It's been far too long! This is the final part of the second story of this series.
Please enjoy! Favorite, follow, or leave comments/reviews if you'd like! :3
Oh what a special fruit it was! The next morning, Zoro woke up in quite an odd spot. He was no longer in bed like he thought he'd be. Instead he was in the bath tub!
What was even more comical was that Ace was sitting on his lap—staring at him with a goofy smile. Damn him! He must have planned everything that happened
yesterday! With furrowed brows, Zoro pushed Ace away. This tub was crowded enough.
"Ace, what are you doing?"
"Ahh, good morning, darling~" Ace teased while he shifted closer.
"Ace! Answer my ques—Mmm!"
Ace seized Zoro's lips into a deep kiss.
"Morning kiss." Ace simply stated when he pulled away and looked at a very flushed Zoro. "That's…that's not what I meant! Why are we here; in the bath tub?!" Ace
had a difficult time trying to explain why. "Ahh…you see…well…." Once Zoro realized this was going nowhere, he decided to just get out of there.
"Zoro….I don't know how to say this. I don't even know how this happened or when, honestly…"
Zoro moved Ace away so he could have enough space for himself.
"It's kindda weird, but not in a bad way! You're still you, you know!"
"I don't know what you're saying." Ace wasn't making any sense to him right now. He grabbed onto the sides of the tub and tried to push himself upright.
Nothing happened though. It was as if….!
"Zoro, don't move so much. Right now, you don't have-"
"MY LEGS!" Zoro shouted in horror as he finally saw the big picture. His legs weren't under the water….instead it was a fish tail that was attached to him! "Now, Now,
try to calm down!" Ace smiled and tried to make this situation seem better than it was. Zoro glared at him.
"Is this some kind of weird kink you have?!"
"As much as I'd love to dress you up in costumes….this is not what I have in mind."
"Look it's not that bad! I'm sure if you go find Luffy and the others-"
"Luffy and the others….I can't see them like this!"
"Ah, yeah, I'll carry you of course. I owe you and all-"
"No! I can't let them see me like this!"
"Zoro…" Ace tried to reach for Zoro's shoulder, but he resisted. This wasn't a laughing matter to him; he was really upset.
"I can't go back to the crew looking like this….how can I fight now?!"
"Zoro, I'm sure there's a way to turn you back…"
"What if there isn't?! What….what will I do? I'm useless like this…." The panicked and aggrieved expression on Zoro's face had stung Ace's heart. He never wanted to
see Zoro like this. "Zoro….Zoro…!" Ace called out to him, but he was lost in thought. He was wallowing over this. Zoro was never one to cry, but being in this situation
managed to make it hard to push back the tears that were bound to leak out of his eyes. Everything he had worked for—everything he held dearly—would be lost. He
closed his eyes to stop the tears in their tracks, but it didn't do much.
Moments later, he heard sounds of splashing water and suddenly felt a certain warmth envelop him. He opened his eyes and saw that Ace was the source of that
warmth. "That's right…Ace is here…" He thought to himself. He had nearly forgotten he wasn't alone. Ace's chest was on his and he could feel Ace's heart beating. It
was a slow and steady rhythm which calmed him down. Ace pushed himself onto him more and more until Zoro's back was against the tub as much as possible. With
his hands on either side, Zoro was caught—once again. Ace looked down into Zoro's teary eyes with his tender ones. "You're really silly you know. You're really silly if
you think you being in this state is enough to turn everyone away." Ace leaned down to whisper in his ear. "That's impossible, I know because I'm crazy for you…after
only having met you once." Zoro's heart started racing after hearing that. Could Ace feel it? How fast it's beating now? Zoro's cheeks turned a rosy color at the
thought. Ace noticed Zoro's flushed cheeks and smiled. He planted soft kisses on one of his rosy cheeks—dragging his lips over the delicate skin and making Zoro feel
hot. Zoro tried to end it and turn away, but Ace simply caught his other cheek and gave it the same treatment as the other one. He let out a small moan which
rewarded Ace's ears. Though he was feeling good, he still couldn't help, but find this embarrassing. He tried to push Ace away by making a small shove with his hand
on the other's chest, but failed. Instead, Ace held the hand in place with his. Their hands were atop of Ace's heart which was racing. Ace pulled away from Zoro's face
and looked into his eyes. It was as if he was trying to show Zoro how he felt right now; how much he was falling in love. Zoro couldn't take his eyes away from Ace's—
he didn't want to. He loved the way Ace looked at him. He had never been regarded in such a way. It lit a small fire within him. Their breathing had become quicker and
they soon grew impatient. Ace wanted to desperately crash his lips into Zoro's again and he did. This time Zoro did not protest. He had been caught up in the moment
and didn't want it to end. They kissed once more and Zoro felt like he had a fever. He moaned into Ace's mouth and let him run his tongue over his. Ace began to let his
hands roam on Zoro's body. He left a lingering heat at each place that he touched. Ace placed a thumb on Zoro's nipples and felt the hardness. He toyed with them
and listened to how responsive Zoro was. He ran his fingers down to Zoro's abdominal and traced the toned muscles. He felt them flex in-between his touches. Ace
wanted to go lower, but all that was left to touch was Zoro's new tail. "Hey…this might be weird, but…." Zoro had a glazed look in his eyes and missed the feeling of
Ace's lips already. "Where is—no….do you still have a…" Ace wasn't quite sure how to ask this. He wondered if he could even have sex with Zoro like this. Zoro figured
out what Ace meant and became annoyed. He was reminded of his current appearance and now had a new short-coming. "Is that all you care about?! How am I
supposed to know? I just woke up like this!" Zoro was right; they had other things to worry about. Ace slowly got off of him and stepped out of the tub. "You're right. I
forgot; sorry, okay?" Ace smiled. He didn't want to upset him; he was already stressed out enough. Zoro sighed and sank his head into the water to cool his head. His
tail was so large that it stuck out of the tub. Ace noted the strong-looking muscles that were under the emerald-like scales. Zoro still managed to look attractive even
like this.
