekend." Videl interrupts while blushing.

'A little eager to spend time with Gohan aren't we.' The voice in her head says.

'Be quiet. I just want to learn how to fly. That's all.'

'Sure it is. You just keep telling yourself that.' The voice says with a hint of laughter.

"Like you said, you live pretty far away and I don't want to spend the entire weekend flying back and forth between our homes."

'Yes! Videl's coming over to my house!'

'Yeah, your mother will be so happy that she's getting grandkids.'

'W-what? Who are you?' Gohan asks when he hears the small voice in his head. 'AND I DON'T LIKE VIDEL LIKE THAT!'

'Sure you don't. That's why you enjoy those dreams so much.'

'How do you know…forget it…and Kaa-san will…Shit! Of course! I have to ask her first.' Gohan thinks as he remembers the only obstacle that can keep Videl from staying the night. "That's gre…err… Ok, but I have to check with my mom first to make sure you can stay. How about I call you later once I find out for sure?"

"Ok, but call this number." Videl says while writing a phone number down on a piece of paper just as the bell rings. "This is my private number. If you call the one listed in the student directory my father will probably answer it and that wouldn't be good."

"What do you mean? I'm sure I could have a nice chat with him." Gohan says with a smirk. 'I think it would be interesting to hear his take on what happened at the Cell Games.' He thinks as they walk down the halls.

"If he knew I was going to stay at a "boys" house for the weekend he'd totally flip out. And there's no telling what he would do."

"Oh. Well I'll call you later. Bye!" Gohan says as they leave the school.

"Ok, bye!" Videl calls out just as Erasa runs up to her.

"So what's up with you and Gohan?" Erasa asks with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Videl blushes lightly at her friends comment before saying, "What do you mean what's up with us?"

"You know what I mean. I've known you for a long time, Videl, and I've never seen you chat with a boy before. I think our little Videl has a crush on the new guy."

"So what's the big deal? He's a nice guy to talk to since he doesn't worship me for who my father is. And I don't have a crush on Gohan!"

"Yeah, sure Videl." Erasa says sarcastically. "I saw how you were acting around him all day. In our classes you couldn't seem to stop looking at him. Then during lunch and free period you two disappeared. And then in gym you were practically sitting in his lap. I've NEVER seen you act so friendly towards a guy before." She says while crossing her arms in front of her.

"Whatever Erasa. Gohan is a nice guy who just happens to be cute." Videl says while throwing jet-copter capsule. "Now if you'll excuse, I need to get home." She adds while climbing into her jet-copter, not noticing that she said Gohan is cute.

"Alright Videl. See you later!" Erasa yells as Videl closes the door on her copter. 'That girl has it BAD! But I can't blame her. Gohan is EXTREMLY hot. And it's about time she took interest in a guy.' She thinks while walking home.

• • •

"Hi Veggie. What's up? You ready to lose again?" Gohan asks teasingly as he walks into Capsule Corp. about ten minutes after leaving school.

"Hmmmph. Not today brat." Vegeta grumbles while stalking off to the gravity room. "Today you're going down!" He adds with a smirk as he senses something odd about Gohan's energy level.

• • •

"Welcome home Miss Satan." One of the many butlers says as Videl walks through the door.

"Thanks. I'll be in my room until dinner is ready." Videl says as she walks up the stairs.

"Very well miss."

Videl walks down the long hallway to her room. Once there she drops her book bag beside the large desk and boots up her computer, deciding to find a chat room to pass the time while she eagerly awaits Gohan's call.

• • •

Gohan quickly changes into a gi before joining Vegeta in the gravity room. Just after entering, Vegeta sets the gravity at five hundred times Earth's normal gravity. A few hours later Gohan looks is the beaten and bruised of the two for a change.

"Damn it. That hurt Vegeta." Gohan says as he rubs his jaw before retaliating with a kick at Vegeta's ribs which he easily blocks.

"Well it wasn't supposed to feel good brat. Now get your mind off your mate and on the fight." Vegeta commands while firing a ki blast towards Gohan.

Gohan shakes his stinging hand after knocking the ki blast away. "WHAT!?!"

"You heard me. So tell me, who's the Onna?"

"What are you talking about? I'm not attracted to anyone." Gohan says while relaxing a bit in the apparent lull in the sparing match.

'No one but Videl.' That small voice in his head says. 'You're hoping that you will get some time alone with her this weekend aren't you?'

