Chapter 1

"Welcome home, Detective Benson."
Olivia stared down the barrel of the gun, her heart sinking. Her gaze jumped from the gun to Louis, and then back to the gun. As she stared at it, she felt her in-control, calm demeanor quickly melting away under his cold, angry gaze. She glanced around frantically, looking for anything to help her; a phone; an open door; a gun. But there was nothing. Olivia gazed back up at Louis in disbelief. Her eyes were pleading, and she could no longer shield the panic and fear from her eyes. 'No,' she mouthed, shaking her head slowly and starting to back away. She knew what he wanted, and at the thought of it, all courage left her. She was trapped. She was trapped and both of them knew it.
Without warning, Louis grabbed her with his free arm and slammed her into the wall behind them. Her head hit the wall with such a force that she began to see stars, and as she slid to the floor he kicked her stomach, causing her to lose her breath just long enough for him to grab her hair and begin to drag her off into the bedroom.
Olivia's insides were screaming. Her head was pounding and she was seeing stars, but she knew she had to keep fighting. She cried out as her roughly rugged her hair, dragging her into the bedroom. She kicked and screamed, refusing to submit.
"STOP!" she screamed, thrashing around, trying to free her hair. "PLEASE!"
Tears threatened to spill over in her eyes, and her head pounded as he wrapped his arm around her middle and dropped her onto her bed. On instinct, Olivia rolled off of the bed and onto the floor. She tried to get up, but she was grabbed and yanked back. Louis smiled as he watched her writhe in his grip. By now, he had left his gun on the bedside table and had both hands holding the detective's wrists.
Wasting no time, Louis began to tie her wrists to the headboard with the electric cable he had brought with him. He straddled her and sat on top of her stomach, weighing her down while he bound her. Olivia's head was spinning, and it took her a minute to realize she had been screaming this entire time.
"Think, Liv," she scolded herself. "You're still in control. Get in control!"
Louis laughed as he finished binding her. He grabbed the roll of duct tape from the bedside table and ripped off a long strip. Olivia's eyes widened.
"Please, Louis, don't!" she begged. "Be reasonable!"
"Reasonable!" Louis scoffed, his grin growing wider. "We're beyond the point of reason, Detective." He leaned his face in so close to hers that she could feel his breath on her face. He smelled of alcohol and sweat. "You know you like it," he cooed in his low, raspy voice, leaning in closely to her ear. Without warning, he slapped the duct tape onto her mouth and brought his mouth up to her ear so that his lips nearly touched it. "You liked hearing about how I tied up that old lady, and how I forced myself into her. You liked hearing how I burnt her private parts, and how I branded her with keys, and how I made her do things that would make even the Devil himself lose his lunch." Louis began to kiss her neck, causing her to squirm and squeal in panic. He laughed again, and whispered triumphantly "Oh, Detective, we're going to have so much fun."

"Do it. Call her."
"She won't talk to me."
"She will, just call."
"You don't know that. What if she hangs up on me?"
"Then you'll just call again. Dammit, Stabler, will you just fucking call her already! It's not gonna kill you!"
Elliot Stabler dropped his head into his arms and sighed loudly. It'd been about a year since he'd left SVU, and what a year it had been. He'd been divorced, traveled to Europe three times, had won $10,000 in poker money, and had even dated a girl for three months before finding out that she had a secret life as a stripper. Elliot sighed again. Throughout the entire year, he'd never stopped thinking about Olivia. Not once. He missed her desperately, even after all this time. He only hoped that she'd felt the same way.
He stared at the phone in his hand.
"What if she doesn't feel the same way I do?" he whispered softly.
"She will," Alex Cabot smiled, patting his shoulder supportingly. "Just call. If I know Liv, she'll be thrilled just to hear your voice again."
Elliot smiled thankfully at Alex, happy that she was there with him. He marveled over how long it had been since they'd actually had a conversation; it had been by a wild stroke of luck that they'd even passed by each other today. They had just happened to reach for the same package of whole-grain bagels at the Mini-Mart in northern Virginia, and suddenly they were sitting at a nearby café, chatting and catching up. It was there that Elliot had confessed how much he had been missing his old partner, and Alex had been encouraging him to call her and tell her how he felt. He chuckled, looking back down at his phone. Taking a deep breath, he pressed the "call button" and at Alex's suggestion, put it on speaker phone. It rang four times before the other line finally picked up.

Notes: (crosses fingers and prays that the post-finale things isn't totally overdone)Gosh, it's been so long since I've posted on this site. So sorry if the format is wonky, a lot has changed and I'm not quite used to it yet. This story will most likely become M later on, fair warning, so hold onto your hats! :) Thanks for reading and please review; let me know what you think!