"Do you think maybe you're actually part Fishman?"
"No way. I'm human."
"Then…you sure this is the first time this has happened?"
"Did you sleep well? You know…after we-"
"Yes!" Zoro blushed as he cut Ace off. He didn't want to hear it.
"Hmm…I don't know. Yesterday is kind of a blur to me. Of course I still remember the time I spent with you, though!"
Zoro thought about what happened yesterday. The restaurant Ace brought him to was fairly normal. He didn't get in contact with anything strange….
"Strange….strange…." Suddenly Zoro pictured the mysterious fruit he had gotten from that strange old woman. "The fruit!" He exclaimed as he rose from the water to
sit on the tub's edge. Ace had remembered the fruit. There's no way he'd forget it when Zoro went through so much trouble to get it for him. He didn't think it was that
significant though.
"We have to find that woman!"
"Zoro, maybe it was something else."
"What else could have made me turn into this?!"
"How are we supposed to find her, then? She might be gone by now."
Zoro's shoulders slumped as he heard this. This was a tourist town after all. Ace put his hands on Zoro's shoulders, "Hey, don't get so down. Maybe there's a catch…or
maybe it'll wear off. Did that lady say anything when she gave you that fruit?" Zoro thought back to what the old woman had told him. "She just told me that if you ate
it, you wouldn't have to worry about falling asleep all the time." "Anything else?" "…..she also insisted at first that I eat the fruit while you're around…she was crazy!
She called you 'hot', it was gross!" After a moment of silence Ace caught on to what was going on. This was all a set up. The old woman was probably after something
else. Why else would she tell Zoro to eat the fruit and then insist that it was for his well-being?
"Zoro, I think we've been tricked."
"Eh? Of course we've been-!"
Ace reached out to cup Zoro's cheek and kissed him. The kiss felt like it lasted a life time. Zoro thought he could hear his heart beat out of his chest. Why was Ace
doing this to him now? Zoro hadn't even realized when Ace had pulled away and started working on his neck and ear. He was so overwhelmed with pleasure he
couldn't keep up with what was going on. Having Ace's warm breath in his ear sent sensations throughout his body. He held onto the edge of the bath tightly in order
to keep him from falling. Ace's unnaturally high body temperature teased him. Every touch lingered for what Zoro thought was far too long. His body felt on fire. Ace
smirked as he teased him. He had to owe it to that old woman's trick. He never would have Zoro in his arms like this without it. Even though Zoro is not quite the Zoro
he's used to— he could get used to this aquatic fetish. He pressed his thumbs against Zoro's nipples and earned an automatic response. Zoro's chest rose in an
instant and a wanting moan escaped his mouth. "W-What are you...ahh...d-doing?!" Zoro was losing control of himself. "What do you think that fruit was for, hmm?"
Ace bit back at Zoro's bottom lip and seized him once more. "Aaahhh...A-Ace...!" Ace bit a little harder as he heard the noise of Zoro becoming undone. A fire was lit
inside of him as well. "Well?" The slight twinge of pain Zoro felt mixed with pleasure was driving him mad. He didn't know where things began nor where they ended.