'I don't know what you're talking about' Gohan thinks in reply while blushing.

"Cut the crap brat. Your mind is obviously not on this fight, your power is fluctuating erratically, and since we started sparing I've been able to smell the change in your scent. And I'm willing to bet that your teeth will become sharper within a week."

"So what. I'm preoccupied with school; it's not easy to keep my secrets…umm…secret, which is also why my power is fluctuating. And I smell different because I…used a different kind of deodorant this morning. Also, a person's teeth just can't become sharper. It's not possible."

"Whatever brat. Just keep telling yourself that if you like. But those are all signs that a Saiya-jin has found a mate. And since you're not in any shape to finish our spar you should leave so I can train."

"Ok, see you later Veggie-samma." Gohan says with a smirk while walking out of the gravity room.

• • •

'I wonder why Gohan hasn't called yet.' Videl thinks as she goes to the dinning room a few hours after getting home. 'Why am I even worrying about that anyway?'

'Because you're attracted to him.'

'Arrgg…not you again! And I don't like Gohan!'

'You're right. You don't like Gohan. You lo…'

'Don't say it! Don't say it! Don't say it!'

'You LOVE Gohan!' The inner voice says before laughing.

'Damn you're annoying.' Videl thinks, not noticing the weird looks from the servants as they watch the various emotions play across her face.

• • •

"Nii-chan's home! Nii-chan's home!" Goten calls excitedly as he runs down the stairs and tackles his older brother.

"It's nice to see you too squirt." Gohan says while standing up and ruffling Goten's hair.

"Dinner's almost ready!" Chi-Chi calls from the kitchen, causing the faces of both demi Saiya-jins to light up as they make their way to the dinner table to await the meal Chi-Chi is preparing. "So how was your first day of school Gohan?" Chi-Chi asks as she puts some finishing touches on one of the many bowls of food.

"All my classes are going to be easy though. And except for one thing, it was cool."

"Well I expect you to get A's in all of them then." She says while stirring some rice. "So what happened?"

"Someone kind of…umm…knows about me being able to turn into a Super Saiya-jin."

"WHAT!?! I thought I told you to hide your powers!"

"I did. But they saw me before school when I stopped a bank robbery and then confronted me later. I couldn't lie to them. And they promised to keep it a secret if I teach them how to fly." Gohan says while thinking, 'Well I offered to teach Videl…but it will be easier if to get Kaa-san to agree to allow her to stay the weekend this way.'

"Well I guess I can allow that if it keeps him quiet."

"Thanks Kaa-san. So…umm…I was wondering of they could just stay for the weekend since we kind of live far away."

"Sure, but why don't you guys just stay at Capsule Corp. since Bulma, her parents, Vegeta, and I are going on a little trip for the weekend. Then you can just use the gravity room and you won't have to train outside."

"You're going on a trip?"

"Yeah, Bulma just invited me today. It's kind of sudden so I need to get packed since we're leaving tomorrow." Chi-Chi says while sitting several large bowls of food on the table before leaving to pack what she will need for the weekend get away.

Almost a half-hour later all the food is gone, having disappeared into the seemingly bottomless pits known as Gohan and Goten. After neatly piling the dishes by the sink Gohan goes to his room and rummages through his bag for the piece of paper with Videl's number on it.

• • •

Just as Videl walks back into her room after dinner, the phone on her desk rings. With a sudden rush of excitement, she runs to it and picks it up. "Hello?"

"Hi Videl. It's Gohan."

"Hey, what's up? Can I come over for the weekend?"

"Yeah, my mom said it's ok. But there's been a slight change in plans."

"What kind of change?"

"Nothing major. I'll tell you after school tomorrow."

"Ok. But you're still teaching me how to fly right?"

"Of course. I have to go, Kaa-san will start yelling at me if I don't study." Gohan says with annoyance clearly evident in his voice.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow." Videl says with laughter in her voice. "Bye Gohan."

"Bye." Gohan says before hanging up the phone and pulling out his schoolbooks.

• • •

That night, as they lie asleep in their beds, Gohan and Videl's dreams are much the same as they have been for several nights. The only real change is in the sounds emitted by the couple in the dream, for their names are now mixed in with the moans of pleasure that escape their lips.

So what do you think? I was originally going to do this story as a one shot. But it just keeps getting longer.

I do not know how many parts and chapters this fic will be when I eventually finish it, not do I know how often this fic will be updated.

Please review.