All he knew was that Ace with him...and setting his body and mind ablaze. "To...To t-trick...aah...us!" The words could barely come out. Ace got back in the tub and
lowered Zoro back in the water with him. He positioned himself on top of Zoro's tail, where his lap would be, and started to feel something poke at him. The answer to
his previous question was right there. "The only person she managed to trick was you...you adorable fool..." Ace licked Zoro's lip and left soft kisses as he searched for
a way to get to his prize. Zoro felt Ace's hands roam on a rather sensitive part of his tail. "A-Ace!" he gasped. He could feel it. Ace was so close...so close to finding his
— "Ahh...haahh!" Ace found Zoro's erection under a flap of scaly skin which hid it. Once he pulled it up, Zoro's erection showed with all of its glory. The head had
become a flushed, rosy color which matched Zoro's cheeks and had already begun to leak some pre-cum. Ace began to stroke it slowly while listening to Zoro's wanton
moans and pleas. "Ace...Ace...ahhh...Ace!" Zoro licked his lips and brought his hand to his mouth to bite it to avoid being too loud. Ace took the hand away and kissed
it, "Don't hold back. I want to hear you...I want to hear how much you want me..." Ace kissed each finger as he continued to stroke Zoro. He was starting to pant now,
as well. His pants were becoming unbearable and he was in need of release as well. He guided Zoro's hand to his bulge. The slight sensation of Ace's bulge made
Zoro's heart skip a beat. This was happening again, it was happening. All he could do was moan as he looked away. "Zoro...Zoro..." Ace panted and pressed Zoro's
hands against his growing erection. "Take it, Zoro...take it..." Ace held his hand firmly and would not allow the other to pull back. Zoro continued to look away, he
continued to hesitate. "Zoro...mmnn...!" Ace rubbed Zoro's hand on his bulge. A few moments later, Zoro began unzipping Ace's pants. He slowly pulled the zipper
down and reached inside. Ace was so hard that it hardly took any effort to pull his erection out. Ace rewarded Zoro's efforts by rubbing the tip of his wet cock with his
thumb. Ace's warmth sent intense sensations through Zoro's urethra. "A-aahhhahhh—Ace!" Zoro moaned and this time it was Ace's turn to lick his lips. "Touch
me...stroke it for me, Zoro" Ace whispered mere centimeters from Zoro's lips. Ace's warm breath that teased Zoro's lips made him gasp and his voice quivered. His
heart was about to jump out of his chest. He did as he was told and started stroking Ace. He was amazed by how big Ace's cock felt in his hands. "This thing was
inside me...?" He thought. It all felt so unreal. The two began to move in sync as they were nearing their release. The sound of water splashing mixed with that of their
climax and everything seemed to fade to white. Ace had collapsed on Zoro while wrapping his arms around him in an embrace. The two felt more exhausted than usual
and slowly drifted off into a deep slumber. They wouldn't realise this, but the magical spell that was casted on them was slowly losing its effects. Zoro reverted back to
his normal form. Everything went back to normal—except for the newfound love.
Hours had passed and Zoro had woken up to find Ace all over him. He shifted in his spot and tried to wake the other up, but Ace was far gone. "Ace! Ace! Ace wake up
and get off of me!" Zoro became frustrated. How could someone sleep more than himself?! He unconsciously gave a small kick to Ace's side. "Ace! For crying outloud-
Mmm!" Ace suddenly woke up and crashed his lips into Zoro's. "Good morning," he said with a coo in his voice. Zoro couldn't help, but feel flustered already. "I'm pretty
sure morning already passed, now get off of me!" Ace wouldn't let Zoro's usual stubbornness faze him —he never really did. Zoro shifted again and tried to remove
himself from Ace's grasp. His legs buckled and made the water splash around them. Ace was the first to realise.
"You just kicked the water..."
"Get off me!"
"Zoro, you just KICKED the water!"
"Ace let me go al..." Zoro looked down at his legs and paused for a moment. He couldn't hide the sheer satisfaction and joy that was in his eyes. Ace noticed a glimmer
of light come back into his lover's eyes. "How adorable." he thought. He planted a small kiss on Zoro's lips and got out of the tub. "C'mon, your crew must be looking
everywhere for you. Get ready."
It didn't take them long to dry themselves off and get ready. Despite being happy he could go back to his crew, Zoro couldn't help, but put each article of clothing as
slowly as possible. He wanted to prolong his time with Ace. He often sneaked a peak back at Ace while putting his shirt on. Ace seemed calm and not bothered at all.
Zoro was beginning to wonder what all of this meant to him. Maybe Ace was just caught up in the moment. The time finally came for him to leave. He walked to the
door with Ace trailing behind him. He walked so slow, he thought Ace would notice, but they continued to make their way to the exit. Ace opened the door and smiled
at Zoro. Zoro wouldn't admit it, but he was indeed pouting. He stepped outside, but immediately turned around to face Ace. "How could you be so calm?! I'm about to
leave! Don't you feel anything...?" Zoro averted his gaze at the last part. He didn't want to look at Ace, to see his eyes—not right now. Ace grabbed Zoro's hand and
put it on top of his chest. "Does this sound calm to you?" His heart was racing—it was aching. "Of course I feel something. I feel so many things for you, Zoro. but I
have to stay strong because I know you will." Zoro turned and looked at Ace. Now he felt his heart race, too. "Don't doubt me, Zoro, it hurt, you know. I love you. If I
had the choice, I'd never let you go, I'd take you to my crew...but I know Luffy got to you first and won't have any of that." Ace pulled Zoro close to him and wrapped
him in a loving embrace. "But I also know that...I will see you again..." Ace gave Zoro a passionate farewell kiss. Time had stopped for these two as their body heat
fused once more.